Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 99 On the Andes

Chapter 99 On the Andes
When the Chileans were going to conquer the mountains of Araucania with fortresses, after ten days of traveling day and night, the reinforcements from Nanhua finally came to the Andes.

Crossing the Andas was no ordinary march, and the chariots that had crippled the Gaucho cavalry were certainly out of use.The mountain road can only be carried by human legs and mules.

It would be impossible without mules. The tribe at the foot of the mountain had already prepared mules for Zhu Xianhai and his party.

This kind of mule is a special product of Argentina. They don't pay much attention to feed and only drink water once a day. It is not a problem at all to walk 8 to 300 kilometers in [-] hours, and it is not a problem to transport more than [-] catties.

Of the 600 mules, only one-third of them rode in turns. Three hundred mules were filled with various supplies and ammunition, and the remaining one hundred carried cloth and other supplies. These industrial products were used to win over the chiefs. .

In Zhu Xianhai's plan, the future conquest of the Arauca region is not just the surrender of the chiefs, but also the way of cultural and economic penetration. By selling industrial goods that the Mapuche production level cannot produce, let the It gradually adapts to the modern business model, and finally integrates into the "Nanhua family".

The mountain roads in the Andes Mountains are steep, and as they gradually penetrate into the hinterland, the slope of the hillside increases, the path on the rock head becomes narrower and narrower, and the pits and valleys below the bank are terrifyingly deep.The mule walked cautiously.People lined up one by one.

"Doug, measure this mountain road."

During the break, Zhu Xianhai gave instructions to the accompanying map surveyor Doug.

"Don't worry, sir, I'm sure you'll get your money's worth,"

As an Irishman, Doug is always optimistic. Even if half of his family starved to death in the famine, it did not affect him. The value for money he said refers to a salary of 50 pesos a month.

"I never doubted it."

Zhu Xianhai laughed.

Staring at the steep Andes Mountains, Zhu Xianhai thought to himself that a railway to the Pacific Ocean must be built in the future.But before that, one must first master the mountain roads here, and the Mapuche people undoubtedly know these mountain roads best.After all, in the past hundreds of years, the Mapuche people living in the Arauca region west of the Andes Mountains have crossed the mountains every year to rob the Argentines in the Pampas.

They have already figured out the mountain road here.

The hillside became steeper and steeper, and the stones rolled under the mule's feet, forming a kind of gravel waterfall. Zhu Xianhai was observing the mountain road along the way.

Most places on this mountain road are spacious, and only a few areas are dangerous winding mountain roads.

"If the railway is to be built in the future, maybe we can consider the road we are taking now."


For Zhu Xianhai, what he has always been obsessed with is building a railway to the Pacific Ocean. Even though there is no railway in Nanhua now, the significance of such a railway to Nanhua is absolutely indescribable, even if it comes from the transportation of immigrants. That said, they are closer and faster.Of course, the more important point is to be able to stop the Chileans' ambitions for Patagonia and the Pampas.The railroads would link these maps together and give the Chileans an advantage over their attempts to go south or east.

"see it?"

Zhu Xianhai pointed to the most dangerous place on the mountain road and said.

"No matter how dangerous the mountain is, it's not enough to block everything. If we want to defend Nanhua, we need to add bunkers in the future!"

Zhu Xianhai said to Sun Hu in Chinese.

The railway needs to be repaired, and the fortress must also be repaired.After all, for Nanhua, Araucania, like the Andes, is the line of defense that prevents the Chileans from expanding eastward, and the Andes is the last line of defense.This line of defense must be reinforced with fortresses.

The next day, when they really got deep into the heart of the Andas Mountains, they were not far from the highest ridge.However, no matter whether it is a road or a small road, it is impossible to distinguish it at all, only to climb up the ridge step by step from the stone shell raised on the mountainside.

"How long will it take us to reach Arrogh City?"

Zhu Xianhai asked.

Arroco, the "capital" of Araucania, once belonged to the Spaniards, but the Mapuche never surrendered.It took them decades to force the Spaniards out of the city.The current city built on the top of the mountain is what they call the "capital".

"Five days, up to five days."

After thinking about it, Juan pointed in another direction and said.

"If we climb over that mountain, we can shorten the time by half a day."

long time……

Pursing his lower lip, Zhu Xianhai asked.

"Where are the Chileans now?"


Juan looked at Mr. Puzzled.


"When you came asking for help, didn't you say that the Chileans had taken a lot of the Central Valley?"

Looking at Juan, Zhu Xianhai asked.

"I want to know where the nearest Chilean is!"

That night, when Juan and others went to contact the nearby tribes and inquired about the whereabouts of the Chileans, they sat by the bonfire at the campsite by the lake and leaned next to the host, Sun Hu said.

"Master, I still don't understand."


"Master, you said that this is the second time we have helped the Mapuche people, what is this all about?"

Sun Hu couldn't figure it out, and Wang Gande and the others couldn't figure it out either.However, they are [-]% obedient to the boss's orders.

"That's right, it's nothing more than land."


Looking at Sun Hu, Wang Gande and the others, Zhu Xianhai thought for a while and said.

"The place must be in our hands. If others control it, it will affect our plan in Pampas."

Will Chile, which has occupied Araucania, allow Nanhua to expand in Patagonia and the Pampas?

This is an unknown, but there are some unknown risks that must be ruled out.For Nanhua, it is necessary to avoid the situation of being attacked by the enemy as much as possible.

"So, we sent troops not for the Mapuche people, but for ourselves. Besides... one punch will save you a hundred punches. This punch will not only hit them, but also beat them hard. , don’t beat them hard, they won’t have a long memory!”

Hit one punch, save a hundred punches!

Great men never deceived me!
Of course, it is not unheard of that a hundred punches won't break with one punch, but at least for now, Zhu Xianhai is extremely confident about the Chilean.

"Only by letting them develop their memory, can we sleep soundly and develop Nanhua properly!"

(End of this chapter)

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