Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1408 One Minute Man

Chapter 1408 One Minute Man (First update, please subscribe)
War broke out!
For the people of Seattle, they are undoubtedly the first people to feel the war.

The governor didn't even need an order. After learning that the Imperial Army had crossed the border and invaded Washington State, Mayor Wilson mobilized the militia while waiting for the governor's order.


North America is a region with a militia tradition. As early as the British colonial era, in order to defend against the Indians, every man had to bring his own sword, musket and gunpowder.This is the beginning of the North American militia.

These militiamen are basically ragged, bearded peasants, not only have no formal training, but also have miscellaneous weapons.Although they are soldiers when they go out and civilians when they come in, they come without a trace and go without a trace. Their characteristic is that they can gather within one minute of receiving the battle report and rush to the mission location.It is precisely because of this that they are called "1-minute people".

Historically, it was these "one-minute people" who resisted the Indians' attacks, allowing Britain not only to gain a firm foothold in North America, but also to achieve expansion in North America.

On April 1775, 4, Lexington fired the first shot of the American Revolutionary War, and it was also those "one-minute men" who fired the shot.

After the Revolutionary War, although the United States demobilized the standing army, the state militias were still the most important armed forces in the United States. Since then, the United States has experienced several major wars, such as the Second Revolutionary War, the Civil War and the Mexican-American War. The militia temporarily formed the national army and disbanded to various places after the war.

The "Military Law" promulgated by the United States in [-] determined that the militia organizations in each state should be incorporated into the "National Guard" and be under the jurisdiction of the governor.But the National Guard is the guard, and it has its own militia organizations in the countryside and towns of the United States.

When Seattle's mayor mobilized the militia, Douglas Jr., like many others, was already taking up arms with the town's men to defend their homes.

Standing in the dense woods, Douglas Jr. took aim at the road ahead with his Spencer rifle, while the others scattered around, armed with various weapons, even an old-fashioned Sharps rifle.

"I heard that the Ming people have conquered the fortress, and they are rushing towards us."

Leaning against a fallen giant cedar half as thick as a man, Seale, who was holding a Remington roller rifle in his arms, said to Douglas Jr.

"The fortress was conquered so quickly? How is this possible? Didn't they say that it could withstand the Ming people for a year?"

"God only knows what's going on. Therefore, we may encounter more Ming people than expected in a while, so we must make a quick decision and leave after a few shots. We must not love to fight..."

The reason why Seale gave such advice was not only because he and Douglas Jr. were neighbors, but also because he and Douglas Jr.'s mother were friends, and they were good friends with a deep relationship.

"I see, Syl."

When Douglas Jr. nodded, someone ran over in the distance.

"The Ming people are here, the Ming people are here..."

When everyone heard this, they picked up their weapons and aimed at the road in the forest.

A dozen or so small troops came over. They were vanguard soldiers. The two of them marched along the edge of the road in a row. It could be seen that they seemed to be very vigilant, and they would always pay attention to their surroundings when they were marching.

"This tree is really big!"

Cheng Guo looked up at the huge trees with dozens of floors on the side of the road, his eyes were full of surprise.

"This tree must be hundreds of meters high!"

"Sequoia! The largest tree in the world can grow hundreds of meters. There are many such giant trees from Beihai Governor's District to California. I heard that there are giant trees with a diameter of more than ten meters in California..."

After an explanation, Li Chengde added casually.

"It's in the elementary school geography book. You must not have taken it very seriously when you were studying."

"Hey, squad leader, you know all about this..."

When everyone was walking and talking, Li Chengde glanced at the mountain, and all he could see were giant trees in the sky. Even ordinary cedar trees were hundreds of years old. This is America.

Li Chengde, who was born in the mountainous area of ​​southern Anhui, clearly remembers that there are not many hundred-year-old trees on the mountains in his hometown. If there were such big trees, they would probably be taken away by the government to build a house. There are sky everywhere. giant tree...

When he was thinking about this in his heart, suddenly, like some kind of intuition, he glanced at the misty mountain forest, then raised his left hand, and at the same time as the chatting soldiers stopped, they knelt down one after another Leaning on the ground, he looked around according to the gun.

"Squad leader, nothing seems to be moving."

Almost at the moment when his words fell, with a gunshot, Cheng Guo's body softened and he fell down.

"There is an ambush!"

When lying down, Li Chengde yelled at Cheng Guo.

"Son of the country, son of the country..."

Cheng Guo, who was shot in the chest, was blood-red. He twitched a few times and then lost his breath.

"The enemy is on the mountain..."

Rushing to the side of a big tree, Li Chengde raised his rifle and shot at the forest, staring at the smoke emerging from the forest from time to time, observing for a while, he shouted.

"It's a small group of militiamen, Wei Tao, you lead a few people to outflank the left wing, and the others will fight with me."

When the voice fell, Li Chengde, who leaned out half of his body again, was firing a burst of output at the enemy-continuously pulling the bolt, aiming and shooting, and pulling the bolt again...

"Damn it, if only there were machine guns..."

While complaining in his heart that the rifle could not suppress the enemy, Li Chengde heard the screams of his comrades being shot, and another brother was shot.

After pressing two rows of bullets, when reloading, he glanced to the left, and vaguely saw that Wei Tao and his two brothers had approached not far from the enemy.

"Use a grenade."

Lying under a broken tree in the forest, looking at the Yankees hiding behind the tree, Sun Weitao took out a grenade, pulled the matchlock, and threw it at the location where several Yankees gathered.

With the explosion of the grenade, screams and cries echoed in the forest.

"Quick, let's go!"

Almost at the moment when the explosion sounded, Seale pulled Douglas Jr. and fled towards the distance. Most of the others did the same, and even when they retreated, they took two lightly wounded people with them.

When Li Chengde and the others rushed over, there were only a few corpses left on the ground, and a seriously wounded man whose legs had been blown off in a pool of blood.

Looking at the militiaman whose legs were blown off, Li Chengde bent down and asked.

"What's your name, where are you from..."

Before he could finish asking, this guy stretched out his middle finger at him. Everyone knew this gesture.


Before the injured militiaman could finish cursing, the comrade on the side pointed a gun butt at his head. After this guy was knocked down, Li Chengde asked.

"How about the casualties?"

"Guozi and Heisong died, and Gouzi was shot..."

Two dead and one wounded.

Looking at the corpses of the resistance elements and the seriously injured captive, Li Chengde picked up his rifle and shot him in the head without thinking.

Then he turned to his comrades.

"It's fine to treat the militia like this. They are armed spies, not regular troops, so they are not protected by public international law. Remember this! The Geneva Convention signed by the empire only protects active servicemen of belligerent countries..."

 The old group is dead, and a new book friend group: 739209015 is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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