Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1509 Worries After Victory

"dash forward!"

With the shout of the officer and the harsh whistle, the soldiers ran wildly on the battlefield one by one, braved the hail of bullets, and climbed to the top of the hill.After breaking through the outer positions at the foot of the mountain, the attacking soldiers started a fierce face-to-face hand-to-hand combat on a narrow hilltop platform on the mountainside, with bullets flying across the crowd.

The flashing bayonet flashed in front of the soldiers of the two countries fighting like beasts, and every time they collided, there was a deafening roar. The soldiers with submachine guns kept shooting groups of enemy troops with submachine guns.

And more often, hand-to-hand combat is carried out in the most bare-bones manner. A soldier grabs an American soldier who is slightly taller than him, and starts to kill them. The guns in the hands of the two of them are thrown somewhere. Go, they used the most primitive meat-to-meat method to kill, even when he was riding on the American soldier, when the two sides were restraining each other, he opened his mouth suddenly, and looked at the American soldier below him. The soldier bit down on the neck fiercely, biting hard, he only felt the fishy smell in his mouth, after a while the American soldier who was struggling desperately stopped struggling, and the American soldier whose neck artery was bitten off from time to time Twitching, the arms that were desperately resisting were weak and fell down.

An American soldier rushed over from the other side with a bayonet, and at this time the soldier who was sprayed with blood all over his face got up. The American soldier with the bayonet saw this bloody face, like a hellish devil, the soldier of the empire, He was stupefied by fright, and just as he was in a daze, the soldier drew a pistol from the holster on his waist, fired several shots at him, and knocked the American soldier to the ground.

Just as the soldiers were fighting desperately, the gunpowder smoke had cleared away, and the American troops on the nearby high ground forts or emplacements could finally see the situation of "Eagle Cave Fort". When looking in the direction of Cave Fort, the entire mountain was shrouded in dust and smoke from shells.

Although they were also shelled, the intensity was far lower than that of "Fort Eagle's Cave". The gunners rushed to the artillery positions protected by concrete vaults or mountains, and immediately joined the ranks of the battle.

The ammunition cart pushed by the hand pushes a ten-inch shell to the muzzle of the cannon. After the ammunition hand packs the ammunition into the gun support, the shell is hoisted by a pulley, and the shell weighs several hundred kilograms. The shells were loaded into the barrel, and then they began to aim at the target, preparing to deal a fatal blow to the Ming devils.

What appeared in front of them at this time was the "Eagle's Cave Fort" surrounded by thick smoke. It was because of this that they could not clearly see the situation on the battlefield. phone, and shoot according to their guidance, but their aim is very average.

Although the accuracy of the shelling was affected by the gunpowder smoke, their shelling still had a great impact on the attacking troops. A heavy shell would always bring some damage to the attacking troops.

Finally, as the gunpowder smoke cleared, the artillery observers were finally able to see the attacking Ming devils.

"Target "Eagle Cave Fort"! Direction..."

Following the officer's shout, a violent cannon shot came from the mountainside, and at the same time as a huge cloud of smoke gushed out from the mountain, a shell weighing hundreds of kilograms roared out.


The millimeter artillery shells that fell on the mountainside swallowed everything around in an instant. Dozens of imperial soldiers who were attacking lost their lives in the violent explosion, and then more dense shells fell, and there were blown limbs everywhere in the smoke. , they were lifted into the air and then fell heavily.

The sudden artillery fire stopped the offensive of the assault troops. When the soldiers lay down one after another, the siege artillery in the rear intensified the bombardment of the US forts, but a considerable part of the US artillery positions went deep into the mountains. The heavy shells of the siege artillery were blocked. Although the heavy siege artillery continuously blasted black "giant trees" on the mountain, the shelling of the US military did not stop.

Similarly, the offensive of the imperial soldiers did not stop. The US counterattack artillery fire did not stop the attack of the assault troops, and the offensive troops were still stubbornly and desperately attacking.

It was almost noon when the assault force finally reached a position less than 200 meters away from the fort on the top of the mountain. Although the "Eagle Cave" fortress had been reduced to ruins under the bombardment of the siege artillery, the US troops in the fortress still relied on machine guns. Fortifications, shoot forts, use machine guns, rifles to stop the attacking empires, legions.

The more you go up the mountain, the more dangerous the mountain is, and the more unfavorable it is to attack. When Li Guoquan and his comrades tried their best to leap forward little by little, and kept approaching, the American soldiers behind the cutting wall, whose bodies were dyed black by gunpowder smoke, watched Seeing the Daming devils approaching constantly, they yelled and took out the "Thor's Hammer".

"Blow them up, kill those Daming devils..."

The "Thor's Hammer" weighing 2 kilograms or even 3 kilograms was thrown out in this way. On flat ground, such heavy grenades could only be thrown a dozen meters away, but when thrown from a high place, the result was is completely different.

"Clang, clang,"

Against the bullets flying overhead and the shells falling all around, the officers and soldiers of the assault force who were attacking on the hillside above 60 degrees suddenly heard the sound of metal crashing from above their heads. Dozens, even hundreds, " "Thor's Hammer" was thrown down like that, directly smashed down from the height, and some rolled down from the hillside.

"Boom! Boom!"

The explosions of these weighted grenades were almost as good as heavy artillery. In the continuous explosions, the mountains seemed to be shaken, and the black smoke rising into the air enveloped the attacking troops.

Many soldiers who were attacking fell directly in a pool of blood. Li Guoquan, who was hiding behind the boulder, even saw the body of a comrade-in-arms blown to pieces not far away, and the flying flesh and blood even spattered him all over.

"Son of a bitch, these bastards..."

Cursing, Li Guoquan saw some figures walking through the gunpowder smoke. When they were advancing towards the top of the mountain, despite the rain of bullets and grenades overhead, nothing could stop the soldiers from attacking.


Li Guoquan's eyes showed a hint of desperation, and he rushed out. Around him, the soldiers were still rushing towards the dilapidated fortress on the top of the mountain.

The attack, from early morning to evening, from evening to late night, the fierce attack never stopped. At 10 o'clock in the evening of the same day, a sun and moon flag finally rose on the top of the mountain filled with gunpowder.

At this time, there were still dense gunshots and explosions resounding inside and outside the fortress.It wasn't until about [-] o'clock in the morning of the next day that the gunfire inside and outside the fortress gradually weakened.

When the troops attacked "Eagle Cave Fort", Peng Guoliang was always on the front line, directly observing the situation on the battlefield,

"Sir, congratulations sir, now we have won the first battle."

"Why do you like it!"

Peng Guoliang shook his head, then said to himself.

"This tough bone, I don't know how many soldiers will die..."

While talking to himself, Peng Guoliang frowned and looked up at the sky, then asked again.

"How can we fully control the air?"

The reason why he asks this question is because he can only use the "big killer" in his hand after he has mastered the air supremacy.

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