Chapter 1535 New Director (first update, please subscribe)
A new life often begins unexpectedly.

When it begins, its power is often irresistible.

On the first day of arriving at the front line, Li Hongan felt death.

A shell fired from nowhere fell directly on the road, blowing up several comrades on the spot.Although he weighed more than 90 kilograms, Li Hongan was still thrown to the ground by the shock wave of the explosion.

Half of the head fell heavily on his face from the sky, and red and white liquid splashed all over his face.Seeing his own head being hit, Li Hongan screamed in horror.


At this time, a figure came over, it was the squad leader.

"What's your name, like a bitch..."

"Papa" means two loud slaps on the face. Li Hongan, who had received two slaps, finally stopped screaming like a girl, although his eyes were staring like gold stars.

After finally settling down, Li Hongan shook his buzzing head. He opened his eyes and looked around: Although he couldn't hear anything, he could see his comrades shouting there. , The submachine gun fired towards the distance.

But he could only hear his "pingping" heartbeat and tinnitus.At this time, his comrades launched an attack in the distance, and he also rushed over. His mind was blank, and he just ran. He didn't even know if he had fired a shot. Of course, he didn't see the US military either.

Soon, this offensive of the U.S. army was defeated.

After the battle was over, he sat on the fallen tree pole, nodded a cigarette with trembling hands, and after taking a puff of the cigarette, while the nicotine moistened the alveoli, his whole body relaxed a lot.

It wasn't until then that Li Hongan noticed the blood stains on his hands, and he was stunned for a while before he remembered where the blood came from. Smelling the bloody smell on his face, he suddenly felt like vomiting, and he hadn't smoked a single cigarette yet. After finishing, he ran to the nearby creek. When he was desperately washing his hands and face, trying to wash off the blood on his body, when he looked up, he saw the corpse in the creek.

It was the corpse of an American. The corpse was just floating in the creek. Although the corpse was lying there, it could be seen that the deceased was a young man.Most of those who died in the war were young people.

Looking at him, Li Hongan suddenly thought of himself, whether he would die silently in an unknown stream like him one day,

Just as this idea came to mind, the platoon leader's voice came from behind him.



"Director" was Li Hongan's nickname. Although it was somewhat ironic, they all had their own nicknames in the army.

Walking to the creek and taking a look at the corpse in the creek, Kang Mingwei said.

"Director, you don't have a pistol yet, do you?"

"Report to the platoon leader, not yet, I didn't know we were going to use pistols too."

"It's not necessary to use it."

Kang Mingwei stuffed the captured Colt revolver into his hand and said.

"When you go to war, be prepared,"

"Many, thank you, platoon leader."

When he took the pistol, Li Hongan's heart became hot. Although all the brothers in the army knew that he was the "license plate chief", although they would occasionally target him, most of the time, they still took good care of him.

This brotherhood can only be felt in the military.

"Okay, let's disband."

After Li Hongan disbanded, Kang Mingwei sat by the stream and smoked a cigarette, enjoying a moment of peace. At the same time, he took out the combat log from his pocket, and took out the photos of his wife and children from the log. His face was filled with the smile of a new father.

"When the battle is over, Dad will be able to go home..."

When will the battle be over?
No one knows, but the battle will never stop. After conquering Fort Grant, hundreds of thousands of imperial troops rushed into the Central Valley like tigers descending from the mountain, and one town after another was conquered.

Under the shade of a big tree on the hillside, Captain Andekai lit a hibiscus cigarette, leaned over and stared at the burning city ahead. During the battle to take down the city he had never heard of before the war, Now he was smoking his last remaining cigarette—supplies were running out because the troops were advancing too fast.

The smoke is almost gone...

Behind him, in a long string of brown-green tents, the division command post had been set up.In the main tent were more than [-] identification tags packed in several wooden boxes, waiting to be sent to the Empire itself and eventually to the relatives of the soldiers who died in battle.

Andekai looked up at the snow-covered mountains in the distance, then turned his head and stared down towards Penspel, looking at the burning city, he knew that there were still many tough battles to be fought.The Americans will not give up their defenses easily, and the hard bones are waiting for them ahead.

"Well, Captain,"

A voice behind him said,
"You said you wanted to see me?"

"It should be said to be an order,"

Captain Underkai said.

"But let's not be formal."

Captain Andekai turned around and looked at Sergeant Kang Mingwei, who stood at attention in front of him, maintaining a saluting posture.Andekai waved him to rest.

"As far as I know, in yesterday's battle, in the battle on Contin Street, you not only saved three comrades in arms, but also destroyed the US machine gun position."

"I just want to send it back home, Captain."

Kang Mingwei said bluntly, six months ago, he was a corporal, and three months ago, he was a sergeant, but now?It's the sergeant platoon leader.

"All of us want to go home."

Andekai looked at his subordinates and said.

"However, we always have to finish the war before going home. By the way, what are you going to do if the war is over?"

"It should be to enter the factory to be an engineer!"

Taking off his helmet, Kang Mingwei wiped the sweat from his forehead with the sleeve of his military uniform. He graduated from a junior college. Before the war, he was a second-year student majoring in mechanical manufacturing at Qingzhou Mechanical Engineering School. If there hadn’t been a war, he should have entered For a certain company, if there is no accident, he will work in that company for the rest of his life until he retires.When he retires, he will definitely become an engineer, perhaps a member of the Qingzhou Engineers Association.

However, the war changed everything. Now he is a soldier of the Imperial Legion. With a height of nearly 1.8 meters, his figure has become thicker. He has been fighting for ten months. In every fight he fought his way, from one blood-soaked field to the next, always the first to charge, always the first to fire.He possessed the fighting and survival instinct of a warrior, and in An Dekai's opinion, he was the best candidate for the task at hand.

"Engineers are great. In fact, I also want to be an engineer. What happened? I studied law. After the war is over, I should become a lawyer. Like you, I really want to go home. However, in order to be able to Going home, we have to fight harder."

An Dekai said directly.

"Our division is resting here now, but this is only temporary. We will attack soon. Maybe there will be some defeated US troops hiding in the front. Maybe they will become guerrillas. Who knows! But we have to figure it out, so , you and your platoon will serve as vanguard..."

(End of this chapter)

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