Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1310 Bow Fire, Blow Fire Again

Chapter 1310 Arching fire, arching fire again (second update, please subscribe)

In this world, there is a kind of people called "brokers". They rely on their advantages in information and other aspects to make connections and make profits.

Liang Dong is one of many "brokers", but unlike ordinary "brokers", as a "broker", he still has a boss, and his boss is...

Sitting by the window of Guanhai Building, Sun Chengjiu asked while enjoying a seafood feast.

"How is it? Is the business deal done?"

Compared with business affairs, he is more focused on the seafood in front of him.After all, if I don’t eat seafood when I come here, it’s for nothing.Sea areas from Linhai to Peru are rich in seafood. Thanks to the superiority of the Peruvian fishing grounds, the seafood on the west coast is far better than that on the east coast, which makes the seafood here have a long-standing reputation in Daming.

"It's almost there. The scale of Taichang Shipyard is one of the best among the private shipyards near the sea, and the owner of the shipyard has always been interested in building ships. He will definitely not miss this opportunity. Nicholas and the others don't have a better choice now. They The two sides should reach a shipbuilding agreement."

After a pause, Liang Dong hesitated as he looked at the director who was enjoying the seafood.

"Director, I don't quite understand what this kind of business has to do with us. Logically speaking, the Military Intelligence Bureau should handle this matter."

Liang Dong has never been a trader or a "broker". He is an agent of the Investigation Bureau. Of course, he is not the kind of "submarine" that needs long-term training in spy schools. He was recruited by the Investigation Department when he was in college. Recruited as a field agent, since then, he has traveled to many countries in the world as a businessman, and has certain contacts with businessmen and officials in many countries. This time, Rear Admiral Nicholas, the head of the Roman Empire Navy delegation, They had known each other as early as in Constantinople, they could be called old friends.

"It doesn't matter who will do this, what matters is that you need an identity."

Looking at Liang Dong, Sun Chengjiu smiled.

"The Ministry needs some people to engage in certain special businesses, for example, arms brokers, arms dealers, this is also for better jobs in the future, through these businesses you can establish a good relationship with the military..."

Intelligence work itself requires a lot of relationships.Of course Liang Dong was very clear about this.

"I understand."

Nodding his head, Liang Dong asked again.

"Now my task is basically completed, so what's the next step?"

"Go to Constantinople and use the friendship established in this transaction to gather as much information as possible about Rome, especially about the navy."

After thinking about it, Liang Dong said.

"The Ministry believes that Rome is very likely to take action in the Indian Ocean. After all, they need to establish a stronghold in the Indian Ocean. Therefore, they are likely to strengthen their investment in "New Moscow". It is possible to establish the "Indian Ocean Fleet" and start their next strategy, and the Ministry hopes that you can obtain information in this regard."

"New Moscow" - that was the colony established by the Roman Empire at the beginning of the year on the shore of Tadjoura Bay in the Red Sea in Northeast Africa, but now the Roman Empire has just arrived there.

"I understand!"

After accepting the mission, everything else was simple. When Liang Dong started preparing for his trip to Constantine, what he didn't know was that his mission was not from the investigation department, but from Zhu Direct instructions from the Great Emperor.

"We need that polar bear reaching out to the Indian Ocean!"

In the palace, enjoying the bright sunshine on the Brazilian plateau, Emperor Zhu told the visiting French envoy Claude that his grandfather was the famous Prince Talleyrand in the Napoleon era, but because his father was born out of wedlock, he only He can take his mother's surname, but this does not prevent him from being reused in the Second Empire.

"In other words, we need to make concessions on the Northeast Africa issue..."

Claude looked at the Majesty in front of him and said.

"Your Majesty, you should know that although France has not established a formal colonial governorship, the international community has already accepted that it is France's sphere of influence. The polar bear directly inserted its hand there, which has seriously affected France's interests."

"It's just a temporary effect."

Emperor Zhu said with a smile.

"Acquiescing to that polar bear colonizing India is partly about getting them out of the Mediterranean, after all, we need them to turn the Indian Ocean upside down."

In fact, Emperor Zhu had always been worried that the Russians would not be able to reach the Indian Ocean, but the adventure of a Russian adventurer, Ashinov, gave Emperor Zhu an opportunity.

Although he missed the age of great voyages, Russian explorers did come out in large numbers, and Ashinov was one of the leaders. He arrived in Ethiopia in 1883. As an Orthodox Christian, his plan was to promote the development of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the Roman Empire. religious connection.During this trip, he falsely claimed that he was an official representative sent by Russia, and received a high-level reception from the locals.

After returning to China, he made use of his experience in Africa to publicize, and was once widely sought after by Rome.A group of followers immediately appeared beside Ashnov.Hope to participate in his expedition to the African country Ethiopia.And the "Caesar" of the Roman Empire also hopes to mix the Russian identity with the Orthodox Church identity. Of course, he hopes that someone can prove that Ethiopia is a good brother who has been lost for thousands of years. Of course, the so-called "good brother" is for the next expansion.

In order to seize a tropical colony, after a long period of preparation, until December last year, the Ashinov team, which recruited 12 explorers, set off from Odessa, a city on the coast of the Black Sea. Under the protection of Russian naval gunboats, the mighty Swing to Africa.Three months ago, the double-headed eagle flag of the Roman Empire was hoisted in "Novo Moscow City", and Ashinov declared sovereignty over it.

For the Russians who have been stuck in the Mediterranean Sea for too long, it can be said to be a huge achievement to build a colony in Africa, but the good times don’t last long. What Ashinov did along the coast of Tadjoura Bay aroused the French’s attention. alert.

In the face of the protests of the French in another world, Russia directly admitted that everything was Ashinov’s private behavior, and in the end let France bombard and occupy the "New Moscow City". This time, Rome not only No concessions were made, and even warships were dispatched.

No way, unlike the other world, Russia's strategic focus has now shifted to the Indian Ocean, and they need a foothold in the Indian Ocean.

However, the French, who regard the local area as their sphere of influence, were a little unhappy. When the protest was useless, Napoleon V directly sent a special envoy to the central capital to seek advice. On the Mediterranean side, he had all his warships ready. up.

"We need them to turn the Indian Ocean upside down. Of course, this does not mean that the interests of France will be damaged. I think the problem in Juno Bay can be resolved through negotiations, if it can be exchanged, or purchased, or even leased. way to solve it, what do you think?"

After making this suggestion, Emperor Zhu made a special reminder.

"Know that everything we have now is for an ultimate goal, for the common enemy."

(End of this chapter)

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