Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1455 Where is this a tank?

Chapter 1455 Where is this a tank (second update, please subscribe)
"Without the planes, we would have lost the war!"

After the "surprise attack on Hampton Anchorage" by the Naval Air Force of the Ming Empire, the entire United States was discussing aircraft, and everyone believed that aircraft was the weapon that determined the victory of the war.

Although the mighty "Great White Fleet" was destroyed at Hampton anchorage, there is always a glimmer of hope in the bad news-they captured many downed planes.

Faced with this new type of weapon, American engineers directly chose "imitation" - imitation!
In the process of repairing the aircraft, they found that compared with the complex structure of the airship, the structure of the aircraft is simply ridiculously simple-it is composed of a wooden skeleton, canvas skin, steel wire drive and gasoline engine. The most "high technology" is the aluminum radial engine.As long as the engine problem is solved, American factories can immediately produce a large number of aircraft.

The United States United Technologies Corporation accepted this task. After half a year of hard work, the engineers of United Technologies Corporation finally produced the first aero-engine in the United States. With the plane.Soon the first aircraft in the United States came out of the factory of United Technologies Corporation,

Their success even caused a sensation all over the world, not only the order immediately placed by Washington, but even the British sent procurement personnel, waving the pound to purchase their aircraft, as God can testify, in the past few months, they have not Less suffering from not having planes - planes not only destroyed their airships, but also allowed French airships to bomb their defenses with ease.

The United Technologies Corporation, which manufactured the aircraft, not only gained huge profits, but even became an American hero.Even those who participated in the imitation of engineers became heroes, and Condal was one of them.

It had been raining, and the wipers were struggling to remove the water.There was mud on the road, and as soon as the car passed by, the mud was splashed high.Mr. Condal didn't drive his [-]th BMW, not because he didn't want to drive it, but because it was a Daming car, and he was worried that he would be beaten by others when he drove it. It specializes in smashing Daming cars. One owner of a Maxima car was dragged out and beaten to death while trying to protect the car.

So for the sake of safety, Kang Daer has parked that luxury BMW in the garage since then, even if the radicals on the street have joined the army, he will not drive that car again, it’s not that he doesn’t want to , his wife dared not let him drive.

Looking at the wind and snow outside the car window, Kang Daer was a little dazed.The car was running on the empty road, and he was thinking about the previous question repeatedly in his mind. He drove the car in front of the building of United Technologies Corporation, and he glanced at the factory behind.

In the workshop, the carpenters are using machines to cut the wood and process the wooden beams of the aircraft body. The women workers are sewing the canvas together with the sewing machine. .

To a certain extent, the production of aircraft is even simpler than the production of automobiles. After all, the main structure of automobiles is steel, and production requires the use of a large number of machine tools to process spare parts. What about aircraft?Just a bunch of wood and canvas and wire rope.

Except, of course, the engine.

After the aircraft is assembled in the workshop, it is dragged out of the assembly workshop by a trailer. Outside the assembly workshop is the test flight field. After refueling, the engine starts to test. After the engine test is completed, the trailer drags the aircraft onto the taxiway. Finally, The company's test pilots came, and they checked the new plane inside and out by themselves, and then they would fly the plane for a few laps in the air. Guys who have been flying for a few months will fly the plane to the airport in New York and continue training there.

Now that the United States has airplanes—and even a lot of them—United Technologies is now producing hundreds of them a month. The only question is what?
That's the pilots, the US doesn't have enough pilots.

Sitting in the car, Condal took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, and then he turned his gaze to the United Motor Company on the other side. Even here, he could hear the roar of the machines coming from the factory area. Cars were produced as before, except they were delivered to the military.

The army needs cars, a lot of cars, but... Condal took a deep puff of his cigarette, and after driving straight, he went straight to the office of the chairman, Willis Odes.

"Condal, my friend, what do you have..."

Before Willis Odes finished speaking, Condal opened the box in his hand.

"Is this a tank?"

Odess let out a cry, and he only felt a flash of light in front of his eyes-a whole box of various and exquisite models that looked like real tanks.They are not toys.They are models made by Condal according to the photos of the tanks, which are exactly the same as the real tanks.

"Yes, sir, it's a tank!"

Every time Condal took out a model of a tank, it would cause a burst of surprise and admiration from Odess.He found that the tracks of these tanks could move, and even the turret could rotate. Not only that, he could even open the rear engine cover of the tank and see the engine inside.

"Here's the engine, the same 75-horsepower engine we use in the trucks we supply to the military,..."

Condal held the tank model and explained its structure, and said:
"Tanks, what our army needs most now are tanks, even more important than airplanes, sir, we can't win this war without tanks, we need tanks! If we make tanks, God forbid, just Just the order from the military is a very astonishing number,"

Looking at these tank models, Odess rubbed his hands a little excitedly.Now in his eyes, these models are clearly what kind of tanks they are, and they are the money that has been pouring into him!

What could be a more lucrative business in time of war than the arms business?
no more!
And the tank, which the US military desperately needs, is sure to pay him big bucks.

So he was a little excited and said to his old colleague who would bring him huge wealth years ago:
"Mr. Condal, I really don't know how to thank you. You know, when other people are still satisfied with the current plane, but you have already considered a new future..."

(End of this chapter)

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