Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1322 Money Is Here Loyalty Is Here

Chapter 1322 Money is here, loyalty is here (third update, please subscribe)

"Master Ma!"

Walking on the streets of Quito, there will always be people saying hello to Ma Baoguo. Now Ma Baoguo and Master Ma are celebrities in Quito. He is not only Master Ma in the martial arts gym, but also a guest of the Presidential Palace. Two years ago, He easily pushed down a strong man weighing 120 kilograms with one arm on the street.

This matter immediately made the news, and for a while, "Chinese Kung Fu" was rumored everywhere in Quito.Master Ma became a celebrity, and was even invited to perform by the president. The moment he pushed a strong man away with one palm, the president was also shocked by the magic of "Chinese Kung Fu".

Although it was only a one-time performance, it also made Ma Baoguo famous. As a successful and well-known martial artist, what is the biggest worry?
Of course, there are too many people who know him.

There were always people greeting him along the way, and facing the greetings from passers-by, Ma Baoguo just nodded slightly, his expression full of the proud and self-reliant posture of a great master.

"These foreign devils are really easy to fool."

Ma Baoguo murmured in his heart, but he also understood that foreign devils are easy to deceive, but Chinese people are difficult to coax, so now he basically does not accept Huaxia apprentices. dismissive.

Chinese people don't lie to Chinese people, if they want to lie... they also lie to foreigners.Of course, he wasn't lying to those foreigners, but teaching them Huaxia Kung Fu.

As for how the foreigners learned Kung Fu?
As the saying goes--the master leads the door, the practice is up to the individual, and they can't practice well by themselves.Then you can't blame the master for not being able to teach real kung fu.

However, both of them do not interfere with each other, and do not interfere with each other.

Like many Chinese people, Ma Baoguo also lives in the commercial port of the Central Railway Station, which is actually a subsidiary of the railway. This is the case for all railway stations these days, and the station area with the station as the core belongs to the railway company.

Not only the land belongs to the railway company, but most of the buildings are also built by the railway company. This is like a city within a city. From the municipal administration to the police, it is managed by the railway company. Well, it can be understood that it has become a large CBD, and the municipal administration is managed by the CBD. Fang, as for policing... it's security.

However, as a... no, a city within a city, the management level here is higher than that of Quito, and there will be no extortion by officials and police. Because of this, this place not only attracts Chinese people, It also attracts many locals to live here.

Most of the buildings in the commercial port are in the modern Chinese style. Ma Baoguo lived on the side road next to the main street, with shops on the first floor and residences on the second floor.

After returning home, Ma Baoguo went to the balcony and stood on the balcony looking at the street below.The streets that are not considered spacious are neither lively nor deserted.

Sitting on a deck chair by the balcony, while enjoying the leisurely evening, Ma Baoguo would occasionally cast his eyes on the street. There are luxurious and foreign pedestrians passing by, and occasionally there are bells of rickshaws or bicycles.

This three-story building along the street was bought by Ma Baoguo with the tuition fees of his apprentices. It only cost 800 pesos. In fact, it may be the same price to buy an apartment in Daming. However, the shop on the first floor is also his. Monthly, he can still earn more than twenty yuan by renting out the shop.

"The days are getting better and better..."

Just when Ma Baoguo was lamenting that the days were getting better and better, he looked out of the corner of his eye and saw an acquaintance unexpectedly.

"How did Major Russo get here?"

Looking at Major Lasso who walked into the opposite restaurant, Ma Baoguo's eyes were full of doubts. Although he only met once, Ma Baoguo was good at remembering people. This person is a celebrity in front of the president. How could he come here for dinner.

Ma Baoguo didn't know what he saw, but Major Lasso didn't come to eat, he came here to meet people.

The room is very quiet, so quiet that you can only hear the whistling between them, and even the ticking of the watch, maybe this is an illusion.

How long has it been?
It was almost a minute, but the Mr. Amov in front of him just sat there quietly, smoking a cigarette, as if he was waiting for his answer, but he didn't seem to care about his decision at all.

Finally, after a long silence, Amov said.

"Major, you have half an hour to make a decision."

What if you can't give the other party a satisfactory answer within half an hour?

Major Russo didn't speak. He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case on the table, and then smoked it silently. At the end of the smoke, he pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray, and then lit another one.

While smoking, Russo glanced at the HSBC cashier's check for one hundred thousand pesos on the table turntable.

The cashier's check is not big, only the size of a palm, but anyone can feel the weight of that cashier's check.

One hundred thousand pesos!

Russo knows what this money means. He will never earn that much money in his life. Although he is a major, he comes from an ordinary family. His father is only a sergeant. Unlike his father, he went to a military academy Yes, from second lieutenant to major.

But that's it.

As a major, it is impossible for him to own a large tract of land like other officers. Even the so-called reforms will not change all this. Lords of Caudillo will always be masters, and he... is just a major and has no land , an officer without wealth.What will he have when he retires?

At most it is owning a house, nothing more.

The oligarchs who rule the country are like the gentlemen of Caudillo, they hold all the power and wealth.And a civilian officer like him... will always have nothing.

But now, as long as he keeps his troops hidden at the right time, or in other words, turns a deaf ear to what happened in the city, the [-] pesos will belong to him, and even after the matter is over, he will get another [-] pesos .

15 pesos!
This is because he will never be able to earn any money in his entire life. With this money, he can live a life of a rich man in any European country!
Look at the promissory note on the table, look at the promissory note that can be exchanged at all HSBC banks in the world.

Russo even began to wonder whether those military officers had faced such a choice like him when Peru was occupied by the empire. Now, he understood many things that he did not understand in the past.

Why can they win easily.

Because... this is the most powerful weapon!
Looking at the cashier's note in front of him, Major Russo knew very well that he actually had no way out, half an hour!

What happens if you refuse?

"President, it's not that I'm sorry for you, it's all...all for the country, for the people of Ecuador!"

Looking at the tempting promissory note on the table, Lasuo knew what he should do. While talking to himself in his heart, he had already made a choice.

Although in the past few years, the president has trusted him extremely, and it was because of the president's promotion that he became a major, and he will even become a lieutenant colonel in the future.

However, facing the temptation of 15 pesos, everyone will make the right choice.

Again, where the money is, there is the loyalty.

Now facing such a huge sum of money, Laso made his own choice. After all, where the money is, so is the loyalty.

(End of this chapter)

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