Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1324 Power Up the Nation

Chapter 1324 Powering the whole country (second update, please subscribe)

When President Gijon so vowed to put his hope outside the city, the battle inside the presidential palace became more intense.

Rapid gunshots echoed in the presidential palace. Facing the sudden attack, the guards of the presidential palace were still tenaciously resisting. In front of them, they were frustrated. Xu Shaojie threw a grenade without hesitation.

Accompanied by the violent explosion, when the smoke and corridors were filled, they took the opportunity to rush over, holding a semi-automatic rifle and firing a hasty shot at the guard.Those guards with manual rifles were able to resist such fierce firepower, especially when the machine gunners brought machine guns and set up machine guns in the corridor to shoot, their tenacious resistance was instantly disintegrated.

The banquet hall was already in chaos at this moment, the beautiful music had stopped now, the local governors and the chiefs of various ministries all looked around anxiously, they wanted to escape, but how could they escape?
Want to resist...but they don't even have a knife on them, so how can they resist?
Just as people were anxiously facing all this, the gunfire outside the banquet hall got closer, and soon, someone rushed in, and the person who rushed in shot several shots at the roof.

"Nobody is allowed to move!"

"Gijon, where is Gijon?"

Gijon came out, he didn't seem to be in a panic, he just walked out quietly, looked at the militants and said.

"I am Gijon, and I want to see your commander."

When his words fell, Alfonso stepped forward a few steps and when he came to him, the man who raised the rifle said loudly while pulling the trigger.

"In the name of the people..."

Gunshots rang out, and Gijón fell under the gun before he even figured out what was going on.

"Mr. President, Mr. President..."

For a moment, everyone was stunned.The survivors all looked at the president in a pool of blood tremblingly, and then looked at these people with trepidation.

They, what do they want to do?
Why did you just come up and kill someone?

"This, this is against the rules..."

Luis Cordero Crespo stared at the bloody president and muttered to himself.

In the past, although they launched military coups, but, but... it seems that they did the same, unless the other party escaped.

In fact, they are not qualified to speak out against each other in this matter. After all, in the past, they were not necessarily softer than these people.

As for the coup, if they don't get rid of the opponent, if they counterattack again, it will be over.

What about them?
What fate awaits them?

Just when everyone was panicking, Vice President Pedro Jose Ceballos stepped forward and asked.

"Sir, who are you? What do you want?"

Now that the president has been killed by them, it should be possible to negotiate.Isn't this the normal routine of a coup?

"What we want is the liberation of the people of Ecuador, Mr. Ceballos!"

Alfonso glanced at Ceballos, then said.

"Your time is over!"

Looking at those restless people, Alfonso smiled coldly, their fate was doomed.

"Everyone, get out of here, into the garden, everyone..."

"hurry up……"

Then those people were driven into the garden under the push and push of the soldiers.When people stood in front of the back wall of the garden and looked at these people in horror, they didn't even wait for them to figure out what was going on.Then there was a burst of gunfire.


At 5:[-] in the morning, the morning light was slightly dewed on the distant horizon, and the dawn light swept across the earth. The busy crowd in the presidential palace no longer needed to use flashlights.The smell of gunpowder smoke had cleared from the yard, and it looked much more pleasant now.

In a corner of the courtyard, hundreds of corpses were randomly scattered there. Those local governors and oligarchs were executed without even knowing what happened.

with their wives or lovers.Nearly two hundred corpses were randomly scattered there, blood was flowing in the grass...

When Uchis, the leader of the uprising, came to the presidential palace, he took a special look at the backyard. He looked at the corpses in the yard without saying a word. Now they have no time to clean up everything.

After entering the presidential palace, you can also see the disarmed and terrified ordinary staff and soldiers. They are terrified because they have witnessed the execution of those dignitaries like wild dogs.

All were killed!

Not one left!
All this is beyond everyone's expectations.

In the presidential palace, Alfonso led Uchis to the banquet hall on the first floor, pointing to the corpse on the ground.

"Monsieur, this is Gijon."

"Well, our uprising has succeeded..."

Uchis nodded and said.

When they walked to the gate, a middle-aged Daming man in casual clothes came to meet him. The visitor nodded to him and said:
"Mr. Uchis, how is the situation?"

Uchis said with a smile.

"So far so good. I discussed with our people and arranged for some volunteers to clean up the place. As for the corpses, they will be put in the basement first. Also, I will be on the visit list in the morning Local celebrities from all walks of life, they should agree to join the new government, and we will meet today for specific consultations."

When the voice fell, Uchis said a little excitedly.

"Mr. Lin, thank you."

"Excellent. I think you'd better take the time now to draft the first communique of the new government, and then release the news on the radio as soon as possible. We'll see if the radio works, and if it doesn't work, we can use the commercial port train." radio station, and use the radio station to electrify the whole country."

Lin Bing's suggestion made Uchis agree again and again.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Lin, I will send someone to electrify the whole country and tell all Ecuadorians that they are liberated..."

power ups!

Unbeknownst to Uchis, he created a history. He sent the first telegram in human history—informing the whole country of the uprising in Quito by telegram.

And of course tell the world.

That is, when the telegram was sent, the people in Quito finally figured out what happened. When the fireworks in the sky were brilliant last night, who would have thought that the presidential palace would also explode with big fireworks.

The gorgeous fireworks shocked everyone, what will happen next?

No one knows, in fact, for most ordinary people, what can they do even if they know?

They only have the choice of being submissive, as for the rest, they have no choice at all.

(End of this chapter)

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