Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1454 MacArthur's lament

Chapter 1454 MacArthur's lament (first update, please subscribe)
"Portland has fallen!"

When the news reached San Francisco, that is, San Francisco, the people here were all shocked and couldn't believe the news.

Although Olympic, the capital of Washington State, fell when the war first broke out, God can testify that it was just a small town, but what about Portland?

It is a metropolis, at least for the west, Portland is a metropolis, a city comparable to San Francisco and Los Angeles.

But now, that city has been occupied by Ming army.

"God forbid, how could this be?"

In fact, they should be grateful for the backward traffic and bad weather in Washington State. If it weren't for the heavy snow that swept the entire north in October, then the occupied areas would not only be Washington State and Iowa.

"It's not the weather, it's the troops!"

In the San Francisco Defense Command, when General Arthur MacArthur's words fell, his eyes were fixed on the sand table.

Thanks to the expansion of the U.S. military, Arthur MacArthur, who had been discharged after the Civil War, had been promoted to brigadier general a decade earlier to command a brigade of infantry.He was promoted to lieutenant general two years ago, the brigade has been deployed in California in case of Mexico's invasion, and now he is the supreme commander of US forces in California.

Since the outbreak of the war, he has been trying his best to strengthen the defense. In addition to strengthening the "Grant Fortress", he also deployed heavy troops at the mountain pass in the upper reaches of the Sacramento River. But even so, he still did not have much confidence in the face of the invasion of the Ming army. .

"Although the Ming people invaded our country last April, their strength was seriously insufficient at that time. Although they mobilized millions of troops, it is well known that those people are recruits, and they will not take the recruits rashly. Into the battlefield, so in fact, they can only invest less than 4 troops. Although it seems to be a lot, they are scattered on the long front. The scattered forces prevent them from attacking with all their strength. In addition, Washington State The backward traffic also affected their offensive, so their offensive was not violent..."

After thinking about it, Arthur MacArthur said to Chief of Staff Warren Kruger.

"However, in the past eight months, their recruits have completed their training, and they have also added a large amount of weapons and equipment. According to the current information, they have been transferred from the mainland and African colonies in the past few months. There are more than 100 million troops, and even a large number of tanks..."

When mentioning tanks, MacArthur paused. He picked up his pipe and took a puff silently. From last year until now, tanks appeared most often in newspapers—although there were not many tanks, no matter where he appeared , The seemingly insurmountable line of defense will immediately collapse, it is simply vulnerable,
Portland, with [-] defenders, even resisted the attack of tanks for only a dozen days before declaring its surrender.Tanks are an absolute nightmare for any defender.

With a pipe in his mouth, Arthur MacArthur continued.

"After this spring, they will attack with all their strength. At that time, we will face an enemy that will come like a tide. Not only that, but those enemies will also be armed to the teeth. They are equipped with the most sophisticated weapons in the world. They will destroy All in all. Their tanks, hundreds of tanks and hundreds of planes, will come with their army and tear our defenses to shreds..."

Staring at the defensive deployment on the sand table, MacArthur's brows were furrowed. He knew exactly what he was facing.
"Airplanes, tanks, these are what we are facing, but what do we have?"

Facing the commander's complaint, Chief of Staff Warren couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"God bless! What kind of enemy are you facing? You are facing a group of enemies armed to the teeth."

When Warren made this sigh, perhaps he never thought that in another world, a group of soldiers once faced their descendants and made such a sigh, but those soldiers defeated their descendants with will and flesh and blood

"Except for rifles, we have almost nothing. We have 40 troops, but only less than 2000 machine guns. Each division has only a pitiful more than 100 machine guns. As for artillery, the number of long-range heavy artillery is also very limited..."

Although he complained so much, MacArthur knew very well that the factories in the east had tried their best, and it was already a miracle to be able to provide them with 2000 machine guns in just a few months. Even the Minister of War promised him, At the end of the month, at least 3000 machine guns and 200 field guns with a caliber of 4 inches or more will be delivered.

But what does he need now?
Holding a pipe in his hand and taking a sip, MacArthur said to the chief of staff.

"Tanks, we not only need large-caliber machine guns that can destroy tanks, but we also need tanks, not dozens, but hundreds, or even thousands, and of course, aircraft..." When referring to aircraft, MacArthur asked.

"Warren, when will our plane get here?"

What is the biggest good news for MacArthur right now?
It was the president who promised him at least 200 planes!
With these planes, at least he doesn't have to worry about the Ming people's airships bombing his city and his fortress as in the past. Before that, the Ming people who had the air supremacy always bombed cities, fortresses and trains with airships.

"It should be in the last few days, because the pilots need time to train, and they can't fly directly from New York, so they need to take the train. However, we have to prepare and fix the airport before they arrive."

Warren said with a smile.

"God bless, it is much easier to build an airport than an airship field. You only need a flat grass field to take off and land. In California, many people's farms can be used as airports. We have requisitioned more than 50 farms, pilots We can live in houses, and planes can take off directly on the grass."

Listening to the chief of staff's narration, MacArthur nodded, and then said.

"As long as we have airplanes, the Ming people's airships will no longer be able to pose a threat to us, but this is only to block their airships. However, without airships, the damage caused by airplanes to the ground is limited. Compared with airplanes, we Need more tanks, tanks..."

MacArthur doesn't have a deep understanding of the role of the plane. It seems to have no other use except that it can hit airships. After all, it carries limited bombs. After the surprise attack on Hampton, Deming's plane almost fell into a Silence only occasionally shows its face on the battlefield to show its existence.But tanks are different. Tanks... can play an extremely important role on all fronts.

When mentioning tanks, MacArthur said as if thinking of something.

"I remember three years ago, didn't we make tanks? But why haven't we had tanks until now? Mr. President said they would give us tanks soon, but damn it, the War Department told us that there are no tanks at all Applicable tanks, God, without tanks, we will definitely lose this war..."

 The old group is dead, and a new book friend group: 739209015 is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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