The first free king of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 286 Fight?What to fight?

Chapter 286 Fight?What to fight?

Li Shimin was very satisfied in his heart, according to what Su Fan said, this is called flattery~
"I have had grievances with Jieli for many years, and I have long known that although Jieli claims to be a hero, he is just a villain who is greedy for profit~"

"Natural calamities drive the desert away. It is not common for him to attack other tribes in order to protect his own tribe. Therefore, I conclude that Na Jieli will definitely strengthen Huihe and Xue Yantuo's slashing!"

Li Shimin paused slightly, waved his golden sleeves lightly, changed direction, and continued to walk slowly.

"Huihe and other tribes, although their strength is not enough for a country, but they coincided with natural disasters, and they were so powerful, how could they be allowed to be slaughtered by Jieli?"

"In order to survive, all the tribes must be jealous. Once they take the risk and get together, then Xieli will have to be careful!"

"And I have probably calculated it. Even if Huihe wants to unite with other tribes and win Jieli, that is just a whimsical idea."

"Therefore, I conclude that Huihe's wish can be preserved, and even if he can retreat safely in the end, he will definitely ask my Tang Dynasty for help in the near future!"

In the court, no matter the old, middle-aged, or the cautious young people, they all sighed wildly in their hearts!

Your Majesty is really so resourceful?
But Li Jing, Li Ji and other generals were all dumbfounded.

How come His Majesty's wisdom has become so advanced without knowing it?

See Weizhi's works!Mingjue Wanli~
Seeing the shocked, admiring, and puzzled gazes of His Highness one after another, Li Shimin was quite satisfied.

Ever since I got Tang Sufan, I've become more and more happy to go to court~
"Report!!!! There are reports at the border!"

At this time, a riding captain was brought into the hall.

Immediately the officials were in awe!

Is it possible that the border rebellion will not happen at this time?
All the people looked back one after another, only Li Shimin, there was a slight fluctuation on the corner of his mouth.

The chill on the riding captain's body still persisted, and he could even see the snow on the fur, and quickly moistened his chapped lips with his tongue.

Otherwise, you can't speak clearly, and you will be disrespectful.

"Report to Your Majesty, there is a report at the border, the Turkic military equipment has changed, flew away, and found that the Turkic defense line has retreated, and the side is retreating into the wild, and there is no more foreign invasion!"

"After investigation, there may be rebellion and civil strife within the Turkic Huihe tribe!"

Frenzy flashed in the captain's eyes, precisely because His Majesty ordered him to travel day and night, and thirty flying cavalry squatted alternately day and night to guard the daily situation of the Turks.

Now, thousands of miles away, His Majesty actually knows the situation in Mobei like the palm of his hand!

God help!

Hearing this, Li Shimin's figure with his back turned was as tall and straight as a mountain, and his mysterious temperament as deep as a mountain was perfectly grasped.

However, the corner of his mouth raised uncontrollably, and he quickly recovered.

That can't work, I'm an expert now.

It seems that the effect of Su Fan's wool plan is much better than imagined. As expected, with the word of profit, how can there be any alliance that can not be easily disintegrated by the word of profit?
For a while, Li Shimin felt that he had pretended enough, and turned his head with a calm expression, looking at the shock in the room, he felt a little flustered.

When the captain retreated, there was an uproar in the hall!

What you said just now has firmly confirmed the accuracy of every point His Majesty said!

Put it down, someone in the lively court hall suddenly began to speak!

"Your Majesty, I believe that if the Turkic civil strife is imminent, our army can send heavenly soldiers! Under the guise of Huihe's hand, the Turkic atmosphere will be disrupted!"

"Your Majesty, the minister has his roots, and the Turkic civil strife should be a great opportunity!"

"That's right, Your Majesty, this is a god-given opportunity, why not send troops to the Turks and conquer them all in one fell swoop!"

"Impossible! Today, our national power in the Tang Dynasty is not strong, this matter is of great importance, and we must investigate it carefully!"

"Your Majesty! If you don't accept the gift from God, you can't blame it. I think why not take this opportunity and go directly to the royal court of Mobei to take the shame of Weixue back then!"

Even Li Jing, who seldom speaks at court meetings, stood up directly and spoke seriously.

"My minister agrees!"

"My minister agrees!"

"My minister agrees!"


Above the main hall, the crowd was furious.

Even Wei Zheng, who usually avoids war the most, didn't say anything.

The main reason is that the timing is really good!
We can only teach each other the lesser of two evils!

Facing everyone's reaction, Li Shimin smiled lightly from the bottom of his heart, naturally he was already prepared.

Among the courtiers, those who are still arguing about not fighting are just a few pedantic masters, and among the rest, a kind of military general even speaks to each other, and it is almost screaming.

The old gangster Cheng Yaojin was rolling up his sleeves and spitting all over the place, arguing with several generals about who should go to war, but he was so blushing and thick-necked.

There is no way, now that the Tang Dynasty is in charge, and if you want to make other military exploits, the opportunity for the Turks is right around the corner. ~
Sitting on the dragon chair, Li Shimin slowly recalled what Tang Sufan had said to him before.

I still feel horrified when I think about it carefully. To wipe out a nation or a country is already... There are really too many possible ways.

According to what Tang Sufan said when he was drinking at Tang Sufan's place.

The Turks are fighting because of the biggest cold disaster and civil strife in history, and they will even use troops against the Tang Dynasty next year because of the competition for resources.

Now a 'killing sheep' has caused Turkic civil strife to this point. Could it be possible that this kid's psychological schemes and patterns can change the destiny? !

For a while, Li Shimin thought carefully and was terrified~
Even if the two meet each other like friends on weekdays, even if the two still decide on the status of a son-in-law now.

After all, Li Shimin is an emperor. This kind of penetrating power can even penetrate into people's hearts and human nature. Looking at the reactions of His Highness and ministers...

Li Er couldn't help but feel a little chill on his back~
After thinking for a while, Li Shimin just woke up. Fortunately, this kid is now his son-in-law...

Otherwise, if these people are against Datang, hiss~
"Your Majesty~"

"His Majesty!"


Li Shimin seemed to hear someone calling him in a trance, only to realize that the servant beside him was also reminding him.


Seeing the palace, His Majesty remained silent for a long time, and all the officials of His Highness called him.

Li Shimin came back to his senses, looked at the ministers who were still agitated, and couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

Pretending to be depressed!
With a cold glance, he waved his hand and said, "Hit? What kind of hit?"

Li Shimin's words directly froze the atmosphere of the entire court like a gust of cold wind.


For a while, the courtiers, no matter whether civil servants or generals, were not dumbfounded for a moment...

Your Majesty, what are you talking about!

What to fight?

Has Your Majesty lost his will?
That's Xieli, the person who humiliated you, Li Er!The person who beheaded your white horse in front of the army!The person who forged the shame of Weihe with you back then!
In the court hall, Li Er's words flashed everyone's waist.

Under the momentary silence, Li Jing came back to his senses and said: "Your Majesty...does Your Majesty have any good plans?"

Only he can react, Li Er is definitely the one who wants to kill Xie Li the most, and has had countless small meetings with him in the past two years.

Back then, Li Shimin established a strategy to attack the Turks within three years, and the first time he got the support of Li Jing.

And in the past three years, what Li Shimin has done to prepare, he can be said to be the clearest in the entire court...

Li Shimin waved his dragon robe lightly, pretending to be a calm, uncontested, detached expert.

"Hmph, fighting... fighting is just the worst method, mere Turks, why rush?"


(End of this chapter)

 Brothers, what is missing these two days, I will make up for it in the next few days

(End of this chapter)

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