Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1456 The Weakness of Human Nature

Chapter 1456 The Weakness of Human Nature (Third Update, Please Subscribe)

What does it take to make a tank?
Steel plates, engines, gearboxes, and various other mechanical parts are required. For an automobile company, there is no difficulty in producing tanks. The only problem is the design of the tank.

Although American companies developed American tanks six years ago based on British tanks, like the United Kingdom, faced with problems such as short track life and prone to failure, the U.S. Army only purchased a few as a test.

For them, maybe the tank is a new type of weapon, but that's all. After all, the tank is so bumpy, and in the tank, there is no way for people to communicate with each other, and there is no communication between tanks. way to communicate.

Such a thing that fights alone is not very useful on the battlefield at all, just like an armored vehicle, at most it will play its difficult role on the battlefield.

But most of the time it's just a pile of scrap iron.

But now facing the impact brought by the imperial tanks, the U.S. military is also appealing for tanks. Any failures and the like are not worth mentioning. The most important thing now is to have, to have American tanks.

But unlike the Hamptons, when Congress authorized $2.4 million to fund the development and manufacture of combat-ready U.S. aircraft, they only authorized $8000 million for the Army's much-needed tanks.

Only when the iron fist hits the body will it hurt. What is certain is that compared to the bombing of the Hampton by the plane, the impact of the tank on the United States is not big enough.
As an automotive mechanical engineer, Condal is definitely a genius. He played a very important role in the process of imitating the Imperial Sea Holly aircraft. When designing tanks, he was different from others. , he based himself as much as possible on existing parts - a lot of car parts.

At this point, he thought of it with Daming's engineers, not only because the parts of the car were reliable and durable, but more importantly, there was no need to adjust the production equipment.

The only problem is how to integrate the existing parts into the tank. This is not difficult for engineers, just like the American automobile engineers during World War II integrated the gearbox of a car into a light tank, and integrated the gearbox of a truck into a medium tank. same as above.

Since September [-], in the workshop of the United Motor Company, the engine and gearbox of the truck have been packed into an iron box, and even the track is "borrowed" from the tractor. Carbon steel, in short, make use of existing equipment as much as possible.

In war, people are always able to create miracles. In just a hundred days, a tank that looks three points similar to the Type 500 tank was freshly released, because most of the existing mature technologies were used. It passed the 2000-mile driving test during the test run, and its performance is so good-in fact, it can only run.Before the tests were even completed, the War Department issued an order for [-] tanks, and even received an order from Germany.

For a time, United Technologies Corporation became the biggest winner in the war. The planes and tanks made them a lot of money. Of course, the most important thing is-the United States has its own planes and tanks.

Immediately after the delivery of the first batch of tanks, the freshly baked US tank force took the train to the increasingly tense situation in the west.


Everyone is transporting materials through the Pacific Railway, and the same is true for Ming Dynasty. Since the outbreak of the war, the trains on the railway leading to the Pacific Ocean have been rushing day and night. Tanks, heavy artillery, and aircraft and other materials are all transported by railway to the Pacific coast. From there it is shipped to North America.

In the end, these military equipment will be applied to the battlefield, and then play an extremely important role in the war.The role played by technical equipment such as aircraft and tanks will definitely change warfare.

In fact, they have already changed the situation of the war. Whether it is tanks or aircraft, they are all unique technical equipment of Ming Dynasty.

Of course, tanks are not a secret - as early as before the war, Britain had obtained information about tanks through spies, and even obtained the drawings of teaching pictorials. They also imitated tanks, because the results were not ideal. The former British didn't pay attention to it at all. After 6 people died in Verdun in one day, the British gentlemen who were severely whipped by a machine gun didn't think of tanks.

Although British tanks had many failures and were prone to chain loss, Britain still purchased a batch of tanks in an attempt to break the stalemate on the French battlefield.At the same time, the British intelligence department was also instructed to obtain as much information as possible about the Ming tank.

As the veteran spy who has been lurking for the longest time, Jin Biyun has received this task. Even though she is married and has a child now, she still cannot forget the restoration of the country. Even Li Huafeng, her husband, was brainwashed by her.

"If Britain wins, the Qing Dynasty will be revived. At that time, we can return to the Qing Dynasty and live a good life..."

Looking at his affectionate wife and listening to those distant descriptions, Li Huafeng's heart felt hot.

Gege, forehead!
Clothes and fine food, wealth and splendor, and of course a large number of wives and concubines... All these are things that Daming cannot give him.

Everyone has different reasons for betraying the country. Why did Li Huafeng betray in the first place?

At the beginning it was beauty, then what?It was the ecstasy soup that Jin Biyun poured into him!
What kind of forehead, what kind of high power.There is always something that moves his heart, what happens after the heartbeat?

It is a betrayal.

In the past two years, he couldn't remember how many secrets he had sold. As an engineer at the South China Arsenal, he had access to many weapons.

In order to please this woman, he leaked a lot of things that should not have been leaked, and now he is used to it all.

In fact, many times people are like this, as long as you get used to it, you will get used to betraying.You might even get used to it and don't think it's a big deal.

Beauty, money... always so charming.


Lying on her husband's chest, Jin Biyun said in a charming tone.

"There needs to be some technical information on the tanks, and it is best to have real objects."


Li Huafeng said in surprise.

"Biyun, the tank is produced by another company. At most, I can only take some photos and technical information. It is a big risk to touch it. As for the real thing... my God... oh... um... "

Li Huafeng's words turned into a moan along with a moan, and Jin Biyun had turned into a beautiful snake and was walking on his body.

Li Huafeng was lying on the head of the bed, his eyes narrowed into slits, and after enjoying it for a while, he watched her lying on his body.


Lying beside Li Huafeng's ear, Jin Biyun said.

"Think of a way, you are so smart, there must be a way."

When the seductive voice rang in his ears, the boneless body like a snake also moved.

Who can resist such a temptation?
"Well, let me think about it, yes...that's it..."

With his eyes closed, Li Huafeng seemed to have figured out a solution. The solution is always something that people come up with. Just give them some motivation. Jin Biyun, who is well aware of human nature, knows very well how to give them motivation, as long as they move...

 The old group is dead, and a new book friend group: 739209015 is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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