Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1285 France's Position

Chapter 1285 France's Position (Second Update, please subscribe)
Almost immediately after General Methuen led reinforcements to Kimberley, the information was sent by the Boers.

Everything is planned!
However, only God knows whose plan this plan is in.

But what is certain is that at the beginning of the war, the Boers who took the initiative to attack took the initiative on the battlefield by virtue of their superior strength and excellent personal qualities, and inflicted heavy losses on the British in a short period of time.

Almost every day, battle reports from the front line were sent from the embassy of the Ming Empire in Pretoria to Zhongdu as soon as possible, and then delivered to Emperor Zhu's desk.

Regarding the war in southern Africa, Emperor Zhu can even be said to be more concerned about it than Queen Victoria of England.

After receiving the information that the Boers attacked in three directions and used Kimberly to lure the British to attack, Emperor Zhu applauded and applauded.

"It's the right way to fight the war. Surround the points to fight for aid, change from passive to active, and try to kill and wound the British's vital forces..."

While sighing, Emperor Zhu couldn't help thinking that in another world, the Boers seemed to be taking the initiative to attack, but they cared too much about going to the sea, and now it is possible for them to go to the sea Nothing, with your back against the empire, what else is there to worry about?

It may be possible to deal a devastating blow to the British army at the beginning of the war, but it is almost impossible to force Britain to withdraw from the war.

"The first blood of the British Empire has been obtained..."

While sighing, Emperor Zhu was in a complacent mood, and while complacent, he said to himself.

"The first step has been played, and the next step is to show the world the image of a responsible big country..."

Zhongdu is still the same as in the past, the flowers are blooming like a brocade, and the flowers in full bloom are blown by the breeze, and the air is full of rich fragrance.

It was at this time that French Foreign Minister Emile arrived in Zhongdu by airship. He was invited to visit.As soon as he disembarked from the airship, the foreign minister of the French Empire was surrounded by reporters.

"Your Excellency, Your Excellency, what is the position of the French Empire in the South African War?"

"Your Excellency, what is the position of the French Empire in the South African War..."


People seem to be concerned about the war in South Africa. At this time, during the visit of the foreign minister of the French Empire, the emir said sternly in response to questions from reporters.

"In this conflict, our position is consistent... We call on the UK and South Africa to return to the negotiating table and end their dispute through negotiations. We believe that although a big country is big, it should not be bullying... "

What they said was all diplomatic rhetoric. For Britain, this was a weak protest, and for a small country, it was weak support. Then, the emir changed his words and said again.

"Out of humanitarian considerations, France will work with the Ming Empire to set up a refugee camp in the border area between the Bechuanaland Special Zone of the Ming Empire and the Republic of South Africa. The French Red Cross will work with the Ming Empire Charity Federation and the Red Swastika Society Refugees do what they can - we believe that every life is worth saving in war."

This is also the image of a responsible big country!

It can be said that the French also know how to play the image card. Of course, this card was played with Da Ming. As early as the day after the Republic of South Africa declared war on the British Empire, Da Ming opened the border of the Bechuanaland Special Zone to allow refugees to enter for asylum. , and also set up a refugee camp for the first time, provided tents to refugees, and began to build simple wooden houses.

In a word, treat refugees as relatives. Of course, these refugees are only limited to Boers. As for their black servants, it is not within the scope...

Now France is just participating in it.Of course, this kind of statement from France is a typical French characteristic in the eyes of the whole world-as long as they can disgust the British and add obstacles to the British, they definitely don't mind. This is the habitual character of the Gallic chicken.

Even this visit, in the eyes of the outside world, is the usual style of the Gallic chicken-just to add to the blockade of Britain.No matter what the two countries are talking about, it will always worry the British. Of course, this is not the main purpose of this meeting.

The emir and the French diplomatic mission were arranged at the famous Peace Hotel. The empire attached great importance to the visit of the French foreign minister and made careful plans.

"My old friend, when I left Paris, I had just received an order from His Majesty saying that although Britain was determined to solve the Boer issue by force, according to the current situation, France had no other choice but to give moral support to the latter. Nothing can be done."

At the very beginning of the talks, Emil made his attitude clear.

Why does France have this attitude?

Because until now, that secret only exists among the royal families of the two countries. Before the time is ripe, Emperor Zhu and Napoleon V will not disclose the secret.

"Of course, our support to South Africa is moral support. Of course, this kind of moral support is not limited to blankets and food."

Zhuge Jun said calmly, without the slightest hint of disappointment on his face.

"Of course, France has always believed that the Boers...or South Africa is an independent country with complete sovereignty. It is precisely because of this that we have reason to coordinate diplomatically and give them some moral support. .”

Emir flashed a sly look, and said some answers that were not on the question.

But anyone can understand the meaning of his words. After one sentence, they will not directly support him, but what?Material support is not excluded.

A typical French characteristic-intention and courage. Of course, this is definitely not the decision of Napoleon V, but the decision of the French high-level.

"Of course, of course, we will all support them morally."

For this result, Zhuge Jun had already known in his heart that they would be the same as Daming.In this war, they will make wealth through arms smuggling and other methods.

For the French, there is nothing that makes them happier than to block the British.In fact, in Dali, except for the allies of the UK, everyone in the UK has this attitude.

But although everyone has this attitude, absolutely no one will take the initiative to challenge the United Kingdom.At least no country is willing to take the risk of war to offend Britain.

Emily nodded slightly.Laugh without saying a word.

"Then on the issue of South Africa, this counts as a French commitment?"

After thinking about it, Zhuge Jun said.

"Yes, we believe that the Boers are members of the civilized world after all. If the war continues, France, as a big country, requires the UK to abide by humanitarianism. Of course, our two countries should also reach agreement on certain issues."

"Of course, this is also one of the reasons for my visit to the empire. What else? According to His Majesty's instructions, we will cooperate with the empire in more aspects."

This is the real purpose of the emir's visit. The Ming Empire will cooperate with France in an all-round way. Of course, this kind of cooperation is also for preparing for war.

However, all this is unknown, even if they know, what they know is that France imported a lot of good goods from the Ming Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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