Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1316 Heart in the Empire

Chapter 1316 The heart is in the empire (first update, please subscribe)
London, Downing Street.

On this street with constant pedestrian traffic, there are black mounted police officers from the Scotland Yard Police Team patrolling around No. 10 Downing Street every day.

After all, Downing Street is the political heart of the British Empire, where the head of government of the empire is located, so it is only natural that they can enjoy the security treatment of the black mounted police.

Especially recently, reports of "Boer saboteurs throwing bombs in Cape Town" appeared in newspapers from time to time, which intensified the fear in people's hearts. Under such circumstances, Scotland Yard must strengthen the defense of Downing Street , or if someone really dropped the bomb, it would be the end of the calf.

Therefore, for such a scene, those British gentlemen passing by Downing Street have long been familiar with it.They're just looking around.

After a while, accompanied by the roar of the engine, two black cars drove over. When the leading Rolls-Royce stopped firmly outside the gate of No. 10 Downing Street, the following Rover As soon as the car stopped, two policemen got out.

Humphrey, the chief secretary of No. 10 Downing Street, has led a few secretaries in tuxedos out of the famous black wooden door, standing on the sidewalk with a smile on his face, while the car stopped, and then graciously walked on Went to open the door for the passengers.

The one who got off the first Rolls-Royce was Prime Minister Robert Gascoigne Cecil. Humphrey bowed slightly and said with a smile:
"Mr Prime Minister, welcome back to No 10 Downing Street."

After Humphrey got out of the car, he put on his top hat and held a cane in his hand. After seeing Humphrey, he said.

"How is it, is the news confirmed?"

Humphrey asked, walking towards the door.

It was Humphrey who opened the door, and after entering the room, he said:

"What is certain is that the foreign ministers of the four countries gathered in Yalta must have something big going on."

When the words fell, Humphrey turned his head and said.

"Mr. Bond, bring that document."

James Bond, who was by his side, hurriedly handed a document to the chief secretary, and after receiving the document, Humphrey continued.

"One thing that is certain is that it has nothing to do with the Russians' African colonies. According to the information we all got from them, the Russians and the French have already reached an agreement..."

Even now, more than ten years after Russia was renamed the "Roman Empire", in Europe, and even in the world, they are still replaced by "Russia" or "Russia" when referring to them. After all, for Europeans ... Rome is the eternal "temple" in their minds, even if those Russian barbarians snatched the name, they would not agree with it in private.

"It seems that there must be a conspiracy in this matter."

Cecil took the file and looked at it, then said.

"Could it be related to South Africa?"

"There may be only a partial relationship with South Africa, sir, we think..."

As the soul of the Prime Minister's Office and the top-ranking civil servant of the British Empire, Humphrey is certainly not the kind of imperial civil servant who is just waiting to die. In fact, most of the time, the political decisions of the British Empire are made by him , or it was determined by his suggestion, looking at Humphrey who was beside the Prime Minister, James Bond just politely kept a certain distance, and as a secretary, he was still some distance away from Humphrey , in fact, this distance is just... Humphrey's age.

Although the door of the office was closed soon, James Bond already knew what they were going to talk about next. After all, he had a long discussion with Humphrey yesterday.

From South Africa to Persia, from Persia to India, from India to the Pacific Ocean, and then to the Americas, the general trend of the world is like this. The British Empire may control the world, but in this world, there are always too many challengers. At that time, the British Empire must respond accordingly.

It's just that how much energy does the British Empire have to respond?

Besides, what are the foreign ministers of the "Alliance of Four Emperors" discussing when they gather together?

While Humphrey and the Prime Minister were discussing the issue in the office, James Bond returned to his office. When entering the office, his assistant, Mr. Hank, a young man who had just graduated from Cambridge, When he saw him step into the office, he stood up hastily.

After slightly nodding, he entered the office - at 10 Downing Street, he had an independent office, although it was only less than fifty square feet, it was also a symbol of identity and status.

Then he went to the desk and sat there, first checked the desk, then he looked at the drawers, everything was the same as when he left, nothing had changed.

Then, James Bond, who was sitting on a chair, took out a metal cigarette case from his arms, took out a cigarette, put the case on the table lightly, lit a cigarette and smoked, the sun shines through The window shone into his office, and he just quietly enjoyed this moment of tranquility.

This is his moment, watching the sun move between the light and shadow in an imperceptible way, James Bond has a faint smile on his face, and he watches the smoke rise in the light and shadow Then, when he was transfigured in the air, he stood up, walked to the safe on the wall beside him, opened the safe, and took out a document marked "Top Secret".

The document bears the insignia of the Royal Navy. This document is desired by many spies. The spies of many countries are willing to get it at any price. However, it is so easily sent to James Bond, even Delivered to him personally by the secretary of the Lord of the Admiralty.

After taking out the file, James Bond picked up the metal cigarette case, opened the file, looked at the file, and kept taking pictures of the file with the cigarette case.

No one knows that the metal cigarette case that James Bond carries with him every day is actually a pocket camera. In the past few years, he has used this camera to capture too many classified intelligence.

Of course, that's almost always the case with those intelligence reports, they ran to him proactively and never gave him a chance to refuse, it was the kind that didn't work if you didn't read it.

When the dignitaries upstairs were discussing the future of the British Empire, they didn't know that the secrets of the British Empire had been leaked to the bottom of the sky.

A few hours later, James Bond left No. 10 Downing Street as usual. For him, this was just an ordinary working day...

(End of this chapter)

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