Chapter 411
Geralt, pawn!
At this moment, the first real combat power was buried in Ghidorah's belly.

At the same time of grief, everyone can only cheer up, the crisis of annihilation of the cosmic monsters is just around the corner, and there is no time to grieve.

The bombardment that had just stalled reverberated through the city again, as the humans tried to create opportunities for the others and the Titans in this way.

Raton, who had just left the entanglement with the crystal hailstorm, also returned to the battlefield. At this moment, there were traces of blue crystal covering all over its body. It could ignite flames when it flew, but now it could only release billowing smoke.

Raton's presence made the originally tilted balance even more serious.

Radon landed next to Ghidorah, bowing his body, just like he had seen Godzilla before.

But Ghidorah didn't look at Raton at all, it was still staring at the direction where Godzilla was knocked into the air.

Ghidorah has the ability to regenerate, but for some reason now, it has not dealt with the mouth of No. [-] on the right and the crystals in the mouth at all. Even though No. [-] has tried to release gravitational rays many times, it has not been able to break through the obstruction of the mouth crystals.

Raton's black smoke covered the entire city, and Godzilla slowly walked out of the smoke. Now its mood is exactly the same as its expression, very bad.

The battle started again, but whether it was the battlefield or the rear, the surrounding atmosphere and everyone's mood were not very good.

Clint looked at the big dragon hunting bow that Geralt had placed on the grass, and hesitantly took a step forward.

He had already packed his bags, and he just waited for the battle to end before returning to his home to enjoy family happiness with his family.

After all, in Clint's view, only his family is his everything.

But just now, Geralt, who was invincible in his eyes, was buried in the belly of the beast just like that.

That's Geralt who easily faced the Marquis of Hell, chatted and laughed with the Devil King of Hell, and killed the Devil King's son.

But he still disappeared, in front of such a huge monster.

Clint stared blankly at the big dragon hunting bow on the grass, and finally bent down to pick it up.

"Some things still have to be done. If you don't do them, no one will. Are you right, Geralt..."

Clint picked up the dragon hunting bow and walked in one direction, where Dach was already standing beside a transport plane waiting for him.

It was not only Clint who rushed to the battlefield, but also Thor, the god of thunder who couldn't figure it out.

Ross, who couldn't participate in the battle and could only return to the rear to command the battle, was pressing Thor firmly on the ground at the moment, and said: "Alien, you'd better give up your own ideas, your abilities will only replenish the monsters! Otherwise, I'll let you taste this!"

Ross took out a Taser gun and slapped it in front of Thor. The taste of the Taser gun made Thor swallow his saliva.

"I just wanted to help..."

"Don't make trouble, it's the biggest help. Didn't you see that even Ash hasn't used any lightning spells yet! Do you think your lightning is stronger than him?"

"I'm the god of thunder!"

Whispering about his identity, Thor obediently found a place to sit down.

At the same time, Loki, who was also watching the battle, carefully held the Rubik's Cube in his hand, ready to teleport away at any time.

"Aren't you going to open the portal? At this time, it should be the best time..."

The voice of the greedy man came from beside Loki, and when he saw the greedy man himself, Loki let go of his hand on the Rubik's Cube.

"And become a king without subjects?"

In Loki's view, the basic disk of the earth has lost its function, and a creature like Ghidorah is already comparable to the Ragnarok brought by the flame giant Surtur in the Asgard prophecy.

Even Earth does not have the strength to deal with Ghidorah.Summoning troops to come again can only be said to be adding food to Ghidorah.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, now is indeed your best chance..."

The greedy man looked at Loki, and after speaking pointedly, he walked into the darkness again.

Loki held the psychic scepter, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but in the end he didn't put his hand on the Rubik's Cube.

On the battlefield at this moment, Ghidorah's Kevin's head is facing Constantine and Midil in the sky, constantly spraying gravitational rays, so that they cannot intervene in the battle on the ground.

And No. [-] and No. [-] take on the important task of fighting against Godzilla.Two can no longer shoot gravitational rays, but it still has fangs for melee attacks.

Fighting and being attacked one after another, Godzilla can't handle it.He could only rely on his body to attack and fight, and Ghidorah did not give him the opportunity to use atomic breath, after all, it only had one mouth.

Raton, the twenty-five boy, interfered with Shanalot and Ash in the sky. As long as their treatment was interrupted, Godzilla would only be defeated by Ghidorah.

The greatest help humans can give is long-range fire support. Any approaching aircraft will be attacked by lightning from Ghidorah.

It is also unrealistic to drop bombs at high altitudes, and it may not be able to bomb Ghidorah and may accidentally injure friendly troops.After all, Godzilla is now the main force against Ghidorah.

Seeing that the situation is getting better and better, Erwuzi couldn't help but fly into the sky, as if enjoying the results of the battle in advance.

Shanalot's flying height is lower than that of Raton. While dodging, Ash on his back is still throwing a thunder gun to attack Radon.

Such an attack was too mocking, Raton stared at Shanalot below like a predatory falcon, but completely ignored the shadows in the clouds ahead.

Raton began a dive attack, except for the alien Ghidorah, no titan can surpass the flying speed of Radon, the king of the sky.

Raton folded his wings and would attack Shanalotte with precision.

Only then did Raton suddenly realize that there was also a butterfly-shaped shadow above his head.

Spreading its wings hastily, Raton rolled up the storm and tried to lift himself up. The result was like the first part of the cobra's maneuver. It left its soft belly to Mothra who had just arrived from the sky.

Mothra's tail thorn aimed at Raton, as if Raton directly hit him.

Raton was completely pierced, and it still wanted to fly away with its wings, but the crystals on its body had long made it unbearable, and the attack at this moment made it even unable to lift its wings.

Mothra's tail thorn ruthlessly stirred in Raton's body, and then let it fall freely to the ground.

Shanalot looked at Mothra who appeared, and made a beeping sound to communicate with him. Ash, who communicated with Shanalot, also felt the warm maternal nature of Mothra.

Mothra is as warm as a mother to Shanalotte.

'Short for a generation somehow? '

Shanalot shook her body, making Ash think about the strategy later.

"We can do this, this, and this... You can communicate with Mothra, and I will tell Constantine..."

On the ground, Godzilla also felt the coming of Mothra, after all, the king and queen are always one.

But Ghidorah is not necessarily the case, as long as Godzilla is killed in front of him, it will be the new master!
Mothra's voice came from the sky. It spread its wings and slowly landed on Godzilla's back.

Its huge chest cavity can emit a kind of beta bio-light wave, and the light wave is projected onto the wings with complex structure, becoming a dazzling "holy light" weapon.

So now Ghidorah is like fighting Godzilla with two huge searchlights.

Godzilla, who was carrying Mothra on his back, slowly backed away until he passed the newly dead male and female Muto.

Such a situation will only make Ghidorah think that Godzilla is escaping, and it will naturally not let go of this opportunity, and will only pursue Godzilla closely.

Just when Ghidorah followed Godzilla's footsteps and stepped on the bodies of the two Mutos, the plan had achieved its goal.

With Shanalot's cooperation and blessing, Ash used the angel beam of light.

The original angel beam of light only covered a small area centered on the caster, but now the indirect caster is Shanalotte.

The angel beam of light covering half of the city did not do much damage, but the repelling effect of the angel beam of light was like a cage, imprisoning Ghidorah in it.

And the next shot was Constantine, who was no longer harassed by Kevin.

Constantine was holding a short all-black staff tied with wet cloth strips, and around him were wet human figures crawling out of the deep, twisting and circling around Constantine.

After singing, Constantine pointed the scepter directly at the target below, the bodies of the two Mutos.

With the swing of the short stick, the wet figure swooped down from Midier's body, forming a huge magic circle under the two corpses of Muto.

With the formation of the magic circle, Muto's body became more and more unstable.

【Activation of the Dead: The Blasphemous Miracle of the Black Church of Londore.Can bestow blessings on corpses and turn them into dark bombs.In Londor, the country of wandering souls, the undead are the so-called people.Corpses are, after all, the product of incompatible living beings.Is it necessary to hesitate to give blessings to these corpses? 】

The resurrection of the dead, or the corpse explosion technique, was originally a spell used only for revitalization, but it showed its incomparable power at this moment.

The darkness erupted from the corpse, devouring everything around it, and the collision of the angel's beam of light with the darkness would only cause more violent explosions.

And Godzilla will not let go of this opportunity. Under the blessing of Mothra, it begins to oppress the atomic furnace in its body, mobilizes more energy, turns it into atoms, and breathes out.

The three-party attack reached its peak at this moment.Even with Ghidorah using all his strength, the gravitational ray was just drowned in the attack.

The atomic breath gradually subsided, the darkness gradually dissipated, and the angel beams of light no longer formed, leaving only the area in the middle surrounded by various energies.

However, within it, golden light flashed continuously, and Ghidorah's huge bat wings suddenly stretched out.

At this moment, Ghidorah is no longer as majestic as before. The heads of Kevin and No. [-] have been reduced to ashes, and only the head of No. [-] barely survives with bloody injuries.And there are various wounds on its body that cannot heal.

Seeing that Ghidorah was not dead, Godzilla was about to walk forward, but Mothra behind him fell powerlessly to the ground.

Godzilla, who was worried about Mothra, did not deal with Ghidorah immediately, giving Ghidorah a chance to go into the air.

Ghidorah flapped the bat's wings slowly, preparing to find an area to hide for a while, and it will surely return the king.

However, suddenly it fell to the ground, wounds began to appear on the abdomen from the inside out, and finally a blood-black slash opened it up.

(End of this chapter)

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