Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 130 The Ambition of Farm Workers

Chapter 130 The Ambition of Farm Workers ([-]rd update, please subscribe)
January in the southern hemisphere is the hottest time of the year. For Chinese immigrants who are used to the weather in the northern hemisphere, the completely different climate makes them uncomfortable. After all, for thousands of years, they have long been accustomed to Nine cold winters".

It's like now, although it's the twelfth lunar month, it's midsummer.

At noon, the weather was [-] degrees. Although it was not as hot as his hometown, Li Lin was still sweating profusely after working for several hours.


Just then the captain's whistle sounded.

"Rest, rest, brothers, rest for half an hour, drink some water..."

Following the captain's shout, everyone stopped their work one after another, and everything here must follow the captain's order.

This is Nan Hua's rule.

Wiping the sweat off his brow, Li Lin raised his head and looked into the distance. At the end of the land, several steam tractors spewed black smoke, and Yanmas pulling double-shared plows in the field were struggling to plow the land.

"Third young master, look at how fat this place is!"

Sitting on the ground, taking out the smoke from the pouch and rolling a cigarette tube with paper, Liu San sighed as he grabbed the black soil on the ground.

"Leaving aside our hometown in Jinshan, I am afraid that even decades of muddy ponds and fertilized land will not be able to catch up with this kind of land!"

Looking at the endless prairie stretching thousands of miles in front of him, Liu San couldn't help saying.

"Third Young Master, tell me, can we really buy a piece of land here in the future?"

Half a year ago, after arriving in Nanhua, he registered on the pier like everyone else, then checked his body, took his temperature, and then took a bath and "disinfected" again.In the end, they were taken to a large yard surrounded by fences, which is called an "education camp for new immigrants".

The "New Immigrant Education Camp" is included in Zhu Xianhai's "Integration Plan" for immigrants, which is the first step for them to integrate into Nanhua.

After the new immigrants arrive at the education camp, they will be subject to militarized management. At this point, Zhu Xianhai and Li Fugui thought of the same thing—the somewhat iron-faced Li Laizi, after a large number of people were exchanged In order to facilitate management, he simply used the army's method in the management of the "waiting station", disciplining those people like managing soldiers.

This trick worked well. The new immigrants had already adapted to the semi-military management when they came to Nanhua, and they adapted to life here without much effort.In addition to working in reclamation areas and construction sites during the day, they also need to learn to read and write at night—this is the biggest difference in Nanhua.

Literacy and illiteracy are the first step in cultivating workers. In Zhu Xianhai's view, illiterate workers are definitely not in line with the development direction of the factory. Everyone must learn to read and write. Fortunately, the people in the Jinshan area of ​​Jiaxing are not low. There are thousands of people who have attended private schools, and there are even hundreds of so-called students, scholars and other "learned people".

Of course, no one here takes them seriously. Those "educated people" are just "literacy teachers" and get an extra two yuan a month in allowances.

Everything in the education camp follows the management of the military camp, from walking, to throwing garbage, to cleaning the dormitory, and even changing and washing the sheets.In short, the semi-militarized management in one sentence has regulated everything in Nanhua, making Nanhua look completely orderly.

Of course, on the other hand, immigrants are also full of expectations for their future.Except for some immigrants who are eager to become workers and earn more than ten or twenty dollars a month.But people are more willing to work on farms than in factories.After all, compared to factories, they are more familiar with farm work. Even if the planting here is dry land, it is also farm work in the field.And many people dream of owning their own land, so much land, the company will always rent or sell it to everyone in the future!

Liu San is such a person. Now that he is a farm worker, he still calculates how much money he needs to save and how long it will take to buy land every day.

"You have to have money to buy land, right? You still have to find a way to make money first."

"Make money?"

Liu San couldn't help being a little dazed, he really didn't know how to make money besides working.

"Well, how much money do you have to earn to buy dozens of acres of land?"

"Actually, it doesn't have to be earned."

Nunzui, Li Lin pointed to the security guard not far away and said.

"Like them, if you join the security team and serve as a soldier for five years, you will be given [-] acres of land when you get out, but..."

After looking at Liu Lin's body, Li Lin smiled.

"You have such a strong body, I guess people really don't necessarily want you."

Security team!
Looking at the security team members who were training in the distance, Li Lin's eyes were a bit complicated. In fact, if it wasn't for the higher goal, joining the security team might be a good choice.

There are at least three hundred acres of land!

"That's right, Liu San, people in this world, if there is such a good thing, don't dream about it, and work harder first. As long as we work for five years, the contract with the boss will be over. At that time...maybe , I can go back to my hometown in Zhejiang..."


Taking a deep puff of the cigarette, Liu San's heart flew back to his hometown in Zhejiang, but after flying for a while, he murmured again.

"My hometown... There is nothing in my hometown. My family has been renting the land of Mr. Li's family for generations. Yes, if I can really have a piece of land, isn't it the same?"

Listening to Liu San's words, Li Lin just stayed there silently, as in the past, he always cast his eyes on the steam engine in the distance, thinking secretly in his heart.

"Maybe, I can become a tractor driver in the future..."

However, Li Lin doesn't just want to be a tractor driver, he also wants to understand what this steam tractor is.

Why can it move with coal and water?

Why is "steam" so powerful?

Just when Li Lin was puzzled.A fast horse came running over there. The horse stopped beside the captain for a while and handed him another letter.

As soon as the man left, Captain Sun Wei shouted.

"Li Lin, Wang Shiwei, Lu Anxue, you guys hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, you guys have developed, the company asked you to report at the preparatory school..."

Li Lin, Wang Shiwei, Lu Anxue and others all looked at the captain blankly.

Preparatory school?

What school is it?
"What is this preparatory school for?"

Obviously, Sun Wei couldn't answer this question, he just kept talking.

"Oh, it must be a good thing. Going to school! Think about it, from ancient times to the present, how many people who went to school have not been reused. Your good days are behind you!"

When speaking, Sun Wei's face was full of envy, going to school, this is a great thing!

Although the captain didn't get an answer, but that afternoon, when the three of them arrived at the preparatory school, they finally figured out what they were doing—it was a preparatory school for studying in the West.

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(End of this chapter)

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