Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1407 Lifting the Fort Like Paper

Chapter 1407 Lifting the Fortress Like Paper (Third Update, Please Subscribe)
The sound of "Chi Chi" echoed in the air.

This is the sound made by the friction between the tail and the air when the tail of the bomb cuts through the air.

Although this sound is harsh, it is a very common sound on the battlefield, and mortar shells will also make similar sounds when they fall.

However, the sound today is different from the past. Its sound is getting louder and harsher, and the sound is getting closer.Suddenly, people thought he was about to fall.

There was a sudden explosion in the sky.

The deafening explosion even made people wonder if a bomb exploded in the air!
Not an explosion!

It's the "sonic boom" sound when the speed of the giant bomb breaks through the speed of sound!

More than ten years ago, in view of the devastating blow to the fortress caused by heavy aerial bombs during the Turkish War.Countries around the world have begun to strengthen the fortress.In order to resist the bombing from the air and the shelling of heavy engineering artillery.The top of the fortress is generally reinforced with reinforced concrete with a thickness of one meter or even more than two meters, which is enough to be immune to the heavy aerial bombs of the imperial military.In order to destroy the increasingly strong fortress, the Imperial Float Force entrusted the enterprise to design "a super bomb capable of destroying any fortress".

In view of the fact that ordinary aerial bombs cannot penetrate the bunker because the shell is too thin, technicians work directly on the shell.Therefore, an armor-piercing aerial bomb with a thick cast steel shell was designed, which can completely smash into the bunker by inertia.

But even so, it still cannot meet the needs of the military. After all, the 2500 kg armor-piercing aerial bomb can only smash through the 2-meter-thick reinforced concrete by inertia, and its power is not strong enough. What the military needs is "enough to destroy any Stronghold's super bomb".

At the request of the military, the scientific researchers of the empire applied the latest aerodynamic principles to aerial bombs to increase their falling speed.Ordinary bombs have average aerodynamic shape, and affected by air resistance, the falling speed of the end is generally only subsonic.However, the super bomb with an optimized shape, with its super large tonnage of 5.5 tons and excellent aerodynamic shape, the falling speed of the end exceeds the speed of sound.

The new super bomb has a total length of 6.4 meters, a diameter of 97 centimeters, and contains 2358.68 kilograms of explosives. Its power can be imagined.And its solid shell, coupled with the falling speed of the end exceeding the speed of sound, endows it with strong penetrating power.

This is the first time the super bomb has been put on the battlefield.

The bomb with a length of more than six meters looks like a huge long stick. It just fell from a height of 5000 meters. Startled.

However, for the Americans who avoided the bombing in the fortress, they had no idea what the loud noise meant.

The moment the roaring super bomb hit the ground, it directly penetrated the reinforced concrete top of the fortress which was nearly two meters thick. To a depth of more than ten meters underground.

When the bomb smashed through the fortress, the American officers and soldiers in the fortress were all taken aback by the violent impact. When they realized that the fortress was "smashed" through, they didn't wait for them to react

Suddenly, like a volcanic eruption, a huge burst of smoke erupted from the underground of the fortress. In the violent explosion, even the mountains were shaken. Amidst the earth-shattering noise, the fortress was like paper. Normally, the entire fortress is thrown up, and after this explosion, when the ground trembles like an earthquake, there is another violent explosion, and the whole fortress is directly lifted up—in the violent explosion, the explosion point The nearby underground arsenal was also detonated, and the moment hundreds of tons of shells and gunpowder exploded, the entire fortress was blown away!

Even the twelve-inch cannons in the fortress were blasted to a height of hundreds of meters in the explosion.

The violent explosion even caused a weak earthquake, not only was the fort completely razed to the ground, it turned into a huge crater.

Even the nearby imperial soldiers suffered additional damage in the explosion—because the explosion was so powerful, the eardrums of many soldiers in the nearby positions were shattered, and some people were even shocked by the violent shock waves and loud noises. bleed.

However, compared to those Americans, they are undoubtedly lucky. Those American officers and soldiers who avoided the bombing in the fortress, did not even figure out what was going on, and turned into dust together with the masonry and soil in the violent explosion.

They didn't even leave any fragments of their bodies, they were mixed with thousands of tons of earth and rocks, and a huge bomb crater became the graves of thousands of American officers and soldiers, and they died silently like this.

In the smoke, Li Gangqiang and his comrades all stared dumbfounded at the disappearing fortress. Once upon a time, this fortress was still an insurmountable obstacle. He and his comrades even prepared to take it with their lives. , They are full of blood and willing to sacrifice!Willing to give!
But now?
What did they see with their ears and nose bleeding from the shock?
It is destruction!
A solid fortress that cost millions of dollars to build was easily destroyed just like that!

Even until now, Li Gangqiang and his comrades are still a little dazed.They couldn't believe it all.

After all, this is too bizarre.

After a long time, Li Gangqiang murmured to himself.

"Destroy, destroy the world, that's all!"

However, no one around him could hear what he was saying at all, almost everyone's ears were injured, and they could not hear what their comrades were saying clearly because they only had tinnitus in their ears...

On the high ground behind the mountain, Xu Yangzhi, head of the 53rd regiment, opened his eyes wide in astonishment, his lips parted slightly, and he couldn't even speak.

"What, what is this? Is it "Thor's Hammer"?"

The so-called "Thor's Hammer" is a general term for 1800 kg and 2500 kg aerial bombs.

"Certainly not!"

Sun Haoze affirmed.

"The bomb dropped by the airship is definitely not "Thor's Hammer", because its power is too great, far surpassing "Thor's Hammer". When we were in the military school, we watched a documentary film, "Thor's Hammer"... no could cause such an explosion..."

Staring at the huge mushroom cloud, Sun Haoze pursed his lips, and then said.

"My God, if we keep dropping such bombs like this, then this battle will definitely not be fought! Grant Fort... is simply vulnerable..."

Surprised, Xu Zhiyang, who still couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, spoke for a long time.

"Overturning a huge city is like peeling off a piece of paper... With such a bomb, the so-called Fort Grant is worth mentioning..."

What is the so-called Fort Grant?It is a fortress built by the Americans on the Pacific coast and in the west to prevent the empire from attacking.

Shaking his head, Xu Zhiyang sighed.

"Now, I even have some sympathy for those American soldiers. They... don't know what they are going to face at all."

When Xu Zhiyang said these words, he raised his head and looked towards the sky. At this time, the sky was sunny and the blue sky and white clouds were exceptionally transparent. The sky... the sky belongs to Da Ming. As long as he masters the sky, Da Ming will definitely win this war.

"It's death!"

Sun Haoze sneered.

"Unless they surrender, what awaits them is a dead end!"

 The old group is dead, and a new book friend group: 739209015 is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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