The first free king of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 287 The Newspaper Now in Chang'an

Chapter 287 Newspaper Now in Chang'an ([-])

Merely Turkic?

The eyes of all the ministers jumped, Your Majesty...

Forget it, let's not talk about it, the current His Majesty is really different from before.

Now it's the heifer standing on his head, and it's awesome!

Li Shimin pondered slightly, looked at the faces of His Highness's ministers, and said slowly.

"Turkic civil strife, although it is a good opportunity, but! Invading a country, why do we need to fight? I have my own destiny. Love you, don't worry~"

"Dear dears, we will discuss this matter later, if there is nothing to report, then retreat to the court over there—"


All the ministers looked left and right, wondering what to do.

I can only watch His Majesty pretending to be a wave.

Maybe His Majesty really has a better way?

"Wei Chen retire!"

All the ministers saluted with great momentum.

The purple air comes from the east, and all the officials retreat.


In the court hall, different stories are staged every day, and in the past few days in Chang'an City, it seems that different waves are about to surge~
Today, except for those who have to go out to the streets to seek a living even in winter...

Suddenly, such a group of people appeared.

Early in the morning, these people began to flow through the streets and alleys of Chang'an City.

East market and west alley, no matter where, as long as there are people, they will drill.

And along the way, he yelled in a melodious tune.

"Sell newspapers~"

"Sell newspapers~ Two papers for one piece... Two papers for one piece!"

An old Confucian student, wearing a Confucian shirt, just walked out from the corner of Dongping Alley.

In this area, he is one of the best in terms of seniority and majesty.

Many neighbors in the neighborhood would ask him if they didn't understand anything or couldn't make up their minds.

He is a teacher of the school, a man of culture...

"Oh, Xiao Lang!"

The old man couldn't help being startled when he saw the 'Newspaper Seller' who had just come out of the alley and the paper in his hand!
So much paper!A lot of money!
After taking a look, it seems that there are a lot of words printed on it!This Xiaolang just holds it like this?

When I heard that Xiaolang yell, two cents a piece?
The old man stopped Xiao Lang directly without having time to think about it.

"Well, sir, do you want a newspaper?"

The newspaper seller was wearing a smart jacket, with dozens of newspapers hugging his chest, and he hurried up to ask with shrewd eyes.

The shopkeepers at the bookstore said that for every ten copies sold, they will get a penny or something... Oh yes, a commission!
And there is a basic salary of five Wen a day!More pay for more work, no upper limit~
As long as it is sold out, there will be branches in each square, and you can go directly to pick it up, which is very convenient~
"Don't worry, it costs two cents a piece. Our bookstore told me that the things written in it are different every day. If you want more, you can go to the bookstore and we will send it to you every day~"

The old Confucian scholar listened to the young man who bought the newspaper talk on the phone, but before he could react, the young man was already holding the newspaper, and continued speaking logically.

"Don't worry~ You won't be fooled if you buy it, and you'll suffer if you don't buy it..."

The Xiaolang who sells newspapers was used by someone, and he immediately felt the true value of the free training course given to them by the bookstore.

I feel like I've gotten a lot better with my mouth...

"and many more……"

The old Confucian student was a little annoyed by what this lively and talkative Xiao Lang said, he frowned and waved his hands.

"How about giving the old man a look?"

"Okay, take it~"

The old Confucian scholar took it slowly, and the thick feel of the paper startled him.

Before he had time to read the content, he asked in amazement: "Xiao Lang, this piece of paper only costs two cents? What kind of paper is this?"

It doesn't feel like rice paper, but it feels much better than rice paper.

He couldn't help but be amazed!
"Oh, that's right, it's only two pennies. Our shopkeeper said that if we dare to sell it too expensive, then our job will be lost forever~ Don't worry, we will never dare to sell it too expensive!"

Obtained by Xiao Lang's confirmation, the old man's eyes widened, and he was speechless in shock, not to mention that there were words on it.

Even if there are no words, this blank paper sells for two pennies!

That's a huge bargain!
The old man stared slightly, put away the horror in his heart, and slowly looked at the newspaper in his hand, preparing to read the content on it.

As soon as his eyes were fixed, he couldn't help trembling his hands.

"Third watch lights and five watch chickens, it's time for the man to study!"

"Black hair doesn't know how to study hard early, but Bai Shoufang regrets studying late!"

A black-haired man doesn't know how to study hard early, and Bai Shoufang regrets studying late!

"it is good!"

As soon as the old Confucian scholar read this poem, he just sighed comfortably,
Recently, Zhengchou gave the group of students how to persuade them to trouble their brains, but he didn't expect this poem to make him feel sad!

Afterwards, the old gentleman's eyes immediately swept down quickly!
The first page of the newspaper was an article written by Li Shimin himself. It probably said that the newspaper was run with the support of the imperial court and was used to disseminate some information for all the people in the country to know.

Not to mention the inscription written in the name of Li Shimin, but the manuscript written by Li Shimin was directly published, which is to put a layer of gold on Datang Daily.

This old Confucian scholar held the newspaper as if he was following an imperial decree, his face full of piety!
"Hiss, it turned out to be printed by the Holy Majesty himself!!! This!!!"

The old Confucian scholar was really shocked!

"Ah? What is written by the Holy Majesty?"

That Xiaolang scratched his head and looked suspicious, he was illiterate, he only knew that this was a good way to make money.

We have to take care of the things we have to explain to the boss~
The old Confucian scholar waved his hand, and said to him with an excited old face, "Xiao Lang, is it true that this newspaper is priced at two cents?"

He couldn't help but ask again!
After all, he believed in the handwriting of the Holy Majesty above, but this piece of paper is worth two cents a piece...

Then, what is behind it is thought-provoking~
"Yes, my boss said that this newspaper will always be worth two pennies. Of course, it may be worth one or two pennies in the future..."

"It seems that the boss has mentioned it, it seems that it is... well, the price of literature and knowledge...? Damn, forget it, the boss is a scholar, and we servants just listen to it and don't understand a lot of it. Already~"

The old Confucian scholar couldn't help frowning and asked: "Then who is your boss?"

"Our boss, uh, Ma Zhou!"

"Ma Zhou?"

The old Confucian scholar couldn't help but frowned, never heard of it.

"Then what's the name of your bookstore?"

"Oh, our bookstore is called Chang'an Bookstore~ This newspaper is called Datang Daily..."

"Is that so..."

The old Confucian scholar thought for a while, then quickly pointed and said: "Well, the old man, I have ordered this newspaper. I will live in the back east corner of this alley, right there. Check it out. From now on, the old man will want newspapers every day!"

"Okay, old man, don't worry, I will definitely send it to you every morning!"

The newspaper seller suddenly beamed with joy, he didn't expect to receive a big order so soon~
After the two talked, the old man was holding a newspaper in his hand and was about to go to the school in Fangshi.

And the newspaper seller is of course going to continue to start a business and make money to be well-off~
As soon as the two separated, the old Confucian scholar spread out the newspaper and began to read it with wide eyes.

The first thing written above is the situation of Datang disaster relief.

In the territory of the Tang Dynasty above, the situation of each state can be seen at a glance.

People have to be horrified, outside of Chang'an, there are starvation everywhere!

In addition, some political affairs of the Tang Dynasty can be seen in two or three shades.

There are also some anecdotes about people's livelihood. Compared with the political affairs in the previous typesetting, they are less serious and more aware of public opinion, which makes people feel particularly comfortable.


(End of this chapter)

 Thanks to Mu Chen's father for the reward~ Thanks brother!

(End of this chapter)

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