Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 97 Destruction is the most profitable business

Chapter 97 Destruction Is the Most Profitable Business
At night, after a lot of hard work, Elizabeth with disheveled hair lay on the bed, looked at Zhu Xianhai and said.

"I don't think it's necessarily a good idea to use a loan right now."

At the dinner table earlier, Buffett, who had just returned to Nanhua, mentioned using loans to develop the company to alleviate the company's insufficient funds.She, as the hostess, did not express an opinion, and only now offered her opinion.

"Oh why?"

"Honey, you have to know that in terms of Helen Pharmacy's profits, anyone would be jealous. Bankers are like this, and Buffett is like that."

Elizabeth's reminder made Zhu Xianhai shake his head and laugh.

"It's no big deal."

Taking a puff of cigarette, Zhu Xianhai said with a smile.

"A man doesn't care about loyalty. Loyalty is because the bargaining chip for betrayal is too low! As long as there are enough interests, it is enough to maintain his loyalty."

In modern society, Zhu Xianhai has seen too many intrigues. The so-called "loyalty" is often just a joke.

Buffett's loyalty... As long as the interests are sufficient, his loyalty will be guaranteed. Of course, he will also betray because of interests.

But, this is just his idea.

"Besides, I don't plan to use Helena as a mortgage. After all, mortgage it is tantamount to handing over the sovereignty to others. Those bankers are all cannibalistic characters, bankers! There are a few trustworthy ones, they are willing to give us a loan, maybe they still think about our Helena? Once the loan is used here, they will try their best to find a way to become our shareholder..."

With a sneer, Zhu Xianhai said.

"This time, I'm going to be an empty-handed white wolf!"


Elizabeth was puzzled.

"It's just not spending money, or using the least amount of money to exchange a loan, one million pounds or two million pounds, who knows? Maybe it will be several million pounds!"

Smoking a cigarette, Zhu Xianhai had a faint smile on his face. This idea has been formed in his mind for a long time. If it is successful, let alone a million pounds, even a few million pounds will be no problem, and those people will definitely compete for it. Grab the money and give it to yourself!

"how can that be?"

Elizabeth, who was still lazily speechless, got up and said in surprise.

"It's just a preliminary idea..."

Looking at the provocative figure of the woman, Zhu Xianhai stretched out his hand again.

"Then what are you going to do... um..."

The question in the woman's mouth turned into gasping, this night will be another sleepless night.


In the American company, Buffett can definitely be regarded as "hard work", and he must be a successful "super salesman". He opened the market for Liqing and aspirin.

Because Buffett's family is still in Buenos Aires.So, half a month ago, after he returned to Nanhua with a large number of machines after his journey of more than half a year, Zhu Xianhai often invited him to his home for dinner.

"As arms dealers, our job is to sell arms to the warring parties, whether it's the South or the North, and our job is to sell them as much explosives as possible."

At present, explosives are one of the first mass-produced products in Nanhua. The reason is that the production process is simple--with nitric acid, sulfuric acid, and glycerin, explosives can be produced continuously. Of course, diatomaceous earth is also needed. .

"Of course, the most important customer is the South! The South is the most important customer. Because the Confederacy's agricultural economy was largely unable to provide its army with a reliable supply of weapons. Ammunition, uniforms, equipment, and even food. So these materials are what the Confederacy needs, and they are also products that we can provide in the future."

What will be the economic driving force of Nanhua in the future?
Of course it is American blood... no, it is exported to the United States.

It's just a normal trade, at most it's a slap in the face, who doesn't like such a slap in the face?

War fortune!

Not only to send it out, but also to let the Yankee kill him a million and eighty thousand!
"It seems difficult!"

As soon as Zhu Xianhai finished speaking, Buffett said.

"My friend, I was in New York when the war broke out, and almost as soon as the war broke out, President Lincoln of the United States announced the establishment of a naval blockade of the secession states. We knew the deficiencies of the South, and Washington certainly knew the deficiencies of the South, They will definitely do everything possible to use the blockade fleet to economically restrain the Confederacy, thereby weakening the war potential of the South. Of course, the blockade in the North may not be tight now, but in the future, as the war continues, it will definitely become tighter. , even if we are exporting some supplies to the south right now, but in the future..."

Shrugging his shoulders, Buffett said directly.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to continue to earn this money. Instead, we might as well establish a good relationship with Washington and export supplies to Washington. After all, our explosives are not only needed by the South. The North also needs them."

Buffett's judgment is undoubtedly in line with the direction of historical development, but Zhu Xianhai doesn't see it that way, what money does legitimate trade make.

"Our products are needed by both the north and the south. This is our advantage, but..."

Zhu Xianhai laughed.

"We must see that as the war progresses, the tighter the blockade in the north, the greater the smuggling profits to the south. A tight blockade can allow us to obtain profits far beyond ordinary trade. Besides, Buffett, you want to Know that they can continue the war only if the South has sufficient supplies, and a qualified arms dealer is the one that can continue the war, that is, the one we want to do!"

Bai Duande in "Gone with the Wind" got rich because of the blockade in the north. As Buffett said, the blockade in the north was really useless at the beginning, but as the war continued, the blockade was gradually closed. tight.

Only a blockade can bring profits. Just like the "special state" in a certain world in another world under a special period, how do those so-called "groups" make money?
How did arms smugglers make money during the Civil War?
It is relying on the blockade in the north. The tighter the blockade, the higher the price of things, and the higher the profit!
Looking at Zhu Xianhai in surprise, Buffett said after being surprised for a while.

" seem to be making a fortune for the country."

Regarding his accusation, Zhu Xianhai said directly.

"For me, building a new country and destroying an old one are the most profitable business. Right now, we want to build a new country here, which is a business that requires a lot of money. The money comes from Where did it come from? There are many channels for making money, but no matter what channel, it is definitely not as profitable as destroying an old country."

Build Nam Hwa with earned money that destroyed America!

Is there anything more refreshing than this?
 The third update, today's update!Ask for the first order!A book friend group has been established: 335260551, everyone is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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