Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 100 Where's My Italian Cannon?

Chapter 100 Where is my Italian cannon (first update, please subscribe, please support)
Mount Sodiers is more than 800 meters above sea level and is the edge of the Andes.It is a series of hills covered with green grass. In another world, this is the famous "Central Valley". It is the most famous grape-growing area in South America. Many well-known wine brands come from here.

And this is why the Chileans planned this place-the central valley of Araucania has extremely fertile land, and for Chileans with limited arable land, its temptation is conceivable.

This area, two months ago, belonged to the Mapuche people. They grazed here, planted corn and potatoes here, and the river water from the Andes Mountains provided sufficient water for this place. A fortress of Ishitoru was built, and a village was even formed around the fortress. In just two months, dozens of Chilean families arrived here, covered by the garrison in the fortress.

This method of conquering by the army, assigning land to immigrants, protecting the immigrants by the fort, and supporting the fort by the immigrants is the tried and tested method of conquest by the Chileans.Although this method of occupation is clumsy, it makes the Mapuche helpless - they can't even conquer a wooden wall, let alone such a "fortress" made of bricks and stones.

Standing on the edge of the forest, Chief Bagal looked at the fortress in the distance, his eyes full of helplessness. This land once belonged to his tribe, but it was occupied by Chileans two months ago. The existence of this fortress, Make it impossible for him to return to the land of the tribe,

Now the "Orchid Department" from the other side of the mountain gave him new hope.The hope of returning to the land where our ancestors lived and buried.

"Sir, look, there is the Devil's Fortress of the Chileans. Even the bravest warriors can't get close to it, and even if they get close to it, they can't break through the thick stone wall."

Looking in the direction of Bagal's finger, Zhu Xianhai was taken aback, blinked in disbelief, and then picked up the binoculars again.

"That's it……"

Along the way, he imagined countless times what the "devil's fortress" that the Mapuche people called fire would look like, and imagined how Chile used the fortress to push the Mapuche people into the valley.Now, when it appeared in front of his eyes, his heart was full of mixed feelings.

That's it……

This is also worthy of being called the "Devil's Fortress"!
Even the little devil's blockhouse is better than this, it's just a broken stone courtyard at best!

Not at most, but at all—a stone wall made of stones, behind the stone wall there are several stone houses and several wooden and stone structure tower posts.

This is actually a "fortress"... The so-called "fortress push" is this thing.Even the landlord's compound is better than this.

...I really look up to them!
Just like this fortress, we hit 20 of them a day...

"Second Battalion Commander, where is my Italian cannon?"

Italian guns, really no!
However, the "expeditionary force" led by Zhu Xianhai had four Armstrong cannons.

These four 12-pound Armstrong cannons were the "dinner" he prepared for the Chilean fortress.

The 12-pound Armstrong cannon looks "big", but in fact it is not "big" at all. It can even be described as light. The weight of this breech rifled gun is only 406.4 kg, and the caliber is three inches, which is 76.2 mm. .The effective range is up to 3100 meters.Its shells are separated from the propellant, and the shells include blasting shells with delayed fuzes, shrapnel shells, and solid shells.

With an order, the four Armstrong cannons opened up directly two kilometers away.

That is to say, rifled guns can be aimed at such a distance, and front-loading smoothbore guns can't hit so far, let alone aimed.

When the artillerymen pushed the cannons into the gun positions, Wang Decan had already led a company of infantrymen approaching the "fortress".

"Be careful, pay attention to concealment..."

As he approached the fort along the cornfield, Wang Decan kept reminding the soldiers to be careful.

In fact, they don't need to be so vigilant at all, because even if the Chileans find them, they can't help them. After all, their muskets have a limited range.Unlike European countries that have switched to a variety of front-loading rifles, the armies of South American countries have a variety of equipment, from the "Brown Bass" musket to the French M1842 "Migne" rifle, muskets accounted for the vast majority.There are even some equipped with older flintlock guns, while Chilean soldiers are basically equipped with British "Brown Bass" smoothbore guns with flash cap firing devices.

The accuracy of those muskets at hundreds of meters is absolutely impressive.This is even the reason why Zhu Xianhai dared to lead an "expeditionary army" of thousands of people on an expedition to Araucania-this is a technical crushing advantage.

Alfonso, standing above the stone castle, leaned lazily against the corner of the wall. Occasionally, he would cast his eyes on the surrounding fields—the corn in the fields was about to be harvested.

The corn was planted by the Mapuche, but as the owners of the fields changed, they became the owners of the corn.

"With these lands, Sofia will be able to give birth to a child next year..."

Just when Alfonso was looking forward to a better life in the future, Hansen suddenly said in blunt Spanish.

"Look, there, there are people there!"

While speaking, having participated in the Schleswig War, he raised his rifle and pulled the trigger toward the cornfield.

Gunshots rang out from the fort.

"They responded very quickly!"

Zhu Xianhai sighed.


With a single command, Armstrong's cannon roared for the first time in the central valley of Araucania.

The first test shot fully demonstrated the high precision of the rifled gun-accurately hitting the stone wall. With a "boom", a gap the size of a door opening was blasted into the one-foot-thick stone wall. In the violent explosion, fragments of shells and rubble flew roaring in the air and flew towards the surroundings.

"They actually have cannons!"

Alfonso yelled in horror.

The Chilean soldiers who had just been startled by the gunshots hadn't figured out what was going on, there was a dull whistling sound in the air-the small shells fired by the grenadiers might not be very powerful, but for the Chilean soldiers who had just rushed into the yard For officers and soldiers, it is extremely deadly.

"How could there be shelling?"

As soon as this idea came to Lieutenant Salas's mind, the shell hit the ground. In an instant, the yard was enveloped by continuous explosions. In the violent explosion, the fragments flew horizontally, and the whistling fragments were like twisted sharp blades. Shredded everything around.

Amidst the gunpowder smoke, there were screams of the wounded everywhere, and the bombardment from the grenades stunned dozens of soldiers in the fortress. They didn't even know the enemy was there, and more than half of them were killed or injured.


There was another loud bang, and the stone wall was blasted open a gap the size of a doorway.


Taking advantage of the time when the Chileans were dodging the shelling, Wang Decan rushed over with a Spencer rifle in his hand. As he charged, he aimed the rifle at the wall.

One hundred meters, but only a dozen seconds.After rushing to the wall, he didn't rush in, but threw a grenade directly.

With a "boom", he rushed in amidst the smoke of the grenade explosion, and pulled the trigger just as he saw the figure in the smoke.

For a while, the fortress was filled with gunshots and the shouts of soldiers. ,
Who are they?

Obviously not Mapuche.

It is impossible for the Mapuche to have cannons, nor would they have so many muskets, even the ones with bursts of fire.


In the choking gunpowder, Lin Dahai thrust his bayonet into the Chilean's chest. At such a short distance, bullets are not necessarily more effective than bayonets.

Bayonets, bullets, everything subverted their consciousness, and such a lightning-fast style of attack was absolutely unconventional.

Can war be fought like this? "

Lieutenant Salas, who was stunned, faced the enemy rushing from the smoke.Before he could figure out who the enemy was.He actively raised his hand.

"Surrender, we surrender..."

(End of this chapter)

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