Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1321 The Road to Liberation in South America

Chapter 1321 The Road to Liberation in South America (Second Update, please subscribe)
Life is always making choices.

Ordinary people need to make choices, and for Emperor Zhu, he also needs to make choices.

"Kill the eagle and eat the meat" is a choice.

Continue to expand, of course.

After receiving the action plan submitted by the investigation department, Emperor Zhu appreciated the "internal solution" planned by the investigation department very much.

After all, in another world, superpowers like the United States and the Soviet Union are always subverting small countries.

Compared to direct occupation, both of them are more inclined to control small countries by supporting coups and the like.

Of course, they have also done it directly. One fell into the quagmire of Vietnam, and the economy continued to decline for more than ten years, and the other fell into the quagmire of Afghanistan, and finally ended it directly.

Of course, the reason why the two wars almost buried the two superpowers, to put it bluntly, is that they have the full support of the big powers behind them.Now of course there is no support from such a big country, but it does not prevent Emperor Zhu from using Ecuador as an experiment.

A small country has no state power in itself, so it is their honor to be used!

"That is to say, the local people are currently "eating pots of pulp to welcome the master", and they only hope that we will pass by?"

Of course, Emperor Zhu did not agree with the confidence of the investigation department. Of course, he did not deny that the vast majority of people in Latin American countries in this era did not have a national view.

What is their view of the country?

The land planted belongs to the big manor owner, the house he lives in, and even the people are second-class...they have to be white, if they are of mixed European-Indian blood, they have to be third-class citizens anyway, and if they are Indians, then they are second-class citizens. Go back, yes, fourth-class citizens.

Such a country?

Except for the warlords and big manor owners who would love, in exchange for the ordinary people who are their cattle and horses, they...they don't even have this country in their eyes.

After all, South America was either immigrants or colonized Indians.Most of them really don't know what a country is.

"At least in part."

Qian Zizhuang said.

"As long as 30% of people stand on our side and 30% of people let nature take its course, then our actions will be successful. Even if other people resist, it will not affect the overall situation."

In response, Emperor Zhu nodded his head.

"Yes, the key is to have some people support us. But with such a small number of people, can we succeed? They can complete all tasks independently."

"It's not a big problem. After all, the Ecuadorian army is poorly trained and equipped. It shouldn't be a problem to capture the presidential palace."

Emperor Zhu thought for a while and said,
"Attacking and capturing the presidential palace is one thing, holding it is another. Destroying the presidential palace, arresting or killing the president just creates a void in the seat of power. Someone must go in and take over power. Our people... top Most of it is to help, and you can't even show up at dawn, so who will take over?"

Qian Zizhuang nodded again.

"We're thinking about someone."

Qian Zizhuang said cautiously.

"Is he in the country, or somewhere else?"

"Currently in Daming, he can be called a "Mingist". In the past few years, he has been declaring that for the well-being of the Ecuadorian people, Ecuador should be incorporated into Ming Dynasty like Paraguay."

"Oh, this is not bad, you can take him back and let him make a statement saying that he led the coup and took over the country."

Emperor Zhu thought for a while and added.

"But we're going to keep him under control and we're ensuring control over Ecuador."

"Your Majesty, if he has a different heart..."

Qian Zizhuang said coldly.

"Then it couldn't be simpler. Get rid of him and replace him with an obedient one."


"The future of Ecuador and even the entire America lies in the empire!"

"Unless the Iron Fist of the Empire cannot destroy the status quo of land, wealth, and power held by the great warlords, manor owners, and churches in South American countries..."

Although he didn't raise his arms, in the past few years, Uchis, a former university professor in exile in Daming, was definitely a celebrity in South America, and his fame wasn't just because of these deafening words.

More importantly, it is a propaganda tool - he has been a special guest of "Voice of the Americas" and has been interviewed on the radio many times. oppression of the people.

What is the luxury and greed of the gentlemen of Caudillo, what is the poverty of the people.

Of course, when counting all these things, he also pointed out that the future of the American countries - the future lies in Ming Dynasty.The future is in the Empire.

If the American people want to be liberated, they must rely on the rescue of the empire. Only the empire can bring them freedom and liberation, and of course, the most important thing is a happy life.

Because of this, in Ecuador and some countries, he is even called a "traitor". However, in the eyes of most Ecuadorian students, he is a true patriot.

Although there are two labels on his body, sometimes, even if he wants to sell, there must be a chance.

Now...the opportunity is here!
In fact, Uchis has hooked up with the investigation department since his exile in Ming Dynasty. After all, a guy like this is definitely a rare commodity.

With a simple communication, Uchis immediately understood that this was an opportunity.

Of course, this is definitely not an opportunity for prosperity. He is a person who wholeheartedly wants to save the people of Ecuador. How could it be for a few dollars of Ming Yuan?

he's gone.

When he closed the door, Uchis raised his coffee cup and made a gesture of toasting.

"Goodbye, Mr. Ding."

Uchis whispered, his expression full of pride.

He celebrated his happiness more than once, because he met the amiable and nagging Mr. Ding on the way from Ecuador to Daming.In an all-night long talk, Mr. Ding disclosed his identity, and Uchis, who was in exile, accepted his help without hesitation.

"This is for the people of Ecuador!"

Uchis has talked to himself and those students countless times, because only under the rule of the empire, Ecuadorians can live a happy and happy life.

Right now, a new opportunity is in front of him, an opportunity he has been longing for for a long time. For Uchis, the problem he has to consider is how to make a speech when he succeeds. Support from all walks of life.

When Mr. Ding left, he put a brown kraft paper bag on his desk, which contained 100 100 Ming Yuan banknotes.

What is this money?
It is his activity fund.

After counting some money, he stuffed the money into the drawer, and Uchis said to himself.

"Finally it's time to liberate the people of Ecuador..."

(End of this chapter)

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