Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1400 Cuba Raiders

Chapter 1400 Cuba Raiders (first update, please subscribe)
In the rough waters of the South Pacific Ocean.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, but the water sky to the east was already slightly whitish.On the gray sea, a huge fleet was sailing south, splashing white waves.The fleet that was marching in a circular formation was precisely the mobile fleet of the Imperial Navy that had completed the "Hampton Raid".

Now is the time for them to return home in victory.

At this time, they who were cheering for victory had no idea what kind of panic Americans were in behind them, in the north, in North America, and in the United States.Of course, I don't know that in North America, the empire's tens of thousands of troops have crossed the border and launched an attack on the continental United States.

For this fleet returning from victory, all they need is to return.Return to the mainland of the empire to enjoy their glory.

However, when the special mobile fleet returned, what they didn't know was that at midnight local time, in the waters near Cozumel Island on the southeast coast of Mexico, an Imperial Navy fleet was heading towards Cuba at full speed after it was formed. Go—to fight in Cuba, this is the last operation on the first day of the war, and it is also the most important operation—that is, "Operation Castro". right!

As early as the 1870s, the empire established a military base in Mexico and leased Lake Termites for a long time as the station of the Imperial Navy's Caribbean Sea Squadron. Not only is there a sizable fleet of 4 former dreadnoughts and multiple cruisers stationed here Formed a huge fleet, but also stationed in the Marine Corps Second Expeditionary Division.

However, this trip of the fleet did not start from the Carmen base in Lake Termites. The fleet had already left the Carmen base a day ago and arrived in the waters near Cozumel Island.

At this time, the fleet consisted of two "Youzhou-class", two Huizhou-class and four armored cruisers as the main force of the fleet. In addition, there were six new clam-shaped bow tank landing ships and as many as nine The troop carrier, a number of coal water ships, and cargo ships carried tens of thousands of officers and soldiers of the 56nd Marine Expeditionary Division and their equipment: including [-] tanks, hundreds of artillery pieces, and supplies for half a year— This is just in case, so they need to carry as much supplies as possible. Of course, the food they carry is only enough for a few days.Because there are many overseas Chinese in Cuba, the army can purchase them on the spot after landing, and there is no need to waste tonnage at all.

Although dragged down by the low-speed landing ships and merchant ships in the formation, the overall speed of the fleet was less than 10 knots, but because of the short distance, it was scheduled to arrive at the southwest coast of Cuba Island in ten hours.

When the fleet was heading towards the target area at full speed, two seaplanes were cruising in the air to prevent being intercepted by enemy airship forces—although the Cuban army was behind, it was equipped with as many as six airships. The fleet still poses a certain threat.

Major General Huang Kunyi, commander of the Second Expeditionary Division of the Marine Corps, was standing on the bridge of the flagship "Xuzhou" with Major General Li Qinglin, commander of the escort fleet. said with emotion.

"Oh, Zidu, the general trend of the world is vast. Those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish! Now it seems that the one who follows the general trend of the world is the empire."

With a slight smile, Li Qinglin said:
"Brother Kun De seems very optimistic."

Although the Marine Corps and the Imperial Navy, known as the third military service of the Empire, have both warships and land forces, they have never been able to urinate in the same pot, but because both are stationed in Carmen, they have a lot of contact with each other, so it naturally seems relatively close.

"Haha, optimism, how can you not be optimistic?"

Huang Kun said with a big smile.

"Zidu, you have watched the Marine Corps exercise, let alone the vulnerable ones in Cuba. The crappy goods, even if they are replaced by the elite of the US military, they are not our opponents. New equipment, coupled with new tactics. , I dare say that the Cubans will definitely not be able to withstand our fierce attack, so it will be no problem to hit Havana within three days, right?"

Nodding with hands behind his back, Li Qinglin said:
"That's right. Judging from the exercise, the result seems to be so. However, the battlefield is unpredictable, just like you said, the general trend! What I worry about is not the tactical victory, but the general trend!"

"You are worried that if you can attack, you may not be able to defend?"

"Cuba is America's backyard!"

Li Qinglin said.

"Now, the results of the Mobile Fleet are still unknown. Would it be too much of a burden for us to bet on aircraft air strikes? If the U.S. fleet cannot be severely damaged, then its remnants will definitely pose a threat to the existence of the Empire in Cuba. Even the U.S. The fleet preserves its strength for future counterattacks, and will not attack the Cubans within a year or two. However, with the strong industrial strength of the east coast of the United States, they will still replenish the lost warships within a year or two. It has become the weak underbelly of the empire. On the one hand, most of the main force of the imperial fleet will be used in the Pacific Ocean in the future. In the Caribbean Sea, we are the only ones fighting alone. In this case, we are at a disadvantage. If... If the US military is in the direction of Cuba If we launch a counter-offensive, then we need to invest a lot of power to defend Cuba. We only need one division to take down Cuba, but ten divisions are needed to hold it here. Our strength here is likely to be dragged down by the long-term war of attrition on land and sea. of."

Hearing Li Qinglin's worry, Huang Kun said with a smile.

"Haha, the staff has already calculated all this, so the imperial army will attack the mainland of the United States from the northern territories, and go straight to Huanglong! The vast west is the place that the United States has to defend. As for Cuba! At least in two or three years, the United States will There is no time to look south!"

Huang Kun patted the railing beside his hand vigorously, and said:

"It's up to me, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Besides, with me, even if the Americans want to take back Cuba, they must not only prepare ten times more troops, but also prepare for at least 10 casualties! By then here It's the American meat grinder!"

Just as he finished speaking, a staff officer suddenly ran over excitedly and reported loudly.

"Report sir, there is an urgent call from the base camp!"

What is the urgent call from the base camp?
What is the result of the Special Mobile Fleet?
The results of the Mobile Fleet will directly determine whether the "Operation Castro" will be launched. If the Special Mobile Fleet fails, they will return immediately to the home port of Carmen to assist Mexico in defending the mainland.

Even if Mexico has not declared war, so what?The United States can declare war on Mexico!
The moment he received the telegram, Li Qinglin shouted excitedly.

"Great! The Mobile Fleet raid was successful, sinking five dreadnought battleships, severely damaging six, and the Great White Fleet is over! The base camp requires us to launch "Operation Castro" as planned!"

After all, he said excitedly again.

"Quick, tell the news to the whole fleet immediately,"

Soon, the ship's radio was broadcasting the battle report of the successful "Hampton Raid" and the annihilation of the Great White Fleet. For a while, the ship was full of long live voices. They were all cheering there, for the great victory of the Empire on War Day...

 The old group is dead, and a new book friend group: 739209015 is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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