Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1536 No War on the Northern Front

Several cars were driving on the highway in California. It was said to be a highway, but it was actually an ordinary dirt road. When the cars were driving, they were full of dust.

Wearing a helmet and sitting in an open scout car, I felt very uncomfortable, and the flying dust hit my face like that, so that Kang Mingwei had to wear a scarf, and he even forgot where the scarf came from.

Is it a souvenir bought in a small town?Or spoils of war?
It doesn't matter, the submachine gun is casually placed on the lap, and the orange picked from the orchard is in the hand, the orange.In front, is Sacramento, the capital of California.

He knew that the Americans would certainly be peeping out of the window, would see him as a conqueror, an invader, and that was true.

But before he heard a single shot, the fighting in the area was over — the U.S. forces were rapidly withdrawing from the area.

Li Hongan was sitting in the back seat of the car, Kang Mingwei turned his head towards him, and would chat with him occasionally. This guy used to be a high-ranking civil servant—the director of the Vehicle Management Bureau. There are prominent figures in the book, although the empire is different from Tangshan, the officials don't have that kind of feeling of power, but they are also local celebrities.

But what about now?
He is just an ordinary soldier. Because of his obesity, he wears a helmet on his head. The head is big and the helmet is small, which looks a little funny.He was as nervous as ever.

Looking away from Li Hongan's ridiculous face, Kang Mingwei looked at the other two trucks behind; they were speeding on the road, keeping a strict distance of 75 meters from the car in front, which is a safe distance for marching. When under shelling, it is guaranteed that one shell will not destroy two cars, and there is safe braking space.

Now he led the entire platoon of soldiers on the road, advancing by car.When they were ordered to move forward to search, who would have thought that there would be no enemies along the way.

"Search turned into tourism..."

Thinking of this, Kang Mingwei couldn't help smiling, feeling a little comfortable, and he seemed very relaxed.

Sitting in his seat, looking at the road ahead, Kang Mingwei couldn't help thinking.

"What a beautiful country!"

Looking at the land on both sides of the road moistened by the river water coming down from the high mountains, Kang Mingwei could imagine the harvest scene here when autumn comes. This is definitely an extremely fertile field.

"Everything was so sudden and so beautiful,"

Lazily leaning back in the chair, Kang Mingwei thought to himself.

"After waiting for a long winter, the unstoppable stormy waves suddenly rushed across North America. A small bottle of 606..."

Before they went on the offensive, each soldier was given three bottles of much-needed 606, invented by Imperial Pharmaceuticals and also known by another name—arsphenamine, an antisyphilitic drug and the only It is a special drug that can treat syphilis. Before the war, it was the most profitable drug of the imperial pharmaceutical industry. Although it had relatively large side effects, it was still untreatable for patients who had syphilis at that time.Those "little" side effects are nothing at all.

After the outbreak of the war, "606" became the standard equipment for soldiers. Since then, Kang Mingwei has been surprised by the foresight of the medical department, because it is indeed very important. After all, American women are quite open.

Of course, "606" is just a detail. In fact, the military's plan is very detailed. On the map, there will be standard warehouses, maps and water, which are exactly in the places indicated; - Everything is in line with pre-estimates.

"Only Daming..."

Thinking of the flood of troops and thousands of vehicles pouring into the United States, he thought to himself.

"Only Daming can make an accurate plan for everything, and can implement it accurately."

Then there was the roar of an airplane overhead, the hum of the air drowning out the roar of the car motors.Although they heard the roar, they didn't mean to avoid it. After all, it was the imperial plane flying in the sky now.

The U.S. military's planes have been beaten to the point where they dare not take off.

Kang Mingwei looked up and couldn't help smiling.20 meters above the sky, a "Falcon" aircraft flew slowly along the road.The wheels protruding from the underside of the fuselage are like the claws of a falcon.

Looking at the planes in the sky, Kang Mingwei suddenly regretted that he did not join the air team.Undoubtedly, pilots are the darlings of the army and the people.Even on the battlefield, they lived an unprecedentedly comfortable life, living in a manor that seemed like a sanatorium.The best youths in the country were sent into the Air Corps—carefree, confident lads.

When they are not on missions, they will spend a lot of money in the bar, and there will definitely be an American woman in their arms-even as enemies, they like pilots, and women like to sit on them and laugh profligately .Kang Mingwei had seen them there and heard them chatting.They always got together in a little circle of their own, talking in their jargon about flying over Washington, about the bombing of Oregon, about hot American girls, about the new Falcon.

They do not seem to have experienced death and failure, and in their aristocratic, bohemian, narrow world, these concepts do not seem to exist.

At this moment, the "Falcon Fighter" flew over the roof of the car.The pilot banked the plane, poked his head out of the cockpit, and grinned at them in the car.Kang Mingwei smiled at him and waved his hand.

The pilot waved the plane's wings at them and flew away over the tree-lined road that stretched ahead of them to Sacramento.

Leaning casually on the front seat of the car, amidst the roar of the engine and the wind filled with dust, a song came to Kang Mingwei's mind, which he heard at a school concert.

It's a song about love.

While listening to the piece of music that remained in his mind, Kang Mingwei slightly closed his eyes, recalling that afternoon, that day, she was sitting on a swing in the community park, humming a song while looking at him, her dress following the swing swaying and floating.

Thinking of his wife's appearance, Kang Mingwei showed a smile on his face, and his whole body was immersed in thoughts about the past. No matter what, ordinary people always miss home.After all, soldiers are human too.

However, after a while, he dropped his head on his chest, and soon fell asleep, breathing evenly, and showing a smile.The driver of the car gave him a sideways look, smiled kindly, and pointed his finger at him for everyone to look at him.

Looking at the platoon leader who was already asleep, Li Hongan admired him a lot, because on the battlefield, the most difficult thing was to fall asleep, and he wanted to fall asleep like this, but God knew that the tension in his heart made him dare not fall asleep at all.

"Director, do you know what kung fu is on the battlefield?"

Private class Huang Peng said from the side.

"The best kung fu is not how good you are with bayonets, how accurate you are with your guns, or how far you can throw grenades. It's about being like a platoon leader who can sleep peacefully under Mount Tai. This is the real kung fu."

After all, Huang Peng burst out laughing...

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