Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1290 Kajiu kills the rocket

Chapter 1290 Kajiu kills the rocket (third update, please subscribe)

"I will be the liberator of Kimberley!"

General Paul Methuen, who commanded the troops to rush to Kimberley for help, always had such thoughts in his heart.

Of course, after the siege of Kimberley was untied, what he gained was not only reputation, but also wealth, and the gratitude from the London dignitaries.

It's just that delusional people never know what will happen to them.

When General Paul Methuen was fantasizing about gaining wealth, fame, and power, he didn't notice that hundreds of red light spots suddenly appeared in the originally empty sky a few kilometers away, like shooting stars It seems that these meteors are different, and they rise from the ground with a stream of red tail flames.

They soared suddenly, and then made a "chirp" sound in the air, which was made when the "meteor" flew. Their trails disappeared in mid-air, and then flew in a parabola.

"what is that?"

At least for that moment, the dumbfounded people didn't react at all, they just listened blankly to the whistling sound in the air.


Finally, with a sharp whistling sound, meteors fell into the marching column.

What is "Kajiu Kill"?
In fact, it is very simple. It is an electric-start multiple rocket launcher. It will make a "click" sound when the launch button is twisted, and it will make a "chirp" sound when flying in the air. When it lands, it will naturally be a big Kill the Quartet.

Different from ordinary bombardment, the bombardment of "Kajiu Kill" multiple rocket launchers was like a heavy rain. In an instant, hundreds of rockets fell almost at the same time, and the continuous explosion sounded like a cannon. Amidst the violent explosion, the red column disappeared in an instant, completely shrouded in gunpowder smoke.

The lobster soldiers who were marching were blown up by the explosion. Before their consciousness disappeared, they even saw their bodies being blown into two pieces by the shells, saw their intestines thrown into the air, and saw themselves Like scattered balls of thread, flying in the air...

Hundreds of rockets landed on the marching column of the British army almost at the same time. In the continuous explosion, huge clouds of flames and smoke shot straight into the sky. In an instant, the plateau was turned into a sea of ​​flames.

And in this sea of ​​flames, death is everywhere. It seems that this group of flames is the flames spit out by the god of death, and it is devouring all the forests in it.


At this time, General Delary and his subordinates on the distant hills saw an extremely spectacular, but also extremely frightening scene. Hundreds of "Kajiu Kill" multiple-barreled rockets fell from the sky like a rain of fire , completely enveloped the marching column of the British army several kilometers away, and at the moment of the explosion, it seemed that the entire world was about to be destroyed, just like the coming of the world's end.

"My God! No wonder Captain Qian wants to use electric generators and launch them at the same time. This is the power of simultaneous explosions..."

Qian Mingkun was also deeply shocked by the scene in front of him. Although in the artillery school, the instructors told him time and time again that the power of the rocket launcher lies in the instantaneous intensive firepower, but at that time he did not clearly understand that even in the exercise I can't feel such an atmosphere, after all, exercises are different from wars.

He was extremely shocked to find that the entire sky was dyed red by red flames at the moment of the explosion, and the red sky seemed to be on fire, and the continuous explosion sound was accompanied by clusters of flames and black smoke clouds.

That piece of land has been completely shrouded in artillery fire, and there are groups of flames constantly blooming in the black and gray smoke from time to time. I don't know if they are detonated British artillery shells.

And for the people who are in the fire, what do they feel?
It is destruction!
It's hell!
In the choking smoke, those who survived only felt that they were in hell. On the ground, the injured survivors were crying there, kneeling in a pool of blood, screaming in horror.Many people ran around like headless chickens while screaming, and many people knelt on the ground and prayed for God's blessing.

In this purgatory, there are fragments of corpses everywhere, and there are bloody wounded everywhere. The living are running, and the wounded are crying and wailing in the explosion.

Claude stood there in a daze like a fool, the scene in front of him made him feel extremely fearful.

What is this place?
Is it hell?

Is it the hell described by Dante in the Divine Comedy?
Claude couldn't believe his eyes, the dense artillery fire far exceeded his imagination, how could the Boers have so many artillery, where did they get so many cannons!

Oh, by the way, it's a's a "Kajiu Kill" multiple rocket launcher.

However, why is it so powerful?
As for General Paul Methuen, he was also stunned by the scene in front of him.

"General, general..."

His adjutant yelled, as if trying to remind him what was happening now.

what happened?
No one knows that the last second they were still complaining about the scorching sun and the hard work of the long journey, but now they are accompanied by the god of death.

The violent shelling came quickly and disappeared quickly, but after only a dozen seconds, all the explosions stopped, and the wilderness was already a mess, with burning flames everywhere, and bloody corpses everywhere. , Wounded soldiers were rolling and screaming on the ground everywhere, looking like a tragic scene of the approaching annihilation of the sun.

The once mighty army disappeared, leaving only a group of remnants and defeated generals. At this time, suddenly, there was another whistling sound in the air.


It's a mortar, it's a field artillery!
Violent artillery fire swept across the land again, and the shells exploded around the survivors. Those who survived the rocket fire were blown into the sky, and the fragmented shrapnel broke their bodies and tore them. Flesh, the shock wave threw their flesh into the air.

Those British soldiers who had collapsed screamed and ran away. At this moment, they heard the sound of the earth galloping, and then they saw horses...hordes of war horses. Attacking, bullets roaring, sabers waving in the air, although the British fled quickly, although they always wanted to hide in the grass to escape the pursuit of these Boers, but the red uniforms on their bodies exposed their existence, those The Boers were like hunters, chasing and killing the fleeing British on this plateau.

In this hunt of hunter and prey, while the vultures circled to feed on the scraps of flesh and carcasses from the battlefield, a white flag was hoisted amidst the sound of gunfire.

"General, congratulations on your victory in this battle..."

When Qian Mingkun congratulated the "Lion of West Transvaal" beside him, General Delari said directly.

"Bazooka, we need more bazookas!"

In order to kill the British as much as possible, he needs more rockets...

No matter how expensive the rocket shells are, in his opinion, this weapon is extremely effective. As long as he has him, it is not impossible to win this war.

(End of this chapter)

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