Chapter 1401 Eating pots of pulp to welcome Master Wang (second update, please subscribe)

Cuba, more than ten nautical miles away from the southwest coast of Sanodi, with the black smoke columns drifting with the wind, a string of long ship shadows gradually emerged from the sea line,

The landing force has arrived!

With the sound of a loud whistle on the "Yangwei" transport ship, the flag was hoisted to the top of the mast. According to the scheduled plan, the landing force will be divided into several batches to carry out the landing mission respectively.

The Fifth Regiment of the Second Marine Expeditionary Division equipped with landing ships broke away from the main force first, and headed towards the coast under the escort of several escort gunboats.

Behind them, the black gun barrels of the four battleships pointed directly at the land, ready to launch a devastating bombardment on the land at any time.

The landing ship arrived at the coast almost an hour later. When the clam-shaped bow opened after the beach, the steel bow landing bridge stretched out-this kind of landing ship was borrowed from the LST landing ship of World War II by Emperor Zhu. A simple pattern was drawn, which was jointly developed by the Imperial Navy Ship Administration Office and private shipyards.

The reason why Emperor Zhu attached great importance to the research and development of amphibious landing ships was because a large number of landing battles were required in the empire's global operations. In another world, the failure of many landing battles in World War I was largely due to the lack of dedicated landing ships. .

Therefore, the imperial military had to develop amphibious landing ships for landing warfare. At the same time, LCVP landing craft were also developed. The service of these two amphibious landing ships enabled the imperial military to transport landing troops, tanks, artillery and various Ships that carry out ocean-going voyages with a variety of motor vehicles and other weapons and directly land on enemy beaches.

At the same time as the bow landing bridge was lowered, a roaring Type [-] tank sailed from the landing bridge to the beach.


Finally on the battlefield!
Standing on the seat, with half of his body exposed, Li Chengdong ordered through the helmet's in-car intercom.

"Seize the beachhead immediately!"

Under his command, the three tanks of the tank platoon drove directly to the beachhead, and drove to the small highland not far behind the beachhead. On the highland, the tank's [-]mm artillery was pointed straight into the distance.

Behind them, troops were continuously landing. Tanks and cars drove onto the beach through the bow landing bridge, and more and more marines stepped off the landing craft and rushed onto the beach.

As the troops consolidated their beachhead, they encountered no resistance—the area was not a Cuban "fortified area" at all, with neither batteries nor defensive weapons of any kind.

"This is the benefit of an amphibious landing ship!"

Using a telescope to observe the situation on the shore, Huang Kun said with a smile.

"With amphibious ships, we can carry out landing operations at any time and anywhere, and the initiative on the battlefield is completely in our hands!"

This is a new era of landing operations. In the past, most of the landing operations were troop carriers sending troops to the offshore, and then the soldiers landed on barges. As for horses, cannons, and ammunition, they all needed to be transported through the port and left the port. The heavy equipment of the troops can't go ashore at all, but what about now?

However, amphibious landing ships can bypass heavily guarded ports with forts, and send troops, personnel and equipment directly ashore on any undefended beach.

"Yes, sir, this is a brand new amphibious warfare strategy!"

Amidst the staff's echo, Huang Kun said proudly.

"Now I give the order—to advance inland, immediately, with all strength inland! Our goal is Havana!"

Occupy Havana!
It is the mission goal of "Operation Castro". If there is any important strategic location in Cuba, there is only one place, and that is Havana, which is not only the capital of Cuba, but also a place where Chinese people live together.

In fact, in other parts of Cuba, there are also many Chinese or Chinese mixed blood. After receiving the order, as a leading force, Li Chengdong encountered "resistance" on the way to the inland with an infantry company. A teenager wearing an earth-colored short-sleeved shirt, green shorts, and a red scarf around his neck. They have all kinds of weapons in their hands, including old-fashioned Spencer rifles and new-style bolt-action rifles.

Who are they?

It must be the Boy Scouts. The Imperial soldiers also joined the Imperial Boy Scouts when they were teenagers, and they all wore the same uniform. They were almost all mixed race.

As long as they see this uniform, they will not shoot - only empires have boy scouts in all countries in the world, and only overseas Chinese schools organize boy scouts in other countries, and almost every overseas Chinese community has a branch of boy scouts.

This also means that they must be descendants of overseas Chinese.

When these boy scouts saw Li Chengdong, who was a vanguard, their faces were full of joy, and a boy walked forward and shouted loudly.

"You are the army of the empire!"

The young man spoke Mandarin with a Cantonese accent, and his identity was self-evident - overseas Chinese.In fact, when they saw the national flags on the military uniforms of these people, they knew their identities—the imperial army!
The imperial army is coming!
In fact, it was precisely because they had figured out their identities that they came out of their homes with guns, wanting to cooperate with the officers and soldiers.

"Haha, that's great, you're finally here, we've been waiting for you, for the officers and soldiers..."

The boy said happily.

"Where are you going?"

While speaking, he unceremoniously climbed onto the tank and said.

"My name is Gu Junen. We are all students of the nearby Huaqiao Middle School. We can guide you. Turn left at the intersection in front of you and you will see Sandino, and turn right along the road to Havana..."

Teenagers, when facing these soldiers from Ming Dynasty, have no sense of strangeness at all, only a kind of closeness from the bottom of their bones.

However, Li Chengdong and the others obviously did not intend to let these children lead the way for them. After letting them work on the tank for a while, they let these children go home. The war is already a matter for adults, it is a matter for soldiers, and there is no turn. these kids.

However, the appearance of the children also made Li Chengdong and the others understand what was waiting for them in this country—there would be no fierce resistance. After all, almost half of the population in this country were overseas Chinese or ethnic Chinese.

Along the way, overseas Chinese were everywhere to welcome them—the farms of overseas Chinese were all over Cuba, and when they discovered that the "invaders" were actually imperial soldiers, they would be regarded as "invaders" there. .

Ever since, after the army landed, not only did they not encounter resistance, but even unexpectedly staged a scene of "eating a pot of pulp to welcome the king's teacher".

When passing through a town dominated by overseas Chinese, the soldiers saw the national flag of the empire flying over the town when they were still some distance away.

"This is which army took the lead."

Almost subconsciously.Li Chengdong and the others thought which army was ahead of them.

Before they figured out what was going on.It was surrounded by hundreds of people.These people held bamboo baskets in their hands, filled with various fruits and food.Surround these imperial soldiers with joy.

"Sir, we are looking forward to you."

"No, sir, these years we have been looking forward to the stars and the moon, and we are looking forward to when the imperial army will come and make Cuba our own. Great, finally the military men are here."

The people who surrounded the army, you talked about their joy with each other.

"here is?"

"This is Tangshan Town. Nine out of ten people living in politics are our own people. Sir, I heard that you are here. Look..."

The leading old man pointed to the national flags hanging on the doors and windows of the nearby houses and said.

"Why don't we just hang up the national flag, sir, it's what the people want!"

What the people want is indeed what the people want!At least these imperial expatriates have their hearts in the empire!
However, this does not mean that the Cuban army did not resist. In fact, when the overseas Chinese happily welcomed the entry of the imperial army, the Cuban army that learned that the country had been invaded was also gathering...

 The old group is dead, and a new book friend group: 739209015 is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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