Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1507 Attack Day

Never before had there been such a ferocious bombardment on the American continent.


While the heavy artillery began shelling, mortars of various calibers belonging to battalions, regiments, and divisions also began to pour artillery fire on the outer defense lines of the US fortress.


Shells, like a rainstorm, kept falling into the forward positions of the US military. The shock wave of the explosion blew up the trenches into ruins. Mud and smoke accompanied by steel fragments raged in the trenches, and the roaring and flying steel fragments were harvested. The life of the American troops in the trenches was threatened, and the shock wave shattered their internal organs at close range, and even tore apart their military uniforms.Bombed corpses were scattered around the trenches like white pigs.

The air was filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder and thick smoke, and the trenches were choked and coughed loudly.Thousands of American soldiers were stunned by such violent shelling. Many of them curled up in the trenches with their heads in their hands, trembling, coughing, crying, and roaring with all their might. It can make them roar out of fear, the ground is shaking violently, and the flying dust and fragments of limbs make the soldiers scream in panic.

During this seemingly endless bombardment, some frightened and scurrying soldiers charged toward or even outside the trenches, and their bodies were blown to pieces in an instant.

At this time, these people were just a group of young people who were frightened by the shelling, but this was only a part of them, and more people curled up as much as possible. Some people pressed their bodies against the trench wall in fear, but the shock caused by the explosion , but shattered their internal organs, and many people died silently like this.

In the shelling, the most deadly blow was the shelling of the siege artillery. On this day, the loud noise of the siege artillery shook the entire Rocky Mountains.When the concrete barrier-breaking artillery shells weighing hundreds of kilograms flew in an arc in the air, it was like a train sounding its whistle in the air. They roared and flew towards the "Fort Grant", hitting their targets one after another after a few minutes.

The concrete barrier gun is like a hammer falling from the sky. It first smashes through the thick dome of the fortress or the mountain, and then explodes when it enters the interior of the fortress or the mountain. When it explodes, dust, debris and gunpowder smoke form a huge smoke column , rising together with stones as big as fists and millstones, like a giant tree suddenly rising into the air, and then collapsing down again.Like a clock, it rises and falls regularly, and such giant trees rise one after another every few minutes in different directions.

The whistling sound of the shells was like a train passing through the air. They sounded their whistles and rushed into the fortress. During the fierce shelling, the originally indestructible fortress suffered a near-destructive shelling.

As an artillery officer of the fortress, Wells looked calm and experienced during the shelling. When the whistle of the shells came, he was insomniac because he missed his wife. He was smoking a cigarette next to the anti-aircraft gun emplacement. He fell to the ground suddenly at the sound, and then quickly crawled towards the entrance of the fortress.

"Their purpose is to destroy the surface positions!"

The roaring shells seemed to confirm Wells' speculation. In a violent explosion, the anti-aircraft artillery position he was relying on was destroyed. The 30mm Gatling gun was like a child's toy. Was directly blown into the sky.

In the near-destructive artillery fire, the artillery exposed outside the fortress, especially the anti-aircraft weapons, was destroyed one by one.

"My God, that's what they're for!"

After finally climbing into the fort, Wells felt a sense of foreboding when he saw the blown Gatling gun through the observation window of the thick iron door.

"Sir, they sure want to blow us up with the "God Scepter"!"

Daming's air bombing was very powerful, especially the "God's Scepter", which was the nemesis of the fortresses. In front of the "God's Scepter", the fortresses were as simple as paper, and were easily torn into pieces.

For the American officers and soldiers in the fortress, this is also the existence that scares them the most. After all, in the face of the scepter of God, even the strongest fortress is vulnerable.

"God bless, half of our fortresses are in the mountains, even the "Scepter of God" cannot destroy the Rocky Mountains!"

Standing in the passage deep into the mountain, Wells was thanking God, at the foot of the mountain, on the ground, hundreds of blasters carrying blasting barrels, serving wine with both hands, aimed at the officer standing on the ammunition box.

"I hope you will live up to the prestige of the Imperial Legion and open the way for our army to attack!"

Having said that, Abe raised his glass with both hands and respected these blasters. In every battle, the cannons are fired first, and the first batch of people who jump out of the trenches are the blasters. barbed wire.

No one spoke, and there was no shout of the loyal and brave Emperor, Long Live the Emperor or the Empire. These soldiers with yellowish brown complexions and those carrying blasting tubes just bowed to the commander, and then, led by the officers, moved towards the commander. Walk close to the trenches.

In the imminent trenches, the imperial officers and soldiers with rifles were also waiting for the final general attack order.

"Good luck!"

Li Guoquan and his comrades, who were waiting for the general offensive, would always pat their shoulders and whisper to the combat engineers when the blasters passed by.

Combat engineers are the most elite and dangerous branch of the army infantry. They sweep mines, blast barbed wire, and destroy solid fortifications under the line of fire. The combat engineers have the highest sacrifice rate in each battle.

Without the slightest hesitation, after jumping out of the trench, the combat engineers crawled forward with a blasting tube weighing more than ten kilograms on their backs.

It took almost ten minutes for them to get close to the barbed wire fence. Although the shelling could destroy most of the mines, some soldiers still stepped on the mines when they approached the enemy. After a certain number of casualties, the engineers finally entered the barbed wire fence area. The blasting tubes removed from the back were connected into a whole blasting tube made of galvanized thin iron pipes. After the ten blasting tubes were connected into a whole, the blaster inserted the fuse into the tail pipe, and then used a forceful Pull the fuse.


Amid the sound of the fuse burning, the Demoman lay down on the ground as much as possible, his waist slightly arched to keep a certain distance between his body and the ground, so as to avoid the internal organs being injured by the body being close to the ground.


Accompanied by a series of violent explosions, the barbed wire fence in front of the US defense line was continuously blown into the sky.

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