Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1318 The Empire Is the Hope of Mankind

Chapter 1318 The empire is the hope of mankind (first update, please subscribe)
Compared with the British Empire, Emperor Zhu's house of cards has a lot of cards.

From Boole to Irish to Boxer...

Cards are played out one by one, what are they playing?
It is the lifeblood of the British Empire.

Why are there so many cards to play?

To put it bluntly, the core is that "strategy is the crime of the country being strategized." There are too many problems in Britain itself, waiting for Emperor Zhu to play cards.In fact, even if Emperor Zhu doesn't play those cards, other countries will play those cards in the future, it depends on whether they can seize which cards.

After these cards are played out, as the weakened party, it is even a hindsight.

By the time they realize the seriousness of the problem, it may be too late.

In this empire game, what kind of cards are in each other's hands, and when will they play what kind of cards?

I'm afraid only God knows this.

But for many ordinary people, they often involuntarily become a certain card in the empire chess room.

For Chavez, what touched him the most during the years of studying in Daming?

Of course, it is the life of the people of Ming Dynasty. For Chavez, he has always had a hope in his heart, that is, one day, Venezuelans can live happily like the people of Ming Dynasty.

"This is Peru, Peru under the rule of Ming Dynasty."

In Lima, walking the streets of Lima, what did Chavez see?
There are row upon row of high-rise buildings, neon billboards with feasting lights, and cars of various brands running on the spacious streets, which are very similar to many big cities in Ming Dynasty that Chavez has seen.

However, it is still different from the cities under the rule of Ming Dynasty. There are a large number of European-style buildings on both sides of the streets in Lima, which are remnants of the old era.

Such a prosperous scene is not limited to the main urban area. In the new city in the west, there are the most Chinese people there. The new city is often a Chinese-inhabited area, and it is also the most prosperous area in Lima. The buildings there are more modern, and of course they are more beautiful. Prosperous, there are not only a large number of immigrants, but also satellite towns extending to the suburbs.

Of course, this does not mean that the old city is in decline. In fact, with the development of the city, many dilapidated courtyards and slums in Lima have been demolished. The bottom working people who live in dark and damp houses , lived in a bright new apartment, although most of the apartments are small houses of [-] to [-] square meters with three bedrooms and one living room. And a tidy house is enough for them to be grateful.

"Imperial rule changes the lives of all!"

Even as an outsider, Chavez can feel the change.

"Look, my friend, change..."

Walking on the street, Marquez cast his eyes on the passers-by and said in an envious tone,
"The change can be felt in each of them. You see, the happiness and hope on their faces is something we can't see in Colombia or Venezuela. Can you imagine? Occupied area..."

When referring to the occupation, Marquez said in a not without sarcasm,

"Yes, Peru is still an occupied area - here...even now, it is not the territory of the empire, why not? Because the empire has not officially announced the annexation. Do you know why Ming Dynasty is unwilling to annex it directly? Because, annexation There is a price to pay, such as the 10-hour working system, pension insurance and other benefits, all of which mean that the empire needs to bear a lot of expenses. But even as an occupied area of ​​​​the empire, people here live better than before better!"

Marquez continued in a sarcastic tone.

"As you can imagine, the Empire, the occupiers, treated the Peruvians better than the Peruvians themselves, and the same thing happened in the countryside, where millions of Peruvians got their land, and for the first time they were truly free and had— — owning your own land, your house, not some kind of lord's sharecropper."

"I know, I know it all,"

Chavez said in a somewhat excited tone.

"What do people say? This is the freedom brought by the empire. From Peru to Bolivia, all the peasants, workers, even businessmen in the cities, say this is the freedom brought by the empire. The empire took these countries with conquerors. , but what is the saddest thing? Under the occupation of the empire, people got real freedom, I mean real, not the freedom given to us as the Lord Caudillo kept saying after independence.”

"Their freedom, probably their personal freedom, has nothing to do with us...or ordinary South American people."

"How could it matter? What kind of life did the people live under the rule of those lords? Almost all the farmers are their tenant farmers, not only renting the land of the lords, but also attached to the lords like slaves. In the manor, even the merchants seem to be free, but they have to endure the extortion and extortion of the masters, everyone...I mean in various countries in South America..."

Chavez said emphatically.

"All are gentlemen's slaves until..."

Chavez pointed his finger into the distance, pointing to the flying imperial flag, and said.

"It wasn't until the empire conquered here that people were truly free and liberated... yes, that's right, liberation!"

Chavez spoke in Chinese.

"The empire liberated this land, smashed the chains of slavery, and gave freedom to the people of this land."

Nodding, Marquez said.

"What's the most ironic? It's those gentlemen in exile in Europe and the United States who actually called on the people to resist the rule of the empire for the freedom of Peru or Chile!"

"Haha, what a bunch of naive people!"

Chavez laughed.

"They encourage resistance, but what about the people living here? They can't wait to become part of the empire now. After all, their lives will be further changed after being incorporated into the empire, such as ten-hour working hours, pensions, medical insurance, etc. This is what people want..."

"They will one day be part of the Empire,"

Marquez said.

"But what about us? What shall we do?"

There was a certain helplessness in Chavez's tone, and of course it was full of a certain desire. He longed to change the world.

"We always have a way. I... I think maybe one day we can be part of the Empire too."

To be a member of the empire and to be incorporated into the empire is their aspiration for these progressive young people.Because for them, what they saw and heard was the various destructions of the people of the country by the powerful.Since the independence of their country, the power of each president has been vested in them, so what have they done?In addition to fighting for power and profit, they oppressed the people.What did they do again?
But the names are different.In their view, Ming Dynasty is like a beacon for mankind, which has illuminated the whole of South America, and they believe that when they become a member of the empire, all people can live a happy life.

The empire is the lighthouse of mankind, the hope of mankind.

(End of this chapter)

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