Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 131 Seize the opportunity

Chapter 131 Seize the Opportunity (First update, please subscribe)
It's like a dream!
To the three hundred and sixty-five teenagers who were selected for the preparatory school, of course it all seemed like a dream to them. Yes, they earn five or six silver dollars a month at most.

But now, in the school, they have five silver dollars a month with an allowance!

All they need is to learn, to learn English. Of course, this learning process is not easy. If they can’t memorize the newly learned English words and sentences, they are not allowed to eat, and they are not even allowed to speak a word of Mandarin in school. Can only speak English.

All this is to enable them to master simple conversations in English as soon as possible, so that they can go abroad to study as soon as possible.

In fact, before the arrival of the first batch of immigrants, Zhu Xianhai made a special count of 12 to 17-year-old teenagers who had studied privately among the immigrants. According to his original plan, some of these teenagers would go to technical schools to learn skills. Some of them will be sent to study abroad in countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States.


Whether it is for an enterprise or a country, talents are the most important.

In fact, opportunities do not only belong to those children. For adults, they also have their own opportunities. Those adults who study English in night schools can also pass the exam to obtain the qualification to study abroad, just like Li Qingen.

The seemingly simple decision has changed the fate of many people and made many people see opportunities.

For the twenty-three-year-old Zhao Tianfeng, what opportunities does he see?

Come back home!

What does it mean to study abroad?
It means that you can leave Nanhua, whether you go to England or the United States, even if you go to France, you have the opportunity to return to the Qing Dynasty, right?

"Brother Chen, we don't even have a chance to build a boat here, but as long as we go to a foreign country, we can leave Nanhua and return to our hometown. At that time, Brother Chen, you will still be the second young master of the Chen family. It will be like this now, with a group of Mud legs mixed together."

When persuading Chen Jie to sign up with him, Zhao Tianfeng's tone seemed a little excited.

Can he not be excited, he is a majestic Juren, and he is still a [-]-year-old Zhongju!Even if it is the candidate for the deputy list, he will be squeezed into the center in the future. In his hometown in Zhejiang, who doesn't know, who doesn't know?

But here?
That is, a teacher, what is the difference from ordinary mud legs.

The only difference is that he got a one-room dormitory and can earn fifteen or sixteen yuan a month.But such a life is not what he thought about. He also thought about entering the company and becoming a senior employee of the company. This is why he worked hard to learn English.

But the problem is, this is not what he wants, he wants to be an official in the court, and wants to honor his ancestors.

But here, so what if it is success and fame?
"Actually, this place is like a paradise, so why bother thinking about going home?"

Chen Jie shook his head.

"My hometown is in chaos, even if you and I go back, so what?"

Seeing that Chen Jie did not listen to persuasion, Zhao Tianfeng just let out a long sigh, and then said.

"You have to think clearly, after passing this village, there will be no such shop! And now when the imperial court is employing people, if you and I have studied in the West, we will definitely be reused by the imperial court when we return to our country. It's more natural."

In fact, even Zhao Tianfeng knows that studying abroad is not an opportunity to escape, but an opportunity to learn. After coming to Nanhua for more than half a year, like many people, he was also shocked by the power of the machine. Aware of changes in the world.

Facing the impact of steam engines and various machines, Zhao Tianfeng realized the crisis as well as the opportunity!Isn't this his chance to become famous!How many people in the Qing Dynasty knew about machines?Knowing science, studying abroad, and then fleeing back to the Qing Dynasty, how could it not be reused by the court.

After all, the imperial court used guns to suppress bandits, and machines can make guns.To resist the barbarians, we need to build warships.These... no one in Guochao knows!But he will!After studying abroad, it will naturally happen!

With a long sigh, Chen Jie didn't speak. Some people can't persuade him. Of course, he will not miss the opportunity to study abroad. This is indeed a rare opportunity!

Besides, he really wanted to see what England and France looked like when they fought all the way to the capital of the Qing Dynasty and even burned the emperor's father's garden.

A total of 737 people applied for the study abroad exam, including [-] women. The two sisters Song Bing and Song Yu were naturally among them. Compared with other people, their sisters' foreign language skills are better, and it is almost natural to pass the exam. .

On January 1862, 1, among the adults who took the exam, a total of 27 passed the exam, including ten women.And the English ability of the vast majority of them is almost equivalent to... the level of the third and fourth grades of elementary school.

It is definitely not possible to study abroad at this level.However, when they signed up, the return of the "Feiyun" brought 37 missionaries from the Southern American Church. These missionaries who understand Chinese naturally took on the responsibility of teachers. In addition to missionaries, there are even With the arrival of two Chinese professors, Nanhua's English education is finally on the right track.

In the days that followed, they learned English and mathematics at the same time. For those who are good at memorizing books, they learn English by rote, which is actually more effective.

In fact, this is not only true for adults, but also for students in overseas preparatory schools. Every morning when they get up, they have to recite poems.In the morning, I practice writing and listening to the teacher's lectures, and in the afternoon, I basically recite the text.The requirements for reciting texts are very strict, and you will be punished if you fail to complete them.

"...Everyone has to recite one or two English novels and essays every day. Every time they make a mistake, the professor will draw it with a pencil and correct the pronunciation. The next day in class, they have to review the old lessons. Start teaching new classes. The teaching time is two or three hours a day, and the rest of the time is learning mathematics and geography."

To Li Weizhi's teaching methods in preparatory schools, Zhu Xianhai just nodded slightly. He didn't know what was scientific or not. The important thing was to let them learn English quickly, lay a good foundation in language, and then select the best ones to study abroad. .

The late Qing Dynasty was attacked by foreign countries several times since 1840, and they did not wake up after ceding land and paying compensation. If you want to catch up with the Western powers, you must learn foreign languages, especially English.I was still immersed in my dream of the "Qing Dynasty", and finally sent more than a hundred children to study in the United States, but because they became "unruly" due to the influence of foreign culture, they were flatly withdrawn.It wasn't until 1894 when they were defeated by the Japanese, who lost hundreds of millions of taels of silver, cut off Taiwan, and lost North Korea, that they understood what they were forced to do.In the following year, 1895, Yang Shenxiu, the imperial censor, made a performance, asking students studying abroad during the Meiji Restoration in Japan to send someone to study in Japan.Even so, the door to study abroad will not really be opened until the Eight-Nation Allied Forces capture the capital, but by this's already too late!
Right now, what Zhu Xianhai needs is to seize the time, seize this window period, and send overseas students to study in the West. It will take about [-] years to realize the independent cultivation of talents, and in the process, seize the opportunity of the second industrial revolution to realize Nanhua This is the most important thing.

If you fall behind, you will not necessarily be beaten often, but if you fall behind and don't learn, you will definitely be beaten frequently.Just like Japan, which "seeked knowledge from the world" in history, cut off Taiwan, demanded hundreds of millions of taels of compensation, and then defeated Russia.On the other hand, what about the "Qing Dynasty" who "is the most important in learning in the world", and is constantly debating whether "middle school is more important or Western learning is more important"?But it's just meat on the board.

While lamenting the changes in history, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help feeling a sense of urgency. It seemed that history didn't leave much time for him. After all, compared to Japan, the current external environment in Nanhua is really too bad. South America is their territory. !

Developing on other people's it not dangerous!

(End of this chapter)

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