Chapter 310 Difficulty
Compared with other people, Zhao Dieyi is like a dexterous little butterfly, shuttling back and forth among the flowers.

The first 2 minutes passed quickly.

More and more small iron stones projected from the wall.

Originally, these small iron stones only attacked from two directions, but now they added two directions again, and became attacked from four directions.

And the attack power of these small iron stones is getting stronger and faster, and the attack speed is getting faster and faster, so it is even more difficult for the candidates in the room to dodge.

Even Zhao Dieyi had to increase his range of movement again.

Originally, she only controlled the range of movement within half a meter, but after 2 minutes, her range of movement had exceeded the radius of half a meter.

And when it was almost 3 minutes, her moving range was close to a radius of about one meter.

Three minutes passed, which meant that she had at least passed the assessment this time.

But just passing is not her goal, she wants to achieve better results in this project.

"Come on, remember to save your energy, your blood value is higher than ours, you should be able to last longer, as for whether you can get full marks? That's not certain." Lei Ming said.

She felt that her physical strength was declining rapidly, especially the consumption of mental strength was also very high, and she needed to pay attention to these small iron stones around her all the time.

But the pain was so strong that she felt that her whole body seemed to have no strength.

After nearly 5 minutes, another candidate was eliminated.

There is a limit to human endurance, and it is impossible to maintain a peak state all the time.

"Hmph!" Zhao Dieyi snorted coldly, "Even if she surpasses me, her total score in this subject is still lower than mine."

Chen Yu in the other room was not so relaxed, and she had to increase the range of movement again.

His body assisted movement is very small, and the whole person is very calm.

"But Nuo Yao must be able to get full marks, he is a very terrifying genius."

"My qi and blood power is still a little weak. If I can break through the 40 qi and blood value, I should be able to hold on for about 1 minute."

Chen Yu shook his head vigorously, trying to refresh himself.

The 4 people representing the room have all passed the assessment, and the 4 people who participated in the assessment this round have all passed the assessment.

Her performance in the first 2 minutes.It is not weaker than the previous Zhao Dieyi.

"I give up!" Chen Yu shouted loudly.

"I wanted to hold on for a while longer, but the physical exertion is too great."

He knows that the more tense the environment is, the more prone to mistakes people are, especially the sensitivity assessment.

A crisp sound sounded, which was the pass notification sound.

"Boom boom boom!"

After 5 minutes, more small iron stones sprayed out from the wall. The small iron stones sprayed out from 4 directions originally sprayed out from 6 directions.

In fact, after 5 minutes, she was already moving her body with all her strength, and her speed had reached her fastest time.

As the persistence time gets longer and longer, the consumption of qi and blood becomes bigger and bigger.

And because the number of these small iron stones is increasing, and the direction of attack is increasing, she needs to think more and more, and the consumption of mental power becomes greater and greater.

In this way, 2 minutes passed, and more and more small iron stones sprayed out from the holes in the wall. The small iron stones that were sprayed out from two directions increased from two directions again, and changed from four to four. The direction is sprayed out.

When facing the terrifying ogre, the pressure was much greater, and he could bear it, not to mention the sensitivity test in front of him.

"I just went to the other three rooms to check, and Chen Yu is really good, and his performance in this project is not weaker than Dieyi." Lei Ming said.

Zhao Dieyi's moving figure is no longer so calm.

"This assessment item is really difficult." Lei Ming said with emotion, "I originally thought that Zhao Dieyi's should be able to get full marks."

"You lasted 7 minutes and 29 seconds."

The four candidates walked towards the sensitive room.

Seeing the assessment of so many people in front of him, he still has confidence in himself.

She felt that her hands and legs were starting to become stiff, and she was gradually unable to maintain her peak speed, so she had to slow down her pace.

"No wonder the teacher said that it is very difficult to get full marks in this project even if it breaks through the realm of senior trainee martial artist." Zhao Dieyi thought to himself.

It can be seen that she is really good at sensitivity.

Compared with Du Tong's assessment, she paid more attention to Chen Yu's assessment results.

Those small iron stones passed by her side, and she easily avoided them, and her movement range was not large, only about half a meter around.

"She has a lot of physical exhaustion, and she should be eliminated soon."

"Excellent, Dieyi, the assessment results of this project are very good, breaking the previous longest record, and more than two minutes." Lei Ming praised.

She is among the students who have been assessed so far.The one that lasts the longest.

"However, her energy and blood are much stronger than Dieyi's, and her stamina must be stronger, so she may surpass Zhao Dieyi."

This also makes him stronger and stronger, and his psychological quality is getting better and better.

"very good!"

But she still looked calm and relaxed.

She is still holding on.

Zhao Dieyi really felt her calf hurting, and her vision even became a little blurred, which was due to the exhaustion of mental energy.

"I don't know if Du Tong, Zhan Yu and the others can get full marks."

"It is much more difficult to get full marks in the sensitivity item than the previous two items," said Zhao Dieyi.

Originally, these small iron stones attacked from four directions, but after 5 minutes, two more attack directions were added, from the original four directions to six directions.

The sound was so loud that it made one's scalp tingle just by listening to it, and the pressure felt by the two candidates in the room was even greater.

She was actually not satisfied with her result. She thought she could last at least a few minutes, but when she came to the room for the assessment, she realized that the assessment item was far more difficult than she had predicted.

The whole room became much quieter.

When she persisted for almost 5 minutes, her moving range had exceeded one meter.

And it's not just the direction of attack that has increased, the attack power of these small iron stones has increased again, and their attack speed has also become faster and faster.

Zhao Dieyi stood up with difficulty and limped out of the room.

"It is estimated that she can hold on for more than 7 minutes."

"Finally it's my turn. I'll try my best. Maybe I can hold on for 10 minutes." Du Tong said eagerly.

The small iron stones are constantly attacking from 6 directions. She needs to think about the direction of these small iron stones attacking, where they land, and where she is moving.

Although Zhao Dieyi's body control and sensitivity are very strong, his endurance is actually a little worse than that of Lei Ming and the others.

"I only lasted for more than 7 minutes. It seems that I overestimated myself." Zhao Dieyi showed a wry smile on his face.

His speed had already reached his limit, and his energy consumption was also increasing.

She felt her vitality drain rapidly.

At this time, Chen Yu's movement range has expanded by nearly one meter.

The time finally reached 8 minutes.

It was obvious that she was still very relaxed.

"You have Chen Yu in this round. Chen Yu's Qi and blood value is close to 50. Girls' body sensitivity is generally better than boys'. She should be able to get good results in this event."

After all, they have experienced many battles together, including life-and-death battles with ogres. They were almost killed several times, but they still persisted.

When the time reached 7 minutes and 21 seconds, a small iron stone hit her leg.

Du Tong still seemed very calm, he even still controlled his body, moving within a range of about half a meter, but the range of his body movement became larger.

And after 8 minutes, the difficulty increased again. The little iron stone, which originally attacked from 6 directions, added two directions again, and became attacked from 8 directions.

"As for whether I can surpass Dieyi's performance, then I don't know."

"It broke the record, and it took more than 1 minute." Du Tong said.

"I'm so tired, my body is about to reach its limit!" Chen Yu thought to himself.

She has held on for more than six minutes.

Her moving range has also expanded to about two meters.

The catapult continues to start when it is stopped.

The constant use of her brain was rapidly depleting her mental power, and her vision became even more blurred.

As equally outstanding girls, the two of them did not attract same-sex attraction, but rather competed with each other.

She looked more and more embarrassed.

After the invigilator saw that the four people in the room were ready, he loudly announced the start of the examination.

A tearing feeling came from the back.

Her movement speed is much slower than when she first started.

The catapult in the room was instantly activated, and countless small iron stones shot out from the hole in the wall of the room.

It's been more than 7 minutes.

But what consumed the most was not the power of qi and blood, but her spiritual power.

This time Du Tong's name was read, and among them in this assessment, there was also a girl named Chen Yu with a blood value close to 50.

Moreover, the attack speed of these sprayed small iron stones became faster and faster, and the attack strength also became stronger.

His performance in this assessment item is quite good, even surpassing Zhao Dieyi, and he persisted until 7 minutes and 36 seconds.

"You are amazing, let's do it!" Lei Ming said helplessly.

Currently, only Chen Yu and Du Tong are left to conduct the assessment.

After another 20 seconds, the first person eliminated in this round appeared.

"The two of them are much stronger than me, and there should be some who may get full marks."

When he came to the gate, Du Tong put on the headgear that fit him, and walked to the middle of the sensitive room.

Feeling a tearing pain in her leg, she staggered a few steps and almost fell to the ground. When she stabilized her body, she was almost hit by another small iron stone. She knew she had reached She had reached her limit and couldn't hold on any longer.

Zhao Dieyi sat cross-legged on the ground tired.

"She persisted for 7 minutes and 23 seconds, she is still weaker than me." Zhao Dieyi raised her head proudly, a little proud.

Chen Yu had extended her moving range to two meters away, and her forehead was already sweating.

And the psychological quality is actually not weak.

By the time it got closer to 7 minutes, she couldn't keep up her top speed, and she started getting slower and slower.

At first, these small iron stones just sprayed away from two directions, but these small iron stones attacked with great force and speed, making it difficult for people to dodge.

So he tried his best to control his body, making the range of his body movement smaller, and keeping his body movement range within half a meter.

She knew she couldn't go on.

The small iron stone hit the wall and hit the ground, making a very loud impact sound.

She wanted to hold back the pain and continue.

Among the 4 people in this round, besides him who seemed relatively calm, Chen Yu in the other room also seemed very relaxed.

His body control ability is also very powerful.

The small iron stone hit the wall and the ground, making a loud crash.

Du Tong knew very well that he should not consume too much energy at the beginning.

After more than ten seconds, a small iron stone hit her back.

"I give up!" Zhao Dieyi shouted loudly.

"let's start!"

Just by hearing the loud voice, the audience outside the gate knew how powerful Little Tieshi's attack was.

"But judging from her current performance, she should not get full marks."

"Round No. 20." The invigilator's voice sounded again.

After Zhaodie finished the project assessment, two more rounds passed, and Lei Ming's name was also read by the invigilator.

"Boom boom boom!"

Once the consumption of mental power becomes greater, the state will drop rapidly.

The catapult in the room was instantly stopped, and the little iron stone also stopped attacking.

"Ding dong!"

When the time was up to 5 minutes, there were more small iron stones shooting from the wall.

At this time, Du Tong's movement range also expanded to two meters.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Dong dong!"

Standing in the middle of the sensitive room, he took a deep breath, and then tried to keep his mind calm.

The assessment was still going on, and there were other powerful students who entered the sensitive room later on. The strongest student's Qi and blood power exceeded 40, but he did not last longer than Zhao Dieyi.

The entire room is densely packed with small iron stones, making it impossible to see clearly.

You can only concentrate your full attention, but this consumes a lot of mental power.

Du Tong moved his body desperately, and racked his brains to think about the moving range of these small iron stones.Landing location or even your own hiding position.

After more than 8 minutes, he has exhausted all his speed and power, and his range of movement has expanded to the entire room.

(End of this chapter)

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