Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1284 Diamonds Are Persuasion

Chapter 1284 Diamonds are persuasive (first update, please subscribe)

In the Boer headquarters, Yang Hongqi said in a light tone.

"It has never been a simple war. It will be affected by many things. If Johannesburg is an inevitable place for South Africa, then Kimberley is an inevitable place for the British. General, now that we have surrounded here, the British will definitely Send reinforcements to rescue, all we need is to surround the spot and fight for help!"

"Wall around to fight for aid..."

General Louis Botha said.

"It's not like the Prussians surrounded Marshal Bazin during the Franco-Prussian War. Without your intervention, the French might have been defeated."

"No one is helping the British now, General."

Yang Hong lit a cigarette and said.

"Now, what we need is for the shareholders of Rhodes and De Beers to urge the commander of the British army."


Cecil John Rhodes was a predator, as is well known in southern Africa.Of course, this is also the fundamental reason for his success. He knows what the world is like: it is purely a jungle, and he himself is a black panther in this jungle.

From this point of view, Ross admired the "Evolution of Heaven" translated by the Ming Emperor very much, which was actually Darwin's theory of evolution. Although it seemed to introduce natural science, it actually talked about the basic operating principles of the world.

The world is a jungle. In this jungle, the jungle is the survival of the fittest.

Like all those who are plundering by nature, but he respects certain standards on the surface, but he dismisses them behind his back and tears them up at will. There is only one commandment in his life belief, and that is "profit first".

In everything, he will follow this law, which also makes him achieve his wish: he made a fortune, because he accounted for more than 30% of the shares in De Beers Mining Company, occupied the top office, he Many times richer than many so-called millionaires.

He had created a kingdom of diamonds and even dabbled in a kingdom of gold, but now it was all threatened, and even this threat would cause him to lose everything in the end.This is obviously impossible and will never be accepted by him.

It is also because of this that he came to the front by train—in fact, there are still several days away from the front, but the army led by General Paul Methuen is stationed here. When he got off the train, Rhodes went straight to General Methuen's headquarters.

When Ross arrived at the headquarters, there were soldiers running back and forth everywhere in the headquarters. They were busy with the things at hand. From their nervous expressions, it could be seen that the situation was not very optimistic.

After entering General Methuen's office, before Ross could speak, he heard what General Methuen said.

"Damn the Boers, they destroyed everything, the railways were blown up, the telegraph lines were cut, our soldiers and workers were ambushed, South Africa is full of Boers, our enemies are everywhere..."

When speaking, General Methuen looked at the billionaire who had just entered the door, and said directly.

"Mr. Rhodes, I know what you came to me for, I can tell you, I will definitely rescue there, but not now, now those damn Boers are attacking us everywhere, even the railway, the railway is destroyed Yes, it is my mission to support Kimberley, but if the safety of the railway cannot be guaranteed, it is impossible for me to get there in a few days.”

Of course, General Mayhew didn't do it on purpose there. What he said was the truth, and the fact is that the British are the enemies of South Africa as a whole.

"Not only that, but now our military strength is also very limited. Before our reinforcements arrived, there were 3.5 Boers and foreign volunteers on the battlefield, while we only had 2 people. Advantage. Mr. Rhodes, your mine in Kimberley is important, but I have to consider the whole war."

Facing General Methuen's refusal, Ross thought for a while and then said.

"General, when I came here, I hired the whole train, which was loaded with many guns and ammunition and cannon, in addition to the 800 mining company police brought from Cape Town. I will go to and Kimberley, Go there before the whole city is besieged and I'll die with my diamond mines, and if it's doomed, I'll die with him!"

"Mr. Rhodes, you are a respectable person. I don't think this is a good choice."

General Methuen said,
"Do you know why?"

Ross asked back.

"Because I know what that mine means. It is not only my diamond mine, but also many others. In London, many politicians, generals and nobles are shareholders of the company. If Kimberley is destined to lose If so, even if I am alive, I am dead, no one needs a loser..."

Staring at General Methuen, Ross continued.

"But, please believe one thing—when I die, London...the whole world will know that it was your poor aid that led to the fall of Kimberley!"

"What, damn it!"

General Methuen stared at the guy in front of him, what was he talking about.If all this happened, how could those dignitaries who suffered heavy losses due to the Boers' occupation of Kimberley let him go?

Taking money from people is like killing parents!

Is this damn guy threatening him?
"Are you threatening me?"

"General, I'm talking to you about something!"

Ross said directly.

"Of course, this is not an inevitable choice, general, now you can save that city, you can be the savior of Kimberley, and the company's shareholders are very grateful to you, believe me, they will be willing to thank you in any way ..."

While speaking, Ross took out a pink diamond the size of an egg from his pocket and placed it directly on his desk.


General Methuen looked at the diamond in surprise, and couldn't help swallowing.

"General, this is just my personal gratitude. After Kimberley is saved, the shareholders in London will thank you in their own way. General, each of us needs the help of some high-ranking people. They can let us go. Farther! General!"

Is this a bribe?
No, this is persuasion... As for diamonds and help, they are just "the price of persuasion". In this jungle, Ross knows what he should use to persuade others, and he also knows what is the most persuasive.

There is no one in this world who can resist this kind of persuasion.Ross, who has dealt with these people for so many years, is very clear about this.

He clearly knows what these generals and politicians desire?What they desire is not only power, but the ultimate goal of their desire for power is to get money.

"This, this..."

Faced with such persuasion, how many people can resist such temptation?
General Methuen looked at the diamond, hesitating there, as if he was struggling inside.

"This...for the benefit of the British Empire, I think...we should send reinforcements there as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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