Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 985 Saints rule the world

Chapter 985 Saints rule the world


Confucius said solemnly: "In ancient times, Shun plowed in Mount Li, and by the Tao River, he fished in Lei Ze. Yao obtained the sun from Ze, and raised him to be the Son of Heaven. He took over the government of the world and governed the people of the world."

"Yu has meritorious deeds in water control, and has both ability and political integrity, so Emperor Shun is said to be located in Yu."

"Yao, Shun, and Yu are all sage kings through the ages, and their good names have been handed down to future generations for a long time."

"Your Majesty's merits and virtues are comparable to those of Yao, Shun and Yu. If that's the case, why don't Your Majesty follow the example of the ancient story and ask the Emperor of Zhou to give up the position of Son of Heaven to you, Your Majesty? This is indeed a beautiful story!"

The officials in the court were very dissatisfied with Confucius's attempt to abdicate and restore the ancient system.

Before Qingji could speak, Yushi Zhongcheng Botong sneered and said, "Prime Minister Zuo's words are wrong."

"In my opinion, the husband's saying that Yao and Shun abdicated is a false statement, a legend of the superficial, and a theory of the humble."

"Don't you hear that Shun forced Yao, Yu forced Shun, Tang Fang Jie, and King Wu defeated Zhou? These four kings are the ones whose rulers were killed by their subjects."


Kong Qiu gritted his teeth angrily, stomped his feet and said, "Bo Tong! How dare you slander the eternal sage?"

"What evidence do you have to prove that Shun forced Yao and Yu forced Shun?"

Tang Fangjie and King Wu's defeat of Zhou were both real events that happened and cannot be denied.

However, Confucius has always advocated the restoration of the ancient world and the enlightenment of the people, so he admires Yao, Shun and Yu very much, so how can he tolerate Bo Yu in the court, talking nonsense in front of Qing Ji, and tarnishing the image of Yao, Shun and Yu?
"This is all my hearsay, and it may not be credible. However, the history of ancient times is too long. It may not be appropriate to only rely on some classics or unofficial history to distinguish whether it is."

"Yao's morality declined, and he was imprisoned by Shun. It is said that Shun released Yao in Pingyang. Shun imprisoned Yao, and restored Danzhu, so that father and son could not see each other. These are some unofficial statements. My uncle dare not slander the ancients. Holy King."

Bo Tong said angrily: "However, the great king's merits have spread all over the world, and they have been manifested through the ages. How can Yao, Shun and Yu be compared?"

"The abdication system is not appropriate now."

"Tang Yao passed on the throne to Yu Shun, and at the same time passed on the four characters of Yunzhi Juezhong; Yu Shun passed on the throne to Dayu, and at the same time passed on the sixteen characters of Yao and Shun, which has become the philosophy of governing the country since ancient times."

"If Emperor Zhou is to pass on the throne to the king, what can Emperor Zhou inherit?"


Kong Qiu was silent.

The sixteen-character heart biography, its content is: the human heart is only dangerous, the Taoist heart is only weak;

This is the sage's mentality handed down since Yao and Shun.

It is said that Yao had no written language at that time, and the truth was only passed on by word of mouth.

When Yao passed it on to Shun, he only said "Yu Zhijue Zhong", and when Shun passed it on to Yu, he added those twelve characters.

Later, it was passed down to Tang, King Wen of Zhou, King Wu of Zhou, and then passed down through the Duke of Zhou.

This is the great way for a sage to rule the world, and it is also the key to personal cultivation.

Now, if Zhou Tianzi gave the throne to Qingji, what can he pass on to Qingji?

The emperor of Zhou has nothing now, and depends on the state of Wu for food, clothing, housing and transportation.

A useless person, not even a mascot, let alone the righteous name of the emperor.

Wu Guo has long stopped coercing the emperor to order the princes.

"My lord, the sage rules the world, so the system of abdication is adopted and passed on from generation to generation."

Kong Qiu bit the bullet and said to Qing Ji, "The Great King is a sage, a sage king. Besides, the Wu family and the Zhou family have the same origin, and come from the lineage of the ancient father and father, and have a long history."

"It is not inappropriate for the king to take over the artifact from the Zhou family through abdication, and it is justified."

Looking at Confucius who was so "obsessed with obsession", Deng Xi, the Prime Minister of the Right, couldn't help but said: "What Prime Minister Zuo said is absurd."

"The present is different from the past, and the times have changed."

"In the ancient world, production was low, and people had to work together and distribute food equally to survive."

"Therefore, the second and third sons need to elect wise and just people as leaders to lead the people to resist foreign invasion, carry out productive labor and distribute food equally."

"Before the abdication system was implemented, that is, in the era of the Three Emperors, the blood succession system was implemented, in which the father died and the son succeeded, and the brother died and the brother died. The leader is generally a person with the surname Feng."

"In the era of the Five Emperors, the emperor gave way to people with different surnames and non-bloodlines. For example, Yao with the surname Yiqi gave way to Shun with the surname Yao, and Shun gave way to Yu with the surname Si."

"When Qi established the Xia Dynasty, the public world became the family world, and there was no such thing as the system of abdication."

After a pause, Deng Xi said again: "Prime Minister Zuo, with all due respect, Yao, Shun and Yu may all be virtuous people, but throughout the ages, can there really be such impartial and selfless people?"

"The story of Shun forcing Yao and Yu forcing Shun is difficult to distinguish between true and false. Today, it is necessary to bring out the events of nearly 2000 years ago. It would be ridiculous to bring up the old things again."

The "Feng Surname" mentioned by Deng Xi is the oldest surname in China.

The Feng family comes from the Fenglei Wang Suiren family, the father of Bao Xi, the first of the three emperors in ancient times. It belongs to the oral historical surname that originated from the Chinese civilization.

The Suiren clan established itself as "Feng", and his son Bao Xi was Fuxi.

Fuxi's surname is Feng, and Nuwa's surname is also Feng (they are brothers and sisters).

During the Fuxi period, for the purpose of marriage, there was a strict distinction between surnames and surnames. Clans with women as the center of inheritance were called surnames, and clans with men as the center of inheritance were called surnames——

People with the same surname but different surnames can be intermarried; those with the same surname and different surnames cannot be married.

The ancient ancestors used their surnames to make marriages, realizing the leap from ignorance to civilization.

People at that time took the animals they raised as their surnames, or the plants they planted as their surnames, or their residences as their surnames, or their official positions as their surnames...

Regarding the abdication system, Qingji is not too cold.

According to legend, when Yao was the leader of the tribal alliance, the Four Mountains elected Shun as his successor. After Yao conducted a three-year assessment of Shun, he made it a matter of helping him.

After Yao's death, Shun succeeded to the throne, using the same method of election, and after passing the test of water control, Yu was the successor.

After Yu succeeded to the throne, he named Gaotao as his successor. After Gaotao died early, he took Boyi as his successor. In the end, the clan embraced Yu's son Qi as king.

Not to mention whether there are "dirty" things in it, just like what Deng Xi said, it is out of date.

Qingji is a pioneer, how can he inherit the "destiny" of the Zhou family like the ancient emperors?
For legitimacy?

The abdication system in the subsequent dynasties basically consisted of officials in the court coercing the emperor to abdicate, and since the successor was a subject of the ruler, in order to avoid the infamy of "disloyalty", he used the banner of abdication to gain legitimacy.

However, Qingji doesn't have to do this.

He has unprecedented merit and fame, so why hide it and turn himself into a clown?
"There is no need to discuss the system of abdication."

Qingji vetoed it.

"Your Majesty, I think it's time to hold a Zen ceremony."

Wen Zhong said: "If you change your surname to become a king, to bring about peace, you should confer the title of Mount Tai, the father of Zen Liang, and the destiny is to be the king, so that all people can live, tell peace to the sky, and repay the merits of the gods."


Qingji nodded.

As the head of the Five Sacred Mountains and the number one mountain in the world, Mount Tai's status in people's minds is self-evident.

Historically, since Qin Shihuang, emperors of all dynasties were keen to enshrine Zen in Mount Tai, but unfortunately they did not have such high merit.

A shameless Song Zhenzong came out later, which directly lowered the level of Taishan Fengchan...

"As for the matter of the imperial ceremony, Wen Zhong, Confucius, Deng Xi, and Bo Tong, you and I will discuss it later, and it must be perfect."

Qingji thought for a while, then said, "The grand ceremony will be held in Jinling."

"Ah, this..."

(End of this chapter)

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