Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1508 A blow beyond the times

When the combat engineers attacked, in the 53rd Division's position, everyone's eyes were looking up at the majestic mountain hundreds of meters away. There was not only one mountain in front of them, but a continuous mountain range. The fort was built on the mountain, and a large number of trenches were also built.

Trenches, barbed wire, and machine guns fixed the front line into a stable front on the European battlefield, and now, in front of their eyes, trenches, barbed wire, and machine guns also exist.

The officers and soldiers standing in the trenches held their weapons in a posture of leaping forward and charging at any time, and the signal soldiers carrying the pigeon cages on their backs stared at the officers beside them.On the battlefield filled with gunpowder and smoke, the combat engineers continued to use blasting copper mines to remove the barbed wire, and after a while, several long and narrow passages were blown up.

As the artillery fire slowly extended towards the fortress, harsh copper whistles sounded in the trenches. At the moment the whistle sounded, the first wave of assault troops leaped out of the trenches like a tiger out of a cage. The soldiers in the formation of scattered teams followed closely behind the artillery fire and faced the US defense line on the mountain when attacking. This is the unique artillery follow-up tactic of the imperial army.Although after the Battle of Brazil, the Imperial Legion only had the experience of "armed marches" in Peru, the vast world of South America was the empire's training ground, where the Imperial Legion honed new tactics.

Even in the past year, the Imperial Legion has regarded the battlefield as a training ground, fighting steadily on the vast land of North America, adapting new tactics little by little.

After the first wave of assault troops attacked, the second wave of assault troops, consisting of three regiments, followed up immediately.

Under the cover of artillery fire, the assault troops approached the outer trenches at the foot of the mountain.The U.S. troops who survived the artillery fire in the outer trenches, as soon as they found the assault troops of the Imperial Legion, hit them violently with bullets from machine guns and rifles, and the dense bullets shot down like a torrential rain.Rubbing past the soldiers, soldiers in the charging army fell to the ground from time to time, and then couldn't stand up again.

A sergeant with a submachine gun rushed to the front. The moment the U.S. military began to counterattack, he rushed behind a stone half the size of a man, relying on the stone to suppress the U.S. firepower with a submachine gun.Although the range of the 10mm submachine gun is limited, its powerful firepower can still play a suppressive role at a distance of 200 meters.

Moreover, compared with machine guns, the Imperial Legion has more submachine guns-each squad has two submachine guns, and each squad of the assault troops has added two more. , not falling behind at all.

"Shoot alternately at the nozzle..."

While shouting, the sergeant shot at the US machine gun bunker with his submachine gun. When one shot was empty, the other soldier immediately continued to suppress and shoot.In this way, they used short bursts to shoot alternately, blocking the firepower points of the enemy's hidden caves, preventing the enemy from firing, and covering other comrades in arms to charge.

Taking advantage of the suppression of the enemy's firepower point, the assault squad had already circled to the left side of the trench, occupied a front firepower point that was destroyed by artillery fire, approached the flank of the resisting U.S. troops, and attacked the U.S. troops who were desperately counterattacking, without even noticing their attack. exist.

Approaching along the traffic trench to a distance of less than 20 meters from them, Li Guoquan, who poked his head out of the trench, directly took out a weighted grenade weighing one kilogram from behind, pulled the matchlock, and flung it out with all his might.

A few seconds later, accompanied by a violent explosion, the U.S. troops who were still stubbornly resisting the fire suddenly turned off the fire. Taking advantage of the extinguishing time, the soldiers who had been shooting at the U.S. troops immediately rushed up and occupied the trenches of the U.S. troops. Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, thirteen or four U.S. troops with rifles and bayonets rushed out from another stronghold and rushed towards the trenches that had been occupied by imperial soldiers.

The sergeant who had just jumped into the trench was only able to stand firm for a while. Seeing the hordes of American troops rushing over, he directly raised his submachine gun and shot at the rushing American troops.

The rapid gunfire suppressed other sounds in the trench in an instant, and the powerful stopping effect of the 10mm half-coated bullet was fully reflected here. The U.S. military who was hit by the bullet expanded and deformed while being knocked to the ground. The bullets directly opened fist-sized bullet holes in their backs, and the American soldiers who were hit were either dead or disabled, and fell down in an instant.

But it was just a face-to-face effort, and the sergeant emptied a magazine. As soon as this side was emptied, another submachine gunman raised his gun and fired.When the gunfire stopped, the dozen or so U.S. soldiers who came shouting and killed all fell into a pool of blood.

The powerful firepower of the submachine gun has been fully utilized in the narrow trenches.

"Attack, attack..."

Under the leadership of the sergeant, the soldiers immediately attacked in depth along the trench. When encountering the enemy, they often threw out a weighted grenade first, and then took advantage of the time when the enemy was dizzy and dizzy, they rushed over and fell towards them. bullet rain.

When they charged, when they encountered the enemy's permanent fortifications, they would rush to the vicinity and directly insert a one-kilogram weighted grenade plug through the perforation. In the violent explosion, the seemingly solid permanent In this way, the fortifications were removed one after another year after year.

"Grenade, grenade..."

At the corner of the trench, staring at the stronghold that was frantically spitting out flames in the distance, Li Guoquan shouted loudly to the back that his grenades had long been used up.

A grenade was stuffed into his hand, and he yelled as soon as he picked it up.

"Aggravated, aggravated..."

"It's gone, it's used up..."

"Use a gun strap to strap the grenade..."

Soon, a cluster grenade made of five grenades was freshly released. Holding the cluster grenade, Li Guoquan crawled all the way to the bottom of the fort's perforation, and then pulled the matchlock.

"1, 2, 3..."

When he counted to "three", Li Guoquan threw a grenade into the fortress. When he threw the grenade with his head, he even saw the shocked eyes of the American soldiers inside the fortress.The moment he lay down,

Accompanied by a violent explosion, a puff of gunpowder smoke was emitted from the fortress' nozzle.

"This is the first time..."

Li Guoquan didn't have time to figure this out in his mind. After the fort was settled, the soldiers rushed over in one go, marched towards a small hill on the mountainside, and swept straight at the U.S. troops hiding in the bunker and exposed in front of them. Attack like a storm.

Along the way, all the fighters were rushing, rowing and fiercely attacking, which was beyond the imagination of the Americans. They never thought that the attack could be carried out in this way. After all, their thoughts were still stuck in the The era of the Civil War.

Even those American soldiers rushed up bravely, trying to block the enemy's attack with bayonets and rifles.But what they were facing was the powerful firepower of submachine guns. Under the fierce firepower, they turned into dead souls under the guns.

The times have changed, but some things will not change. War is mutual killing. No one side can gain the upper hand. The U.S. military will not be passively beaten either. With the cessation of artillery cover, the mountain wind blows away the smoke , when the smoke cleared, the offensive troops were exposed to people's sight.

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