Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1501 We are all the same

In the spring of Shengde 27, the Imperial Army finally resumed its southward attack.

In the bright spring, the planes of the Imperial Legion bombarded the U.S. defense troops and convoys continuously. Under the cover of the air, the infantry and tank troops began to attack.

The artillery bombards, the infantry rushes, the key is still to rely on the infantry to charge, the final victory of the war is still determined by the infantry!
On March 24th, the 275th Regiment was preparing to enter Chihir City. It was actually a small town. Although the town was not big, it was the main road leading to California. A regiment of US troops was stationed around the town.

After a round of shelling, the trees by the river were either blown up, or left with bare main poles, and there were large fields of wheat growing in the open and flat fields outside the town.The green ears of wheat sway in the wind on the four-foot-high wheat stalks, and the dewdrops of wheat leaves glisten.

"Chirp! Chirp..."

The mortar shells landed on the wheat field with a piercing howling sound, making craters one after another. In the shock wave of the explosion, the wheat waves undulated.

The scene of the wind blowing the wheat waves always reminds people of the wheat fields outside the hometown. Kang Mingwei, who is lying in the crater with his gun in his arms, can't cheer up for some reason.Listening to the rustling of the wheat waves, he thought of the scenes of running in the wheat fields with his wife when he was a child.

Some homesick.

He was homesick, missing his pregnant wife, missing his unborn child.

The battle started in the early morning, the sun had already risen, and the sun shone on the battlefield, making the dewdrops on the wheat leaves sparkle like crystals.


A sudden burst of machine gunfire interrupted Kang Mingwei's thoughts. Even though he was lying in the crater, he could still feel the danger of the bullets passing through the belly-deep wheat field. The bullets hit the wheat straw like a harvester.

In the moments when the machine-gun fire was temporarily interrupted, there was a strange illusion of hazy tranquility.It is only five or sixty meters away from the enemy's trench. If you look up, you can see the shaking heads on the parapet.

Taking a deep breath, the moment the machine gun stopped firing, he stood up again half a cat, aiming calmly with half of his body exposed between the ears of wheat, then pulled the trigger and fired a shot, then quickly lay down on the ground. down.

Again, machine guns rang out.The whistle of bullets passed over his head.

At this moment, Kang Mingwei heard movement behind him, and he immediately turned his gun.


"Shangbing Kang, it's me, Fu Zhongming."

Then a figure rolled into the pit at once.He is a first-class soldier of the Fuzhong Army. He crawled along the ridges of the fields. He is from the colony of Tanzania. His father is a farm laborer and his mother is a local aborigine. However, his skin color is not dark, but slightly darker. There are no facial features such as thick lips that are unique to blacks.This guy is a gutsy guy.

"Soldier, can I have a cigarette?"

Kang Mingwei handed him a cigarette.Then he took out a match again, Fu Zhongming pointed the cigarette at the fire, leaned against the crater, took a good puff, and then pretended to enjoy it.He whispered to himself.

"After smoking this cigarette, even if you die, you will have no regrets."

After finishing speaking, he quietly stretched out his head to look around.A few comrades who were four or five meters away from them huddled together and shot.

"The purpose of war is to kill the enemy and keep yourself alive!"

Kang Mingwei tore off some ears of wheat, and carefully inserted them into the straps of the helmet, which could serve as camouflage in the wheat field.

In Kang Mingwei's view, in a war, one must first protect oneself, only in this way can the enemy be better killed.This is the real way to win the war, where African guys like them are like dead and alive at every turn.

They don't know what war is at all.Of course, it is precisely because they do not know what is the means to win the war that they become vassals of the empire.

"Oh, Kang Shangbing, our imperial soldiers, shouldn't it be our duty to serve the empire and serve the empire with death!"

When he said these words, Fu Zhongming's tone seemed very serious, even with some dissatisfaction in his tone, of course he didn't dare to show it, because Kang Shangbing was a real Ming person.

"Anyway, as long as you serve the empire, that's right!"

Suddenly, taking a sharp puff on his cigarette, Fu Zhongming jumped out of the pit, and he was galloping in the wheat field. While running, he slammed a grenade forward.Then it rolled into the wheat field, and the grenade accurately landed in the trench of the US army and exploded a cloud of black smoke.

Kang Mingwei, who had witnessed all this, just cursed casually.

"What a lunatic."

Those African soldiers, fighting one by one, always attacked like this desperately, never considering the danger.

He is still quietly planting ears of wheat, he will not take risks easily, the purpose of fighting is to kill the enemy and save himself.

At this time, he seemed to be thinking a lot, but he didn't seem to think about anything at all. He couldn't tell what his mood was, he seemed very calm, but at the same time he seemed very restless.

Perhaps, on the battlefield, nothing should be thought about.

Suddenly, the artillery units behind started to shoot rapidly, and deafening explosions continued to come from the enemy's trenches. The violent shelling immediately made the enemy's trenches into a mess.

Shelling is the signal to order the charge!
"Long live!"

With a loud roar, Kang Mingwei, who seemed calm at first, jumped up as if he had been wound up, loaded his bayonet, and was the first to rush out.The company commander is waving on his right hand more than 100 meters away
With sabers in hand, everyone was running.

Fu Zhongming was right in front of him, shouting with his rifle pointed.

"Long live!"

Suddenly, he fell headfirst. He supported himself with his hands and tried to stand up, but he fell down again and finally failed to stand up. This scene came into Kang Mingwei's eyes, but when he passed by him, Kang Mingwei did not stop. The enemy's trench was less than three feet wide and four feet deep. The American soldiers in blue uniforms escaped from the narrow trench like mice.

Kang Mingwei jumped into the trench, his body went limp, and he lay down, panting heavily
gruff.He said to himself:

"Still alive, still alive!"

Suddenly he felt sorry for Fu Zhongming deeply, although he was not very close to that guy, but the leisurely look he had when he went to borrow a cigarette made Kang Mingwei especially sad now.

"What a . . . brave fellow."

Although to a certain extent, Kang Mingwei looked down on these African guys-their fathers were from Dongying, and Dongying was of course part of the empire, but what?

No matter how you say it, the Ming Empire belongs to China, but Dongying, although it is also a part of China, is also a periphery.

The women there are nice, but... Anyway, he doesn't know why he treats those people differently.

But now when he saw Fu Zhongming's unhesitating spirit, he suddenly found that they were soldiers of the empire just like himself.

Kang Mingwei crawled out of the trench, covered in dirt, carrying a rifle that suddenly became a bit heavy, and turned back to look for Fu Zhongming.

Fu Zhongming was lying in the wheat field, with some blood on the corner of his mouth, and stood the gun next to his head. Kang Mingwei looked at him with his head down, and looked at this face that was not much different from his own. My heart soars.

He is the same as him, there is no difference, he is an imperial soldier!

He looked around, and the corpses of dozens of American soldiers were randomly scattered around the trench.

At this time, the troops were chasing the remnants of the enemy, and they were already far away. He stood up and looked at the large wheat fields. The battle was over, and there was no one in the vicinity. In the distance, the reserve team was coming from behind.

Looking at Fu Zhongming's body on the ground, Kang Mingwei picked him up without hesitation, put the heavy body on his shoulders, and with a rifle in one hand, he chased the troops forward...

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