Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1291 The Fall of Diamond City

Chapter 1291 The Fall of the Diamond City (First update, please subscribe)
November 11, accompanied by the defeat of General Paul Methuen.

Kimberly's last hope was dashed.

In the early morning of the 24th, with an order, the Boer army surrounding Kimberley launched an attack-shelling!
Heavy shelling began again.

Accompanied by the violent roar of the artillery positions.A series of large-caliber artillery rejoiced, and they poured shells into the Kimberley Fortress.

The artillery of the Boers was trained by the Imperial Attaché Corps and was equipped with 150 mm guns in addition to medium caliber field guns.

But the really deadly one was the Type 64 mortar. This super-caliber mortar was designed more than [-] years ago, in order to conquer the fortress.

Its shells are extremely powerful, with a total length of about 1.5 meters and a diameter of 330 mm. The shells weigh 300 kg, and the charge is as high as 200 kg!The blast diameter can reach 250 meters.On the battlefield, even the strongest fortifications can be easily blown to pieces!
In the past twenty years, it has destroyed the fortress of the Chilean army, and it has also blown up the fortress of the Turks to the sky again and again. Now, here, of course, it can easily destroy the fortress of Kimberley.

Although the Boers only had four 4-type mortars, when the heavy shells screamed and fell from the sky, they instantly blew up half of the fortress, and the violent shelling did not stop. At the same time, thousands of field shells, mortars The mortar shells rained down on the fortress.

For the British Army, which has never fought against a "civilized country" since the Crimean War, when did they see this kind of formation? You can learn from it.

And the deadliest thing was the whistling sound like a witch screaming every 20 minutes-it was the whistling sound of the 64-type mortar shell flying.Every explosion shakes the earth, and in the tremors of the earth, the seemingly solid fortress is like paper.

Many British people were buried alive in the fortress in such despair and fear.

After the results of the shelling on the first day, the fortress had almost turned into ruins. More than half of the British soldiers guarding the fortress suffered casualties.

Most of the artillery in the fortress was destroyed by Boer fire.

"The fortress can no longer be defended!"

That night, after inspecting the fortress, Lieutenant Colonel Randolph looked at the ruined fortress and said directly.

"Even Kimberly couldn't hold it. Under such fierce artillery fire, continuing to resist is simply..."

Before Randolph could even finish speaking, the witch's screams rang out again—it was the 64-A mortar that was angry.

In the next moment, a group of violent fireworks exploded in the fortress, and Randolph felt the breath of death in the shaking of the earth.

"Damn it, the Boers got heavy artillery from there..."

Of course he didn't know that it was a gift from the empire!
The empire is peace-loving, at most it just provides some weapons...

That night, when I returned to the city from the fortress, before Randolph calmed down, I received a telegram from the south - the reinforcements led by General Paul Methuen were ambushed on the way, and more than half of them were lost. Paul Mayhew Because the general surrendered.

Kimberly's last hope was completely shattered.

Faced with this news, Lieutenant Colonel Randolph made a decision-surrender.

However, when Lieutenant Colonel Randolph made this decision, Ross, the diamond king, still maintained his fighting spirit.

"Lieutenant Colonel, we must continue to fight. Now the whole world is watching us and watching this place, Kimberly. This place concerns the glory of the entire British Empire."

After hearing that Lieutenant Colonel Randolph wanted to surrender, how could Ross sit back and watch all this happen, he immediately argued.

"Lieutenant Colonel, although General Methuen failed, soon, the British Empire will organize a stronger expeditionary force to come here. Our reinforcements..."

"Reinforcement, where is the reinforcement?"

Before Ross finished speaking, Randolph interrupted him.

"Even before the reinforcements come, we will die under the fire of the Boers, everyone, and this city will be completely destroyed..."

When Ross still wanted to fight, Randolph said again.

"Mr. Ross, if it weren't for your ambition, this damn war would never have broken out at all. We were not prepared for this war at all. We were not ready at all. Our people are constantly dying here. These dead British, all because of your ambition!"

Facing such reprimands, Ross still stubbornly retorted,

"Lieutenant Colonel, you can't say that, you know, I have provided them with generous pensions!" After Ross arrived in Kimberley, in order to boost morale and inspire the courage of those people, let them protect his diamond mine , in addition to giving each soldier a bonus of 200 pounds, a pension of 500 pounds was also given to the wounded British soldiers, and the pension of the dead was as high as 1000 pounds. Both get an extra £300 bonus.

In this day and age, £1000 is equivalent to what an average British worker earns over ten years.If you put 1000 pounds in the bank, the interest alone is enough for the family to live a more comfortable life.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man.Faced with such a reward, the British army burst out with unprecedented courage, but no amount of courage could match the cannon.Although the temptation of money is full, the fierce artillery fire has successfully destroyed their morale.

Maybe Rhodes is a billionaire, but he is powerless to change the officer's decision.In fact, Randolph's decision to surrender was based on reality. They had stood here for a month, and the number of casualties had passed.

By that time, they will lose everything.

Now, while you still have the strength to defend, you can also talk to them about the conditions of surrender-for example, to preserve the property of the officers and soldiers. After all, Ross is still very generous. million pounds in bribes.Of course, they hope to keep this money through negotiations, instead of becoming captives after the collapse, not to mention the property becoming the Boers' property.

If Ross knew that it was his bribery that made Randolph and other officers decide to surrender, he would probably be pissed off.

However, Rhodes had no choice at all. Even before surrendering, he had to negotiate with Randolph and offered a bribe of [-] pounds, hoping to add him to the negotiation conditions-to save him from the trial of the Boers .

Of course, as for whether anyone would care about his fate during the negotiations, no one cared.After all, at this time, what everyone thinks about is always quality assurance, and for the Boers, the famous Mr. Rhodes is a big piece of fat, so how could he let it go easily?

The next afternoon, after receiving the promise that the property would be protected, the British army guarding Kimberley finally hoisted the white flag after 33 days of persistence.

The Kimberley, the 'City of Diamonds' of the British Empire, has fallen...

(End of this chapter)

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