Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1538 The Choice of the Railway King

Chapter 1538 The Railway King's Choice (Second Update, please subscribe)

What is most important to capitalists?
Money of course!
Even in the midst of war, for a man like Leland Stanford, his first thought is how to preserve his personal property, and then his life.

Life is limited, money is eternal.

As a successful businessman, Leland Stanford is very clear about the operating rules of this world. This is essentially a jungle, and its operating rules are pure jungle laws. To put it bluntly, it is just the law of the jungle.If you want to survive in this jungle, you have to be a jackal and make a living by plundering.Only in this way can we truly survive.

Otherwise, you can only let mermaid go.

Maybe Stanford will engage in philanthropy, but under the guise of philanthropy, he is still a jackal. As a successful jackal, he knows exactly what he should save in this war.

"The world will always laugh at those losers!"

Once again, Stanford stood up from a large table and walked across the room to the rose window, gazing down at the people and vehicles wriggling in front of Los Angeles Union Station downstairs.

Los Angeles Union Station is one of the most prosperous areas in Los Angeles, and of course it is also the heart of the Stanford Railway Empire in Los Angeles. Although it is far from being comparable to San Francisco, at least it is a foothold.

Watching the people running outside the window, Stanford silently lit a cigar. After taking a puff, his brows were slightly frowned, and his expression looked a little dignified.

The downstairs is full of ordinary people who come and go in a hurry. For ordinary people, they spend their whole life, that is, running around for their livelihood. Lian, always running around to make ends meet.

This is the life of ordinary people.It's also the life of a loser.

Of course, Stanford would not tolerate being such a loser, reduced to being like so many people on the street, running around for a living.

But he could lose everything like them anytime because of this war!

"Mr Blaster."

Looking at the cards in his hand, Stanford said to himself:

"Richard Brest, Mexican Railway Company Affairs."

This guy handed Stanford a business card at the banquet yesterday, saying that he would come to visit at his convenience. What does he want to do?
Although Stanford didn't know the other party's intentions, he did know the identity of that guy. It is well known that the Mexican Railway Company is a Ming-owned enterprise, that is to say, to a certain extent, he represents Ming.

Why did Daming want to get in touch with himself?

An answer popped up in Stanford's heart - the railway!
What does Daming want?Is it your own railway?
The American railroad magnate looked out frowning through the plate-glass window across from his desk as dusk loomed over Los Angeles.The lights were already on in the building.Although there is still the afterglow of the sun in the office on the top floor, it is not bright enough to read.Gently turning on the lamp on the desk, Stanford silently smoked a cigar, thinking about something.

At this time, the phone rang, and the voice of his secretary, Miss Clark, came from the phone.

"Sir, a Richard Blaster has called on you and said you have an appointment."

Coming so soon?
When did we meet?
Despite some doubts in his heart, Stanford continued to speak.

"Yes, let him in!"

When Brest walked into the room, Stanford was already thinking about the possibilities.

"Mr. Stanford, we meet again,"

Blaster laughed.

"Yes, I didn't expect it to be so slow"

Stanford smiled at him, then said.

"It's just that I don't remember when we made an appointment."

"Mr. Stanford, I think we've already made an appointment,"

Blaster said directly.

"From the day someone ordered to destroy all the railways, burn all the railway bridges, we've made a deal."

Destroy the railway!

This is an order issued by MacArthur-requiring that the US military must destroy the railway when it retreats. Of course, the railway company must also fully cooperate.

"We are using this method to stop your attack."

Stanford replied directly.

"As businessmen, we are also patriotic!"

"Yes, your patriotism is indeed admirable, but Mr. Stanford, a businessman should be a businessman first, and you need to be responsible for your interests. Maybe you can destroy the railway, but what effect does that have? Destruction The railway will be restored, and you?"

Brest said.

"You will lose everything."

Brest's reminder made Stanford silent, and he would lose everything!
This is exactly what he was worried about. Yes, he could destroy the railway according to MacArthur's order, but then what?Then he will have nothing.

As for the title of "Patriot" what is the significance?
What people respect will always be "Stanford the Railway King", not a Stanford who has nothing.

"You are here, and it is also difficult for me to keep my property."

Stanford said directly.

"As we all know, an invasion is a property distribution. The Imperial Railway Company will annex my railway, and I will lose everything."

"Yes, the Imperial Railway Company will indeed annex your railway, but, Mr. Stanford, both the Imperial Railway Company and the Mexican Railway have shareholders, and there are also major shareholders. Compared with annexation, we are more inclined to cooperate, Stanford Sir, cooperation, that is to say, you can become the major shareholder of the Imperial Railway Company, not only will you not lose everything, but you will also have the opportunity to gain new opportunities."

Is this their condition?

Facing the conditions offered by Brest, Stanford seemed a little hesitant. After all, he had no intention of betraying the United States, but the price offered by the other party was indeed very attractive.

"I need to think about this matter. This is a big event, and it is difficult for me to make a decision at once."

Stanford's answer made Brest smile.

"Of course, you need time, Mr. Stanford, but you must know that time is passing, and sometimes, we must make a decision as soon as possible, because the opportunity is fleeting."

Faced with Brest's reminder, Stanford nodded, and then he cast his gaze out of the window, which was already dark.Staring at the dark night sky outside the window and the brilliant sea of ​​lights downstairs, Stanford fell into deep thought.

At this time, many people have already got off work, rich businessmen, clerks, lawyers and bankers, stockbrokers, and of course ordinary people, they have finished their busy day and are preparing to return home to reunite with their families, regardless of the world. How it changes, for ordinary people, they just spend day after day.

The lives of those ordinary people seem to be ordinary, but they are actually failures. Each of them is a failure, but they are just tools used by the rich to extract wealth.

Ordinary people are tools in the eyes of the rich.

Of course,
"But, Mr. Blaster, you offer such generous terms, then..."

Stanford looked at each other and asked,

"What do you want from me?"

(End of this chapter)

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