Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1539 The Mission of the First Generation

There are generally three reasons why mid-level employees have the opportunity to be called to this office on the 37th floor: the first is to listen to the general manager’s instructions, or to make a report that the general manager wants to hear personally. At this time, it is to discuss affairs; Being scolded by him endlessly, it was hell at that time; the third is that the general manager decided to encourage the subordinates he cultivated, which is undoubtedly a good thing.

Richard Brest came to the door.He's a 39-year-old mid-level employee who does his job well and is capable, and the trip to California has been very rewarding.Which of these three reasons brought him here?

Brest suspected a third reason, because he had convinced Stanford.This is a very big gain for both the company and the empire. After all, convincing him is tantamount to keeping the California railway.

And with Stanford's prestige in California, his defection to the Empire will lead many Californians to choose to cooperate.

Such a high achievement must be encouraged.

From the center of the office, he stepped forward to greet him with a smile, Sun Chenglin said.

"Oh, come in, Brester, please come in."

As Brest approached the room, the general manager's secretary closed the door behind him.

Sun Chenglin gestured to him, asking him to sit next to the sofa in the center of the office. When Brest sat on the sofa, he sank into the soft sofa cushion.Sun Chenglin also sat down and said.

"Brest, you have gained a lot in California this time. Stanford has already agreed?"

"Yes, sir, he has promised that his railway company will not forward military telegrams, and will cease to destroy the railway."

"Haha, I knew that businessmen all over the world are like this. For businessmen, profit is the most important thing. As for the country... well, let's have a drink to celebrate. What do you want to drink? Dragon tongue Lanjiu?"

"Yes, yes, sir."

Blaster glanced at his watch. It was only after 4 o'clock. Over the years, Huaxia's habits have been changing this continent, and the habits of this continent are also affecting them. For example, drinking alcohol in the office A shot of tequila or whiskey.

But for Brest, he prefers to drink whiskey, preferably Araucania whiskey, which is the best whiskey producing area in the empire. Scotland is soft and close to the taste of Chinese people.

Although Brest is from Ireland, he still likes the threat of araucania, but in Mexico they prefer tequila.

"Want to add ice?"

Sun Chenglin asked at the wine cabinet.Blaster nodded.

"OK, thanks."

After adding ice to the glass, Sun Chenglin took the glass over.They toasted each other, sipped tequila, and Brest reported one by one the harvest of the trip to California.

"In short, although Stanford has agreed, he still has some concerns. He is worried that he is just a shareholder in name only."

"What else does he want? As long as he agrees, as for coming down, you should know that the empire will never treat anyone who cooperates with the empire. Go and see."

Sun Chenglin is not bragging, but telling a fact, the fact is that the empire is very generous to its collaborators. This kind of generosity even makes many people unable to understand. Among the nobles and rich men of the empire, many of them are They are naturalized people. They were important because of their surrender to the empire. While their wealth was preserved, they even gained more wealth through industrial investment.

"Yes, sir, that's what I told him, let him understand and observe."

Nodding his head, Sun Chenglin said.

"Since he has agreed, you don't have to worry about the rest. As long as he agrees, we will get the coast railway from the United States."

The so-called Coastal Railway is the North-South Railway from California to Washington State. This railway connects the empire to the north and Mexico to the south. This is why Sun Chenglin asked people to lobby Stanford. With his help, the U.S. military When retreating, the railway will be handed over to the empire intact, and of course, Stanford will also get his own return - he will become a major shareholder of a newly established railway company, of course the largest shareholder must be the Imperial Railway Company .

"After the Colombian railway is completed, the "Pan-American Railway" will connect North and South America into a neat one. At that time..."

Sun Chenglin's tone became a little passionate,
"The Imperial Railway Company is the real artery of the empire. This artery will closely connect us with the American continent. The resources of the entire continent will be continuously transported to the empire by the railway, and the empire will benefit from it from the country to the individual. This is the mission of our generation."

The mission of a generation!
Like many people, Sun Chenglin has never positioned himself as a businessman. He may be the general manager of a railway company, but he is a citizen of the empire with a mission. What is his mission?It is to fulfill the responsibility of this generation!
Every generation has every generation's responsibility!
They must fulfill their responsibilities and missions, and complete the work that a generation needs to accomplish. Only after they complete can they hand over a better empire to the next generation.

As for the next generation, they also have their own mission. They continue to work hard to create a better empire, and then pass this beauty and empire to their next generation, and this is the fundamental reason why the empire can be passed down from generation to generation.


As long as each generation can fulfill the mission of their generation, then the rise of the empire is doomed and inevitable.

"When all this is done, our generation will be worthy of future generations."

Worthy of posterity!
When he said these words, although Sun Chenglin's tone was extremely calm, there was a sense of sacredness!
Looking at the general manager with a certain sense of mission in his expression, he was silent for a moment, Brest said.

"Sir, I seem to understand."


"When I came to Mexico 15 years ago, I was very curious about what kind of power allowed you, the Chinese people, to build the world in a barren land in just a dozen years. The most prosperous country, I have been looking for the answer for more than ten years..."

"Then have you found it?"

After taking a sip of wine, Sun Chenglin asked back.

"Yes, I found it, sir."

After a pause, Brest said.

"Sense of mission, almost every Chinese person, you have your own sense of mission, even ordinary people, maybe they don't have grand narratives, no great ideals, but they also have their own mission - through their own efforts to make themselves Everyone is working hard, earning money, improving their own lives, and at the same time sending their children to school and allowing them to receive education. Maybe they themselves can’t read much, but their children can Receive a good education and eventually, they will change their destiny..."

"The book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu. No matter how much we oppose stereotyped scholars, we cannot deny that education is the only shortcut to change the fate of ordinary people, and working hard and educating children... This is the life of ordinary people. mission."

After saying these words, Sun Chenglin leaned on the back of the sofa, and then added something.

"Our missions are different, but they lead to the same goal. Only when everyone tries their best to fulfill their personal missions can the country and nation make real progress. Maybe ordinary people don't need grand narratives, but in fact, their personal The effort itself is part of the grand narrative!"

The ambience in the room was just right, the chairs were very comfortable, it was like an old friend even though they were juniors.

Sun Chenglin is very appreciative of Brest.Although this guy has not yet been naturalized, but in the Mexican Empire Railway Company, he is a foreign employee who has a rare opportunity to satisfy all parties.

Because of this, Sun Chenglin has always hoped to apply for an immigrant visa for him in the name of the Imperial Railway Company.This is the privilege of large companies. Although there are not many places each year, they have always been used by large companies to win people's hearts. After all, every company has some very outstanding foreign employees, but they may not meet the immigration conditions of the empire. That's why the Imperial Immigration Agency will give some extra places.

"Or today..."

After Sun Chenglin made up his mind to give Brest a surprise, they continued to chat, chatting happily like friends, we sat there talking about our personal mission and the future of the empire.

Nodding vigorously, Blaist said in a serious tone.

"You are so right. It is precisely because each of you is working hard to complete your mission, working tirelessly and forgetting to eat and sleep, this is a superior nationality that no other nation can possess. Therefore, the empire can be established in a very short time. Rise in a short period of time, I think...that's the answer I found."

What is the most emotional thing about the empire?
It is that everyone on that land works extremely hard, they work hard and live hard.Their efforts have not only made individuals, but more importantly, made empires!
"That's why on the [-]th anniversary of the landing, His Majesty the Emperor said... the great citizens of the empire make a great empire. The reason why the empire is great is because it has great citizens."

Facing Brest's answer, His Majesty's speech on the 30th anniversary once again appeared in Sun Chenglin's mind.

Maybe outsiders can't understand, but as the third batch of immigrants, Sun Chenglin clearly remembers what it was like when he first came to Nanhua?
It was nothing more than a deserted beach with a few buildings at best.Even when they first came they lived in wooden shacks.

But just a few years later, Nanhua became a prosperous city, and now it is one of the most prosperous cities in the world, not only that, but in the past many years, that city has been leading the scientific development of the world, lead the world economy.

Who would have thought of all this when they set foot on that deserted beach.

No one can think of it, but in the eyes of everyone, all this is taken for granted, because in the past days, day and night, everyone has been working hard.

What made all this happen?
It's everyone's effort!

The empire was great not because he had a great emperor or because of his bureaucrats.But because he has a group of great nationals.They work hard, they are tireless, they work with the enterprise, they work hard, they work hard to change their lives, and they work hard to make themselves live a better life.

It was also during this process that the empire rose with incredible speed.

The rise of empires is not just about how wise the emperor is.It is achieved by the joint efforts of tens of thousands of citizens. Perhaps, they seem to work so hard to make themselves live a better life. The people are rich and the country is strong.

In the end, the rise of the country was facilitated by the joint efforts of countless citizens.

Who can deny this fact?
Although many people understand this truth, and many nationalities in many countries also know this truth, but which ethnic groups can do it?
Perhaps in those nations, their kings and rulers will raise their whips to spur their citizens to work hard and struggle.

However, it is just the whip of the king.By the time kings lay down their whips, their nations were in decline.

But the Chinese nation is a completely different nation

What a great nation this is!

At this moment, Sun Chenglin deeply felt why the Chinese nation was called the most outstanding nation in the world among the public opinion circles in Nanhua.

Isn't the miraculous rise of the empire the best proof of the excellence of the Chinese nation?

In the Chinese nation, the outstanding characteristics of any outstanding nation can be found. If such a superior nation does not rise, then there is no reason for it. Not only should it rise, but it should also rule the world.

After all, there is no nation in this world that is better than the Chinese nation, and no nation can match it.

It is precisely because of such perfection and excellence that the Chinese nation should be the natural ruler of this world.

Thinking of himself as a member of such an outstanding nation, Sun Chenglin couldn't help but feel the mission from the heart again.

It is also this sense of mission from the heart that drives him to make many decisions. As an imperialist, for Sun Chenglin, all he cares about is always the interests of the empire, which has always been the focus of his work.

When he was overwhelmed by the sense of mission in his heart, Sun Chenglin asked back.

"So what can this answer give you?"

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