Chapter 986

All the ministers were quite puzzled, why did Qingji hold his Imperial Palace Ceremony in Jinling instead of Xianyang?
Isn't this seeking distance?

In fact, Fan Li, Sun Wu, Wu Zixu and others could understand the original intention of celebrating Ji.

Rich and noble do not return home, such as brocade clothing at night.

In Qingji's heart, Xianyang is indeed the political center and military center of Wu State.

However, Qingji's real hometown, his real hometown is Jinling!

Qingji is a nostalgic person.

Jinling (Wu County) is the land of dragon prosperity in Wu State, how can Qing Ji forget it?

He wants to bring this honor to the people of Wu County, and make his fathers and fellow villagers feel extremely honored.

It is true that this will be a bit extravagant and wasteful, and it will waste time, but Qingji thinks it is necessary.

"Your Majesty, if you want to enshrine Zen on Mount Tai, you have to go to Jinling to hold the Imperial Ceremony. I'm afraid it will be delayed and it will take a lot of time."

Wen Zhong said hesitantly.

"The widow is not in a hurry."

Qingji smiled slightly and said, "I am the lord of the world, and I deserve it. What is lacking is that I have not yet prayed to the world and formally ruled the world."


Seeing Qingji's attitude, Wen Zhong agreed.

Qing Ji sat on the Majesty's platform, looked around for a week, and said again: "Second and third sons, the widows, including Ju Yunei, ruled the world, and established an outstanding achievement."

"However, the honorary title of the king can no longer bring out the dignity of the widow and the difference between the great Wu."

"That's why, the widow wants to change the title of the king, what advice does the second and third sons have?"

This is a matter of course.

With Qingji's achievements, a mere "king" is not worthy of Qingji.


Da Xing ordered Yang Hu to compliment him: "Your Majesty has established unprecedented achievements, even the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors can't compare. If you don't change the title of King, you can't call it a success and pass it on to future generations!"

"Please come to the throne, Your Majesty!"

At this time, Kong Qiu was very active and said: "The king, the emperor, is the title of the master who surpasses the 'king'!"

"The emperor, the master of creatures, the ancestor of prosperity, is called the emperor because of his reproductive achievements."

"Your Majesty Yuji, why don't you proclaim yourself emperor?"

Emperor Wu?

This is a title that is understandable, but Qingji is not very satisfied.

Seeing that Qingji did not speak, Kong Qiu came up with another set of explanations.

"Great King, the three emperors and five emperors in ancient times, such as Xihuang Fuxi, Wahuang Nuwa, Huangdi Xuanyuan, Yandi Shennong, etc., were not real emperors, but only tribal leaders or tribal alliance leaders. Their titles of 'Huang' or 'Di' were added by later generations. .”

"The monarch of the Xia Dynasty was called 'Hou', the monarch of the Shang Dynasty was called 'Emperor', and the emperor of Zhou was called 'Wang'. Most of the previous princes were called kings by arrogance, and they respected the emperor of Zhou as 'King of Heaven'."

"There are the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, the Empress of Xia, the Emperor of Shang, and the King of Zhou. There is also a title of 'Emperor', which has never been really used. The king just happens to be called the emperor!"

Wu Huang?
Not bad.

"Your Majesty, I think what Prime Minister Zuo said is very true!"

Bo Tong immediately stood up and said with a flattering smile: "Since ancient times, the emperor is above and the emperor is below. The emperor represents the sky, and the emperor represents the earth. The heaven and the earth are the masters of all things."

"If the king is called the emperor, he is not only the ruler of the world, but also the son of heaven!"

"In ancient times, there were emperors, emperors, and emperors of Thailand. The emperor of Thailand is the most expensive. You can change the word 'king' to 'emperor of Thailand'!"

Taihuang is actually the "Human Emperor", that is, the legendary Taihao Fuxi. .

"This Emperor's name, Fuxi, has been used before, it's not good."

Qingji thought for a while and then rejected it.

At this time, Fan Li, the official censor, came out with a wat in his hand and said, "Your Majesty raised righteous soldiers, punished remnants of thieves, and put the world under control. The whole country is divided into prefectures and counties, and the laws and regulations are unified. This has never happened since ancient times, and the five emperors can't do it."

"My lord, the emperor is the sky, and the emperor is the earth."

"I think that you, my lord, have the virtues of being the three emperors, your meritorious deeds outshine the five emperors, and you rule over all things in the world. You can take the titles of emperor and emperor at the same time, and combine these two titles to be called 'emperor'!"


Hearing this, all the ministers couldn't help but gasped, feeling extremely shocked.

Fan Li really dared to say it.

Dominate all things in the world?

Isn't Qingji the Son of Heaven?
At best, he is the ruler of the world, how dare he rule over the things in the sky?

Bo Tong, who had reacted, immediately flattered and flattered: "My lord, you are the only king in the sky and on earth! The title of emperor should start with the king!"


Qing Ji gave Fan Li a very appreciative glance.

It was Fan Li who understood Qingji's little thoughts better.

Qing avoid arrogance!

He doesn't deny it himself.

Having accomplished such a great feat, Qing Ji should be inflated a bit, isn't it too much?

Therefore, Qingji pushed the boat along with the current, waved his big hand, and said in a loud voice: "From now on, I will be honored as 'Emperor', and I will be the first emperor of Great Wu and the first emperor of China, so I will be named 'Shihuang'!"

"Since the widow, the successor kings of Great Wu, the second emperor, the third emperor, and the fourth emperor... Great Wu has continued for thousands of generations, forever! For generations to come, from generation to generation!"

"Emperor Wannian! Great Wu Wannian!"

All the ministers knelt down one after another and shouted in unison.

They were not familiar with this change of words, so it was a bit of a mouthful.

Qing Ji's delusion about the line of ten thousand generations, even he himself knows it, is too nonsense.

However, this is Qingji's own dream and cannot be destroyed by others.

At this time, Kong Qiu stood up and saluted Qingji, "Your Majesty, I believe that the emperor is noble, and the first emperor is even more noble. From now on, the subjects are not allowed to openly call the emperor directly."


Prince Heng said a little dumbfounded: "Then what should I call it?"

"It can be called 'Your Majesty', His Majesty the Emperor."


Qingji nodded.

In fact, the title of Qing Ji was different at this time.

"Your Majesty" originally refers to the steps of the palace, and specifically refers to the steps in front of the emperor's seat.

In ancient times, when the emperor was facing the court, there should be close ministers standing in line on both sides of the "Majesty" holding weapons to prevent accidents and show prestige.

The ministers often could not speak directly to the emperor, but had to be conveyed by the guards standing by his majesty to show the nobility of the imperial power.

"Your Majesty" is the direct address of the subjects to the emperor, which means that although they are speaking to the emperor, there must be no lack of respect in etiquette...

Confucius asked doubtfully again: "Your Majesty, I have something to say, do you know whether to say it or not?"

"But it doesn't matter."

"The emperor is honorable. After the king, there are the second and third emperors, and the line of ten thousand generations. I just don't know if the emperor dies, will he have a posthumous title? I dare to ask, and I ask the king to forgive me."

"It's okay."

Regarding this issue, Qingji hadn't considered it well.

In ancient times, emperors had reign titles, posthumous titles, temple titles, honor titles, etc., which was very complicated.

In the later dynasties, an emperor may have multiple reign titles, and some emperors' posthumous titles are not usually long, smelly and long...

It is worth mentioning that posthumous titles began in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Zhou Gongdan and Jiang Ziya made great contributions to the Zhou family, and they were awarded posthumous posthumous titles after death. This is the beginning of posthumous posthumous law.

"My lord, I think that the posthumous title of the emperor can be abolished."

Bo Tong made an eloquent statement, saying: "I heard that there are titles in the ancient times, but not posthumous titles. There are titles in the middle ages. When you die, you should behave quietly."

"If that's the case, it's meaningless for sons to judge their fathers, and ministers to judge their rulers. It's also disloyal and filial. From now on, my great Wu can abolish posthumous titles, at least not to have posthumous titles for the emperor!"


Before Qingji could speak, Zhisu Neishi Zeng pointed out and retorted: "The posthumous title is the trace of deeds; the title is the merit of the appearance; the car service is the seal of the position."

"It is the great deeds that receive the great name, and the small deeds that receive the small name. Deeds come from oneself, and fame is born from others."

"The emperor is noble and has great merit. With his posthumous title, he can set an example!"

(End of this chapter)

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