Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1323 Big Fireworks at the Presidential Palace

There was a loud "bang", and in the night, several brilliant fireworks exploded suddenly.


This is the fireworks for the celebration party... Immediately afterwards, one after another fireworks began to bloom in the sky, with deafening noises, turning the entire night sky into day.

Beautiful fireworks always attract people's attention. When people are admiring the fireworks, a dozen trucks are driving towards the presidential palace. Almost no one will notice the existence of these trucks. This is just a very ordinary night. That's all.

Outside the presidential palace, a few guards were on duty there as usual, but what was different from usual was that they would turn their eyes to the night sky. They stood there looking up at the night sky and admiring the fireworks in the night sky. Everything was like this beautiful.

However, what these guards didn't know was that the danger had already come.

At the back door of the Presidential Palace, Xu Shaojie, who was holding a military dagger in his right hand, moved very slowly. When climbing over the wall of the back door, his movements were still very agile.The moment he landed, he noticed that the sentry was not on the sentry post, but in front of him. He didn't have time to wait for the team members, and he directly touched the sentry.That guy was admiring the fireworks in the sky with another sentinel, but in the next moment, his mouth was covered, and Xu Shaojie stabbed his neck obliquely with a dagger, cut his neck cleanly, and fell to the ground I swallowed.

The other sentry seemed to have heard the movement, but before he could yell out, Xu Shaojie had already swooped in and stabbed the sentry in the chest.

When everything was over, the other five team members—they were all retired soldiers from the Assault Corps. They participated in this mission as mercenaries. Of course, they were also the main force of the raid. All painted in black camouflage paint.

"team leader……"

Everything seems to be going better than they planned.

"Open the door!"

At the same time as the back door opened, Ansuo and others walked in with a Type [-] rifle.Unlike Xu Shaojie and others who looked calm and composed, they seemed a little nervous. After all, it was their first time participating in such a task.

"According to the plan, we will go straight in, Peros, you take someone to the guard room..."

Just as Xu Shaojie was deploying the task, there was another exclamation from the gate of the Presidential Palace a hundred meters away, followed by the sound of guns being pulled.Which side fired first will probably never be known.

The gunshot from the presidential palace stunned Xu Shaojie. He made a decisive decision and immediately led the people towards the presidential palace with his gun in hand. In front of him, several sentries were rushing out. He immediately raised his rifle, The tongue of flame from the rifle immediately tore the sentry in half.

Although the sentry's reaction was fairly quick, the sentinels were still stunned by such a sudden attack, especially the powerful firepower of the attackers, which gave them no chance to even shoot from the very beginning.

Xu Shaojie ran and swiped his guns all the way, vaguely aware that his teammates were on his left and right, and followed him closely. As for those guys, they just kept shooting with their rifles. As for whether they could hit the enemy, it was completely unknown. By luck, when they attacked the Presidential Palace, the unit at the front gate also attacked - it was a convertible car with a machine gun on it, and the machine gunner operated the machine gun, shooting all the way, rampaging into the president Many of the guards of the presidential palace fell under the powerful firepower of machine guns just after rushing out.

At this time, the scene in the presidential palace was horrible. The archway of the gate ran through the ground floor of the main building and led directly to the backyard. Under the light, there was a horrible scene in front of the eyes-there were corpses everywhere on the ground. This scene made people feel as if they were in hell.

Seeing the corpse on the ground, Xu Shaojie rushed up without blinking.

"Block with machine guns, don't let anyone go..."

When rushing in, he also heard screams of panic coming from the presidential palace, and the next moment, before the machine gun fire started, he heard howls from the presidential palace.

At this time, the fireworks in the sky were still blooming, and the explosion of the fireworks continued, piercing the night sky.

At least at this time, even the citizens of Quito who are admiring the fireworks don't know what happened to the presidential palace at this moment.Even those who heard the gunshots felt that the gunshots might be nothing more than firecrackers.

Fireworks and firecrackers, this seems to be the most common.

Not to mention that the citizens don't know what happened, even Gijon, who is the president, and the dignitaries in the ballroom are also confused.

They didn't know what happened, and the first reaction in their minds was - did that guy want to take this opportunity to beat them all together, and then take the stage by himself.

That's right, the first thing they thought of was the military coup of their own people.The reason why they came up with such thoughts is because they have long been used to all this, not to mention their parents, even more than ten years ago, military coups and the like were still emerging in endlessly.

Even right now, when their interests are being harmed, they will come up with such thoughts. Now that there is a military coup, they take it for granted that it is the work of their "own people".


Before Vice President Pedro Jose Ceballos had finished speaking, Luis Cordero Crespo spoke.

"Pedro, I just have to wait a little more than a year."

Crespo has no reason to do this. He only needs to wait another year before he can be "elected" to become president. Why take the risk of doing such a thing.Similarly, the other local governors present have no reason, at least they have no reason to be in it.

"Is that guy not here?"

"That's right, it must have been launched by the guy who didn't come..."

Just as people were looking for the "culprit" and trying to figure out what was going on, the president's secretary rushed over and said to President Gijon.

"Mr. President, our connection with the outside world has been cut off, and the phone can't be reached at all. Major Russo's side..."

The army led by Major Lasso is stationed in the barracks outside the city, and it is the only force they can rely on.

"If Russo knew what happened here, he would definitely lead the troops into the city."

Just as President Gijon's words fell, there was a sudden burst of rapid gunshots in the corridor outside the door, followed by an explosion, and then another burst of more rapid gunfire.

In an instant, everyone's expressions changed slightly, "Yes, it's a machine gun... They actually brought a machine gun!"

With machine guns, the guards of the presidential palace are definitely no match for those traitors.After all, the Guards only had rifles and pistols, so how could they stand up to insurgents with machine guns?

In addition to being terrified, people whispered there again, guessing who planned all this.

None of them seemed to have a reason for doing it, but each of them seemed to have a reason for how they did it.

After all, power has always fascinated people, who knew?

At this time they heard the president comforting there again.

"Don't worry everyone, the troops from outside the city will arrive soon."

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