The salary king in the comics

Chapter 412 Anxious Stark

Chapter 412 Anxious Stark
In the office, Stark kept asking about the previous battles, trying to find some information that could distract him.

"The battle is like that. We joined hands to kill the monster called Ghidorah, and then fed the helper Godzilla a [-]-ton weapon. It's very simple..."

Ash said it easily, but Stark, who saw the video screen with his authority in the control bureau, only felt the oppression of the titan.

"And then? Didn't you say there are aliens behind?"

"Do you think that the troops and equipment gathered from half of the earth can't defeat those guys who rushed to the earth?"

"Eh... half the strength of the earth, is it considered Godzilla?"

Stark pointed to the video, where Godzilla stepped on a Zirita bioweapon, then breathed out and sprayed another one to death.

Ash lay on the sofa and said: "The earth is Godzilla's territory, alien creatures have appeared, and it must take action..."

"What about these?"

Stark showed the picture to Ash again, and it was the other titans who came to attack the Zirita together.Like a mammoth without a nose, a six-legged conch spider, and even an even bigger Muto Queen.They all join forces against the Chiritas.

"Godzilla is the king of monsters, the boss is on the move, isn't it fair for the younger brothers not to do it?"

"What about Thor after that? It is said that he was stabbed in both sides. Didn't the other Asgardians come?"

Facing the chattering Stark, Ash really couldn't stand it anymore, finally ended his free time in the battle, and had to deal with Stark's various problems.

Reaching out, he took out the pillow under his head and threw it at Stark, interrupting his questioning. Ash said: "What you want to know is in the intelligence records of the Control Bureau! You'd better calm down, anxious Don't pass on your emotions to others!"

Stark wanted to say something, but looked at Ash who covered his ears, and closed his mouth.

What is the fight of giant beasts, what is the attack of aliens.Can this compare to the outrageousness he has experienced?
For Stark, the things he faced were far from the battles Ash experienced.

Stark, who received the news that Pepper and the Fireproof Girl were kidnapped by Obadiah Stan and trusted by Ash, rushed to the former Marbury Beach residence as quickly as possible.

There, he saw Stan, who was wearing a huge metal armor, and Pepper and Fireproof Girl, who were imprisoned by Stan.

Instead of the Ark Reactor, Stan's armor uses energy crystals that emit this blue glow.

"Look at that! Tony, I can make armor without you!"

Stan showed off his equipment and pointed his weapon at Pepper and the Fireproof Woman behind him.

Stark hurried forward, but Stan's weapon aimed stopped him again.

Stark said: "Stan, I let them both go right in front of you!"

Stan exposed his head from the armor, looked at the anxious Stark and said, "Look! Smart Iron Man, didn't he bring his armor?"

"I don't believe you don't know that Jarvis is down. Without Jarvis's data link, I can't control any armor..."

Hearing this explanation, Stan waved the cannon on his arm and kept shaking it back and forth, which made Stark's heart twitch.

Stan said: "Who told you to put Jarvis's processor in Stark Tower... Fortunately, I have something to do with it there. But I didn't expect that your data backup is actually hidden in your own home before you can get it." migrate……"

Stan stomped his feet, exposing the floor of the mansion that had been turned into ruins, under which was Jarvis's data backup.

The mansion that had been turned into ruins was originally used as a cover, and no one would have guessed that there was Jarvis under the ruins.

But who would have thought that Stan would directly level A, he didn't know that Stark's mansion had been blown up, so he found Jarvis's backup by accident.

Stark took a deep breath, looked at Stan and said, "Let them go, I'll give you whatever you want..."

"Give it to me? The entire Stark Industries Group should be mine! Without me, would there be Stark Group today?"

Speaking of this, Stan became very excited, and the multi-barrel cannon in his hand began to rotate and warm up.

"Calm down! Calm down! It's all yours! It's all yours! I'm right in front of you, we're here to end everything. As long as you let them go!"

Stark opened his hand and leaned towards Stan.

However, Stan was unmoved and pointed the weapon aimed at Stark at Pepper and Fireproof behind him.

Stan said with a malicious smile: "I know that pastor is entangled, and there is only you and me here. Now let me see how you will feel when they die in front of you, and how will you follow them?" That pastor should go and explain!"

The cannon in Stan's hand was about to fire, and Stark had already reached out to stop the cannon in a panic. As a weapon expert, his mind was blank at the moment, he had forgotten the power of the cannon, and his body was blocked by the cannon. Per's front.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no sound of machine gun firing.

Stark, who had his eyes closed, slowly opened them, and saw Stan who had lost his mind.

When he turned his head, he saw only the flickering sickle phantom in the hands of the Fireproof Woman, and then Pepper's action of throwing a defensive spell at him. Before Stark could react, it was Pepper who greeted him. Touching hug.

No matter how he thinks, he can't imagine that this kidnapping is just the result of Pepper's plan to test him.After all, women will always think a little more when they have a result but not a title...

And until he returned to New York, he hadn't recovered from the shocking news.

"You know what? You won't believe..."

Stark muttered to himself, doubt and joy coexisted, worry and bewilderment coexisted, and Ash who was on the side couldn't help this complicated emotion.

Ash said impatiently: "Your daughter's name is Morgan. Don't bother me!"

"How do you know? I haven't told you yet!"

Stark jumped up from the sofa, looked at Ash in surprise, and instantly let his IQ take over the high ground, and asked, "How do you know it's a daughter? Pepper just found out that she was pregnant, and the B-ultrasound can't see anything yet. Physiological organs..."

"Oh oh oh! I forgot that you are a pastor, you have theological skills. Morgan! What a good name, just as I thought. Then, does Little Morgan recognize you as godfather? But Pepper has already convinced the fire girl.

Where should her elementary school go?Will she be bullied by others?Or should we have a governess, but won't that deprive her of the joys of childhood?

What about later studies?Should she go to college, Yale or Stanford?Maybe I should donate to each school from now on, and strive to leave a good place.But how could it be possible for my Stark child not to be admitted to university?
By the way, Ash, how about letting her go to the seminary?Anyway, with you here, maybe she can go to Lothric to study?Isn't there a child brought by Logan now?That way she won't be bullied...

Ash!Ash!Please speak! "

After the surprise, Stark began to chatter again.Ash next to him couldn't help but just want to cover his head with a pillow and suffocate to death here.

(End of this chapter)

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