Chapter 1317 The winner of the empire (second update, please subscribe)
For the vast majority of British people, their lives have been affected by the war-although the Boer War did not directly affect their lives, the war has penetrated into all aspects of them.

Although the news from southern Africa is mostly bad news, even though the war broke out for more than half a year, one battle after another was lost.However, this did not weaken the confidence of the British people in the final victory, and the patriotic enthusiasm in the country did not diminish in the slightest.

Instigated by patriotic enthusiasm, the British became fanatical, people bought public bonds one after another, donated food and medicine to the South African frontline, Queen Victoria and Queen Victoria also expressed their support for the war in her own way - in the name of the royal family for the frontline soldiers Sending rare sweets such as chocolate and condensed milk on the battlefield, thousands of doctors, engineers, nurses and even priests packed up and went to South Africa to serve the British army as volunteers. Posted everywhere in the streets of London Large posters praising those "defenders of the empire" in South Africa...

In the streets and alleys of London, the voice of "carrying out the war to the end" resounded even more.

Compared with the other world, in this world, although the British suffered a disastrous defeat in South Africa, the British people are far more fanatical than the people of the other world, and the British fanaticism is not only caused by the defeat stimulus from the front Another important reason is that the British public opinion circle was bought by South African interest groups, and of course, there was also the help of the Ming Empire.

Provoked by public opinion, the British people became extremely fanatical, and war fanaticism penetrated into almost every aspect of Britain.At the same time, on the streets of London, many so-called women's power leaders, in the name of patriotism, encouraged women to humiliate healthy young people in public, and even gave those young people a white feather. It symbolizes the meaning of a coward.

Under the advocacy of the so-called female boxing leaders, women took white feathers and walked through the streets and alleys to humiliate men.

British women have finally found a way to improve their political status, so they will actively humiliate men every day. As long as they see healthy men on the street, they will come forward to humiliate them, and then put The white feather was inserted in the opponent's pocket.

Under their crazy attacks, some men did not dare to go out and simply hid at home, but these women would find other people's homes to humiliate them.

As usual, after hearing a knock, Harry opened the door and saw several women standing in front of it.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Harry?"

"Yes, may I ask who you are?"

The woman standing at Harry's Gate said.

"Mr. Harry, this is a gift for you..."

When the voice fell, the woman inserted a white feather into his pocket.

white feathers!

Looking at the white feather, Harry's face suddenly changed. Of course he knew what this white feather symbolized—a symbol of cowards and cowards.

Then the women spoke again.

"Mr. Harry, you are a coward, a coward!"

"Yes, all I know is hiding in the room and shivering coward..."

The sarcasm of the women made Harry's face very ugly, and he didn't even know how to respond to such sarcasm.

"Ladies, I just returned from Sudan last year. I have fought for Her Majesty on the front lines of Sudan and shed blood for the British Empire."

Before Harry could even continue his defense, the women spoke up.

"Although you once shed blood for the empire, but aside from the facts, if you don't go to the front line now, aren't you a coward and a coward?"

"Does your past represent your present?"

Faced with these women's accusations, Harry was completely confused. What does it mean to put aside the facts?What does it mean that the past can represent the present?
Damn it... Could it be that his blood was shed for the British Empire in vain?And let him flow again.

What's the point?

Although Harry had various dissatisfaction in his heart, he knew that he had no choice. If he wanted to get rid of his stigma, he had to join the army this time and go to South Africa.

There is not only one Harry in London and the UK. In fact, there are many people who went to the battlefield under the stimulation of such white feathers. Those women who finally found a job took it as their credit.

"For the British Empire...go to hell! Stinky man!"

When those so-called women's rights leaders encouraged British men to go to the front in the name of the "British Empire" and praised women's "righteous deeds" in the newspapers, only a few people knew.

All of this is actually... a conspiracy of the empire.

"...Since the launch of the White Feather Movement, it has indeed had a certain effect. In order to avoid being humiliated by these women again, many people quit their jobs and signed up to join the army to fight on the front lines. He couldn’t join the army because of various reasons, and even faced repeated humiliation, he could only commit suicide in shame.”

In the imperial palace of Zhongdu, Qian Zizhuang stood in front of His Majesty, reporting the contribution of the investigation department—arousing the patriotic enthusiasm of the British.And in order to encourage women leaders to participate, the investigation department even provided them with funding through certain foundations.

"Isn't that exactly what we started this campaign for?"

Emperor Zhu said with a smile.

"What we need is to use those so-called "leaders", use their unwillingness to be lonely, use their ambition to show off, and of course, more importantly, use their extremes to arouse the patriotism of the British people, of course It is more important to create antagonism between British men and women!"

"Your Majesty Shengming."

Qian Zizhuang said.

"Who would have thought that those women would be so extreme. Their behavior is becoming more and more radical now. They don't even know whether the person to be humiliated is healthy or not, and whether they meet the conditions for joining the army, so they humiliate them .There are even some veterans who have retired. After returning to the UK, they also come to humiliate others. This even caused some people to commit suicide in shame. What those people did was really too much. A tool for taking revenge on men."

"Isn't this exactly the antithesis we need?"

Emperor Zhu looked at Qian Zizhuang and said.

"Destroying an empire needs to start from all aspects, and disintegrating it from the inside is one of them. This internal is not just the internal rebellious enemy, but also by supporting minority groups, such as female groups, and even..."

Uh, by the way, those people don't dare to make it public at all now, it's different from another world.

"From a psychological point of view, the more non-mainstream groups are, the more extreme their personalities are, and they are more willing to express their demands in extreme ways. What we need is to make full use of their extreme psychology, Make them available to me..."

When mentioning all of this, Emperor Zhu spoke eloquently and appeared to be full of experience, because in another world, there was successful experience. Paula created turmoil in Europe and the United States. From the 60s to the 80s, the activities of minority groups in Europe and the United States almost all have the shadow of KGB behind them.Not just shadows, they even participated in it, providing them with a lot of financial information and other support.

The seemingly vigorous affirmative action movement from the 60s to the 80s appeared to be an internal problem in the Western world, but in fact it had nothing to do with KGB.

They may not have succeeded at the time, but 20 years later the facts have proved that they succeeded!They have successfully supported minority groups and argued for the correctness of their extremism, creating opposition in European and American societies.It even created divisions in society.This kind of division may not show his lethality in a short period of time, but as time goes by, the four of them will find that his lethality far exceeds that of nuclear weapons. After all, nuclear weapons only destroy the body, but That confusion and antagonism of thought has the potential to destroy the human soul.

Now Da Ming... all he needs is to repeat the successful experience from another world!And then disintegrate the British Empire little by little from the inside.

Thinking of this, the news that he had seen before appeared in Emperor Zhu's mind, and he said sarcastically.

"The competition between big countries is like this. It's just a game of cards. The winner of this round is in our hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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