Chapter 98 Is Cut Off
The more refreshing thing is probably the change in Nanhua.

With the arrival of nearly [-] immigrants, Nanhua, which has been suffering from a shortage of manpower, has finally entered a period of major construction.

In the following days, Nanhua developed at a speed visible to the naked eye. New buildings were completed every day, and tens of thousands of acres of land were reclaimed every day.

After the arrival of the machine brought by Buffett, it further promoted the development of Nanhua.The empty workshop was immediately filled with the machines he brought.

pharmaceutical factory;
More than a dozen factories, including the gunpowder factory, were put into production within a short period of one month. The factory buildings were all built in advance, and they only needed to install equipment and complete the training of workers before they could go into production.Among these jobs, training workers is the most difficult. However, as workers were trained one after another, Nanhua completed the transformation from an "agricultural city" to an "industrial city" overnight.

That is to say, when Zhu Xianhai watched Nanhua's changes day by day with joy, he devoted himself to the construction of Nanhua.The messenger who visited suddenly brought a shocking news.

"Are you really a bunch of idiots!"

Zhu Xianhai wished he could kick Juan away, what news did this guy bring?
"No wonder they said that you have no brains. You have been messing around for a long time. Are you really he..."

These Mapuche people really have no brains!

When he learned about the so-called "Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia" from Juan, Zhu Xianhai only had one thought in his mind.

"It was cut off!"

"Sir, this, this, the chief also found out that they had chosen a Frenchman as king when they returned to the tribe. Now, the Chileans are attacking Mr. Araucania. If you don't send troops there, then we're afraid It was very difficult to resist their attack."

Juan, who was afraid that the other party would not send reinforcements, said specifically.

"Sir, this time we brought 500 women. The chiefs said that as long as you are willing to send reinforcements, each Nanhua reinforcement can choose a woman from each tribe."


Uh... is this the condition you offered?

Looking at Juan, Zhu Xianhai had to admit that the terms they offered were very attractive.

After all, in Nanhua, there are more men than women!
However, thinking that Araucania had been cut off, Zhu Xianhai felt uncomfortable for a while.

Someone actually got there first!

This is simply extremely bold, he doesn't know, has Araucania been targeted by us long ago?

"Are you sure you want to send troops?"

Elizabeth asked.

"Araucania is at least [-] kilometers away from here, and we still need to cross the Andes Mountains."

Just the thought of his expedition to such a distant place made Elizabeth's heart clenched.

"There is no way!"

Zhu Xianhai said loudly.

"What the hell, why am I dealing with such a group of idiots? If their hometown is taken by the Chileans, they will definitely flee to the grassland. Although the Pampas grassland is big, this place cannot be named Mapuche Ah! It’s okay for them to come and rob houses in Argentina, but it’s definitely not okay if they stay for a long time.”

The Black Eagle Department of Chief Manuel Namonza seems to live in Patagonia, but in fact his hometown is still in the valley of Araucania.

"Besides, Araucania is on the verge of the Pacific Ocean. If we can control it, it is tantamount to mastering a road to the Pacific Ocean. If it is in the hands of the Chileans, it will not only block our passage to the Pacific Ocean. It also opened up their expansion east of the Andes, and we simply had no other choice."

In fact, in history, Chile did set its sights on the Patagonia region, but Argentina, which broke out halfway, made it difficult for Chile to move forward.

In the 19s, the Chileans wanted to re-expand inland to the east by occupying the Patagonia region.Compared with the Andes, the Patagonia region has relatively vast platform deserts and semi-desert lowlands. This terrain is obviously more suitable for extending inland.

However, Argentina, which has been independent for a long time, has long regarded the Patagonia region as its own strategic buffer zone. Chile has confronted Argentina several times, but in the end they all failed. possible.

At that time, Chile could negotiate with Argentina to resolve the issue of land ownership after being frustrated, but would they be willing to negotiate with Nanhua, or see Nanhua occupy Patagonia?
Zhu Xianhai pursed his lips, he never thought that such a thing would happen.

"It seems that you have already decided."


Zhu Xianhai said.

"It's not decided, but it has to go. Chileans"

"Then... can't someone else go?"


Shaking his head, Zhu Xianhai said.

"Araucania is the hometown of the Mapuche people. This time I went there, not only to help them, but to make them submit to me!"

"Submit to you?"

"Yes, yes, since they can choose a Frenchman as their king, then..."

Zhu Xianhai sneered.

"Then they must accept a new king!"

What he wants is not just the surrender of the Mapuche tribe, he also wants the whole Araucania!There is Nanhua's west gate to the Pacific Ocean!

In order to achieve this goal, he cannot let others do it for him.

Elizabeth replied, looking at his resolute expression, nodded and said.

"If that's the case, then you lead the troops there!"

Suddenly, she laughed again.

"By the way, my dear, where is that French lawyer who usurped the throne?"

When mentioning that "king", Zhu Xianhai laughed.

"What do you think? Do you think the Chileans will recognize this king just because he wrote a statement? What else can I do? I'll treat him like a lunatic and put him in prison."


"That lunatic has been deported!"

When the army crossed the Bío Bío River mightily, standing by the bridgehead, General Cornelio Saavedra Rodriguez laughed.

"I don't know if that guy is really crazy. He thinks that with a document signed by the chiefs, Chile can recognize his so-called "Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia". wishful thinking."

"That's why Your Excellency the President threw him directly into prison."

Major Carness laughed.

"However, thanks to that lunatic, we have a reason to tear up the treaty!"

"Yes, otherwise, I really don't know when we can tear up the treaty."

The so-called treaty of General Rodriguez, in order to conquer the Araucania region, from the Spaniards and the Mapuche fought three hundred years of war, but still did not conquer that region.

After Chile's independence, a treaty with the Mapuche recognized the Araucanía region as "Indian land",
But now the situation has changed. At this time, immigrants in Chile had already settled in the south of Araucania, and some immigrants even settled in the Strait of Magellan.But the Mapuche still occupy Araucania.The Araucania region divided Chile into two parts, so Chile was eager to conquer this land and connect the country as a whole.

But how to tear up the treaty?

"Who would have thought? When we were trying to tear up the treaty, last year, a French vagabond was elected king by the Mapuche chiefs and usurped the power of the Mapuche people, since that guy Announced the establishment of the so-called "Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia", then it is a matter of course that "the land of the Indians is no longer"!"

Complacent, as the supreme commander of this march, General Driggs raised his whip and pointed to the valley in the distance.

"Now, our goal is to conquer this land. First of all, we need to build the first fort here, and use the fortress to conquer the mountains of Araucania!"

 The fourth update!Ask for the first order!Ask for support!
(End of this chapter)

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