War brings destruction and death!
War also brings change, changing the lives of many.

It's not just men that have changed, but women too.

After the outbreak of the war, when the men went to the battlefield cheering, the lives of the women were also changed. When the lovers were drafted into the army, the girls took the initiative to marry them.

Everyone's life has been changed in the war.

For Chen Jingyun, her life has been changed. A year ago, she was just a student in a girls' middle school, still busy with her studies. When she was busy, she would chat with her neighbor's brother through the window .

They were childhood sweethearts, and they played together since they were young. She followed him like a follower, and she didn't even know what life would be like without him one day.

Until March last year, when that day came, Chen Jingyun couldn't even remember the details of that time.That day, he told her that he had registered with the conscription office, and that soon he would become an imperial soldier and go overseas.

Faced with this sudden news, Chen Jingyun couldn't even imagine a life without him.

"You said when you were young that you would marry me when you grow up, let's get married!"

Until now, she still clearly remembers the words she mustered up the courage to say that day.

He agreed.

The family members of the two families also agreed. In fact, when they were very young, someone teased her—she was his unmarried daughter-in-law.

From the engagement to the wedding, there were only two weeks in total!

Such a short period of time in the Taiping era was simply impossible.At that time, at least five or six months of gaps were needed to make sense.But the outbreak of the war changed everything, and everything was as fast as the wind.

At that time, he could not stop rubbing his hands anxiously, wanting to delay the marriage, so as not to drag her down.After all, swords and guns have no eyes on the battlefield, and engagement is enough. As for marriage, let's think about it again, even her mother said so.

However, she naturally strongly opposed to her mother's suggestion, she ignored it and immediately said - to get married!And it's coming soon.

In order to be able to get married before he left, their wedding was very simple, only three days of preparations, and then, the only barrier was the Palace of Happiness——in every big Ming city, there is a Palace of Happiness, which is the place where new couples register their marriages. On the surface, in order to reduce the extravagance and waste of weddings, it set up a place specially for young men and women to hold wedding registration ceremonies, but in fact, it was to compete with the church for the right to hold weddings.

Over the years, the Happy Palace has long been an inevitable choice for Ming people to hold their weddings.However, reservations are required.During that period of time, the Palace of Happiness was the busiest place in all parts of Ming Dynasty except for the conscription office. Soldiers and their lovers who were just about to go to the battlefield were there to receive blessings from the mayor, relatives and friends.

When Chen Jingyun went to make an appointment, the appointment there had been scheduled for a few days, so she directly broke into the mayor's office and asked for a "plus sign". Facing the girl who barged in, even the mayor couldn't stop her. For young lovers.

So under the auspices of the mayor, she married him as she wished, and received people's blessings like everyone else in the Palace of Happiness.After the war broke out, the entire empire was intoxicated with high patriotic enthusiasm and excitement.People thought that the war would end with just one battle, and the young people who were afraid that the war would end soon all rushed to enlist in the army, and they also rushed to marry their sweethearts.

Get married, then go to war, then fight a battle, and then return triumphantly, full of glory and military exploits.They will be beside their wives, kiss their wives, and then share with her what they saw after the war. When they are old, when their children and grandchildren are around their knees, they will share their wartime experiences with their children.

Everything seems to be so perfect...

They had love, won honor, and reaped happiness.

But war is cruel, but no one has seriously considered it.

In just a few days, the girl became the wife of a soldier. After just a few days, the soldier went to war. After a few months, the woman who had not yet enjoyed the joy of being newlywed became a widow again. Widowhood comes on the heels of newlyweds, and sometimes they are either dismayed or delighted to find out that they are soon to be mothers.

Once again, lying on the hospital bed, Chen Jingyun thought of her husband, who had just become a mother, and looked at the child sleeping peacefully in the crib next to the bed, with a face full of happiness and a trace of worry.

"You know, I miss you so much..."

In those short two weeks, everything was rushed, she didn't have time to think seriously, she didn't even have time to shed tears, she just immersed herself in the happiness of newly-married, and then what?

He, like many others, set off.

Only after he left did she realize that she was no longer alone and she was pregnant.Now, they have been separated for ten months, and she is not only a wife, but also a mother.

"Jingyun, did Dawei write a letter recently?"

"Well, I write every day,"

Nodding, Chen Jingyun said.

"Grandmother, after you go home, check to see if there is any letter from Dawei in the mailbox. I haven't seen any letter from him in the past few days, so I feel empty."

Hearing this, the mother-in-law said quickly.

"Hey, look at my memory, Jingyun, you should take a good rest first, and I will definitely take a look when you get home. That kid Dawei is always thinking about you, one letter a day, there will always be a lot."

Yes, a letter a day, always see less.

For the newlyweds who went out to war after swallowing, the letter connects the relationship between them and is also a testimony of their love.

Looking at the infant child, Chen Jingyun smiled lightly.

"Missing, do you miss Daddy? Well, Mother misses him too, shall we wait for Daddy to come back together? Turning around, Mom is holding you and taking photos and sending them to Daddy..."

Looking at the daughter who was teasing the child, the mother's face was full of love and a little sad, her lips trembled slightly, but she didn't speak.I just secretly prayed for my daughter's happiness in my heart, praying for the blessing of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and wishing that my son-in-law can come back safely.

As for the in-laws at the side, she was very happy, blushing with joy - she has a grandson!

But when she thought of her son who was on the front line, a trace of unknown worry flashed across her brows, and she even couldn't help complaining in her heart, not to mention that the battle would be over soon. If they don't reach the Northern Territory, the war will be over and rush to the front line, but it's been more than a year now, why isn't it over yet...

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