Chapter 311 Who Can Last Longer?

"The difficulty is really unexpected." Lei Ming said.

"At first I thought Du Tong would be able to persist for more than 10 minutes, but judging from the current difficulty, he should be able to persist for less than 10 minutes."

Among the four rooms, only Du Tong was still testing.

He felt that his mind was becoming more and more dazed, and his vision became blurred. He shook his head vigorously, trying to make his brain clearer.

There were crackling sounds in the whole room, and the force of these small iron stones was very strong.

"His blood power is still not enough!" Lu Yao said.

"Maintaining a high-intensity movement all the time, consumes too much energy and blood."

Du Tong felt that his mind could no longer control his actions.

At 8 minutes and 33 seconds, a small iron stone hit his shoulder.

Then, more than 30 seconds passed, and someone gave up and continued the assessment.

"Among us, only Lu Yao can get full marks."

"Maybe Zhan Yu can surpass him."

At this time, both of them have persisted for 8 minutes and 55 seconds.

After persisting for 5 minutes, his body moved a little more.

But it was just that little bit that made him almost hit by the little iron stone.

Two minutes passed, and more and more small iron stones were designed from the room. Originally, they only attacked from two directions.

His body control is obviously much worse than Zhan Yu's.

He seemed unhurried, but he was able to easily dodge the small iron stones attacking from around him.

Candidates in the other two rooms also extended the range of their footsteps to one meter, and Ishino even moved within a range of more than one meter.

"Ishino is not good at sensitive item assessment." Lu Yao said.

"Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be able to recover until tomorrow. This last assessment item exhausts your energy too much."

Ouyang Ming's Qi and blood power is much weaker than Shi Ye's, and his consumption is also very high.

He needs to save his physical strength as much as possible so that he can last longer.

It was only because he had broken through the realm of a senior trainee martial artist and had more blood points that he was able to persist for so long.

He was talking about Shi Ye and Ou Yangming, and the other one was too weak, so he automatically ignored it.

He already felt his calf stiffen.

Zhan Yu wasn't necessarily flustered either, for the first ten or so seconds, he didn't even move his footsteps, but relied on his body movements to avoid the attacking little iron stone.

"It's a pity. I thought I could still get full marks in this project, but I didn't expect this project to be so difficult." Du Tong said.

Although Du Tong's physical fitness is better than that of Zhao Dieyi and Lei Ming.

Time continued to pass, and finally reached 8 minutes.

"Understood!" Du Tong nodded.

"It's my turn!" Zhan Yu said to several people.

Originally, they attacked candidates from 4 directions, but now they added 6 directions, and they attacked these candidates from [-] directions.

The little iron stone at the beginning only attacked from two directions.

Now he feels pain all over his body, and he can't exert any strength.

Ou Yangming also controlled the range of movement within half a meter, which also seemed to be more than enough.

This made it even more difficult for the candidates in the room.

The three candidates who were among them faced even greater pressure.

Their range of movement has expanded a lot.

"I saw the performance of the other two people just now, and they were all pretty good, but Shi Ye looked like he was opening and closing, and his speed was not controlled, and he didn't seem to be very good at sensitive items." Du Tong said.

When the assessment came to the 23rd round, Zhan Yu's name was read out, and candidates in the same round as him were Ou Yangming and Shi Ye.

"After more than six minutes, my state continued to decline."

But he still controlled the movement range of his footsteps to about half a meter.

The moment Du Tong yelled to give up, the catapults in the room stopped and continued to activate, and Xiao Tieshi stopped and continued to attack.

Moreover, the attack speed of these small iron stones became faster and faster, and their strength became stronger and stronger.

"Three minutes have passed, and they have all passed the assessment." Du Tong said.

At this time, Zhan Yu was also constantly running around the room, and his energy and blood were running low.

"I'll go see the performance of the other two."

"Zhan Yu's mental quality is good, and his ability to withstand pressure is also very strong." Lu Yao said, "His sensitivity is good."

Even Zhan Yu has expanded the range of movement to about two meters.

"Ding dong!" A clear and pleasant voice sounded.

He was actually a little nervous, because there were two very powerful opponents in this round, and he didn't want to be eliminated first.

"After the assessment is over, you can take a pill." Lu Yao reminded.

Even my arms felt a little sore.

The time has reached 5 minutes like this.

"These three are actually in a round of competition."

But he has persisted for more than 8 minutes now. These small iron stones are stronger than those in the previous few minutes, and the impact on the body is more painful.

But now he has finally personally experienced the attack of the little iron stone, and you can feel how powerful this little iron stone is.

They did feel that it was difficult for them to concentrate. After all, their mental strength was constantly declining, and their brains were always thinking.

If they concentrated on looking at these small iron stones, they would already feel dizzy and dizzy in less than a minute, and some of them could not even see clearly.

And Ishino is one of them.

And Ouyang Ming and Shi Ye were already moving and running all over the room.

"Zhan Yu's strength is quite strong, but Ouyang Ming and Shi Ye are stronger. This Shi Ye should be able to break the previous record, or maybe he can get a perfect score."

After about 20 seconds, he controlled his range of movement within half a meter, and he looked very calm.

"Awesome, Zhan Yu performed much better than me in this round!" Du Tong said in admiration.

He didn't have much strength in the first place, and he didn't have much energy and blood left. After being hit by this small iron stone, he felt that the rest of his physical strength had been exhausted.

After the invigilator saw that the candidates in the four rooms were all ready, he loudly announced the start of the examination.

The small iron stones ejected from the wall increased again.

Now it's almost 9 minutes, and he can't control his body a little bit.

The four candidates in the room faced even more pressure.

In the constant thinking, mental power is also rapidly draining.

And Ishino's moving speed is very fast, looking wide open and close.

In fact, almost all the candidates gathered outside the room of these three people, and in the room of another person, there was no one outside at all, only the invigilator.

He is also the realm of an intermediate trainee martial artist, and his strength of Qi and blood is not much higher than that of Zhan Yu.

It's just that the body moves a little more.

"But it's only possible!"

"let's start!"

A tearing pain came from his shoulders. He already felt that his limbs were weak. After being hit by this small iron stone, he felt that his whole body lost strength instantly. This made him feel weak. His moving steps began to stagnate a little.

This huge force made him feel a strong nausea, and then the pain spread.

Knowing that the other two are still persisting.

He lasted for 8 minutes and 32 seconds, a little less than Du Tong's.

Both Ouyang Ming and Shi Ye's energy and blood power surpassed Zhan Yu's, and Shi Ye also broke through the realm of senior trainee warriors.

"My body is dying!" Ouyang Ming thought in his heart.

"Zhan Yu should be able to persist for more than 8 minutes, maybe he can persist for 9 minutes." Du Tong said, "His strength is a little stronger than mine."

"However, his blood power is much higher than others, which makes him able to persist for a longer time, but if he squanders the power of blood like this, he may not be able to Persist in this round longer."

After resting for more than ten seconds, he got up with difficulty and walked out of the room.

Shi Ye moved his body a lot, causing his blood consumption to be much greater than Zhan Yu's.

Zhan Yu walked to the location of the sensitivity room. When he passed the gate, he chose a suitable headgear, put it on his head, and then walked to the middle of the sensitivity room.

"Although I was controlling the range of my body movement and the range of my body movement during the previous period, my physical strength is still difficult to support me to persevere."

Everyone is guessing, which of the three can last longer, and also guessing whether anyone can get a full score in this round.

"Come on, Zhan Yu, the candidates in your round are not bad." Du Tong encouraged, "Come on, surpass them, I believe you must be the last one to come out."

His brain was constantly spinning, thinking about the attack direction and moving position of these small iron stones, as well as his own hiding position.

Ouyang Ming's forehead was already sweating.

This feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

The catapult in the room was instantly activated, and countless small iron stones shot out from the wall.

At present, he still does not change his face, and it can be seen that he is able to do a job with ease.

"You mean Ishino lasted less than 10 minutes?" Lei Ming asked curiously.

When he persisted for 8 and a half minutes, a small iron stone hit him in the stomach.

When he watched others conduct the assessment before, he felt that this small iron stone was very powerful, and it must be very painful to hit him.

Now there are three candidates left in the room, they are Shi Ye, Ouyang Ming and Zhan Yu.

"I think he should have no problem in this project for about 9 minutes."

"I give up!" Du Tong shouted loudly.

Now two more directions have been added, and it has become attacking from 4 directions.

After resting for 10 seconds, he left the room and began to watch the performance of the other two.

He could see things a little blurry.

His psychological quality is very good. Although the number of these small iron stones is increasing, they still don't have much influence on him.

The assessment of the last project is still going on, and it is slowly coming to an end.

The excessive consumption of mental power made him feel that his movements could no longer keep up with his thoughts. Sometimes he wanted to move to a certain position, but the position of his body was always a little bit worse.

And in the first few minutes, he didn't control the range of movement of his body and the speed of his feet, so his consumption was always greater than that of Zhan Yu and Ou Yangming.

The attack directions of these small iron stones also increased again.

From Lu Yao's point of view, Zhan Yu's psychological quality is far superior to most of the candidates, and his speed is also very fast. He should have some advantages in the assessment of this project.

"You are already very good. You have persisted for the longest time now." Lei Ming praised, "You have persisted for 8 minutes and 36 seconds, which is 1 minute longer than Dieyi."

Even the audience outside the door felt their scalps go numb just looking at it.

If there are really people who can persist for more than 10 minutes, it must be those candidates who have broken through the realm of advanced trainee martial artists.

"Now he doesn't have any interest in controlling the speed of his feet and the range of his body's evasion, so he must last less than 10 minutes."

Zhan Yu still did not expand the range of movement, even though the number of small iron stones increased and their strength became stronger.

After 8 minutes, the number of small iron stones ejected from the wall increased again. Originally, these small iron stones attacked from 6 directions, but now they increased from 8 directions again, and became attacks from [-] directions. .

"I feel that Zhan Yu, Ouyang Ming, and Shi Ye may all persist for more than 8 minutes."

But the consumption of his mental power is greater than the consumption of his blood and muscle.

Once this sound is heard, it means that they have persisted for more than 3 minutes and have passed the assessment of this project.

The range of Zhan Yu's footsteps has expanded to about one meter.

Ouyang Ming felt that his energy and blood were being consumed rapidly, and his spirit was getting worse and worse.

"It hurts! I can't do it, I've reached my limit!"

"There is such a possibility. After all, Ishino has broken through the realm of senior trainee martial artist. In terms of the strength of energy and blood, he will surpass other candidates. He is very likely to last for 10 minutes."

"I give up!" He had to shout out loudly.

The attack power of these small iron stones is much stronger, and their speed is getting faster and faster.

He collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath.

"Of course, he definitely won't be able to last for 10 minutes." Lu Yao said, "If he can control his movement speed and range of movement in the first few minutes, he may persist for more than 10 minutes." minute."

His mental strength is a little trance.

Both are holding on.

"It's been 9 minutes, it's been 9 minutes!" Someone said loudly.

They've all stuck together for more than 9 minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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