Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1567 Landing in Australia

Chapter 1567 Landing in Australia (first update, please subscribe)
On this day, everyone saw an extremely spectacular scene. More than 400 ships appeared densely in the Mandrabila area of ​​the Great Australian Bay. This is just a small town. Others, although Australia, with a population of only 360 million, mobilized a full 40 troops in response to the imperial invasion.

But about half of these troops were deployed in the north to defend against the invasion of the empire. As for the remaining 20 people, they were deployed on the populous southeast coast, like Melbourne, Canberra, and Brisbane. Most people in Australia live in There, and most of the gold mines are there, so it is natural to deploy heavy defenses.

As for other areas, that is, the key defense is to deploy defenses in coastal areas, but the coastline of Australia is too vast, and most areas do not have any defenses. At most, they deploy some wooden rocks in areas suitable for landing. login.

The same is true of Mandela Billa, for example.

On this day, the people in the small town of Mandelabila saw an astonishing scene. Countless ships appeared on the coast. Facing the black muzzle of the huge ship, the people in the town almost immediately chose run away.

When people in the small town were fleeing, hundreds of planes were circling in the sky. Xu Donghai, who was driving the plane, saw a spectacular scene from the plane, which was an unforgettable sight for those who saw it from the air— ——The attack fleet composed of hundreds of ships and landing craft is heading towards the beach, and the tumbling sea is covered with white arrow-shaped tracks left by countless ships.Sea troops have already begun to land.

"Watch out!"

After Xu Haidong saw the movement of the captain shaking the wings, he immediately flew the plane in another direction to prevent any planes from attacking the landing troops.

At the same time, on the beach a few kilometers away, the landing craft rushed towards the beach facing the waves. Under the beating of the waves, the landing craft swayed back and forth. The rising sea water continuously splashed into the boat, and some seasick soldiers lay on both sides of the boat and vomited heavily, wishing to spit out the breakfast they ate in the dining room of the troop carrier before landing.

Standing among the soldiers, smelling the familiar smell of the sea, Zhang Gangqiang watched excitedly getting closer and closer to the coast, and looked at the yellow continent. All his impressions of Australia came from the Bingzhou Zoo—there were people from Australia kangaroos, koalas and, of course, Bingzhou's eucalyptus forests, which are grown in abundance for papermaking.Then there is the continent surrounded by the sea on the geography wall chart of elementary school, um, and the legend about Jinshan.

Turning his head to look around, Zhang Gangqiang had a smile on his face, and the brothers in the boat were very calm.In order to transport as many troops as possible, each landing craft was stuffed with many people. Inside the crowded landing craft, the marines held submachine guns and rifles and looked ahead with ease.

However, there are also some people who are suffering.


Some of the brothers in the boat bent over and vomited from time to time. It was never an easy task to grab the beach by landing craft, although now the flat-bottomed landing craft can send them directly to the coast, and they don’t need to paddle the sampan like the first generation of marines. However, when this kind of flat-bottomed boat bumps up and down with the waves when navigating at sea, it will shake your stomach up and down. Vomiting is simply a normal thing. Fortunately, the sea breeze will blow it out of the boat. Sour smell.

In the undulating sea, hundreds of landing craft of the Imperial Marine Corps bumped all the way to the coast of Mandrabila.

When the landing craft is sailing, occasionally there will be a loud explosion in front of it, which is the blasting operation of the Marine Corps engineers who arrived in advance - destroying the obstacles that block the landing, that is, the triangular wood rock. In the violent explosion, The thigh-thick wooden rock was blown to pieces.

The landing craft hit the floating pieces of wood and approached the shore. When the landing craft was still five or six meters away from the shore, the hatch of the diving board opened at the moment the landing craft rushed to the beach.

"Hurry up……"

The marines with rifles and submachine guns jumped out of the landing craft one after another, wading towards the beach, their landing was so smooth, there was no beachhead machine gun fire, and no tracer bullets flying in the air. The moment the jump was opened, with the shouts of the platoon leaders, the marines in the boat rushed to the beach.

"Don't block the springboard and land in 1 minute!"

Amid the sound of the waves and the roar of the gasoline engine, the helmsman shouted loudly.

"Port and starboard, everyone is there. No matter whether there is resistance or not, we must advance to the depth of the coast as soon as possible. After advancing 200 meters, we must consolidate the beachhead."

Zhang Gangqiang yelled loudly while walking in the bumpy boat, pushing half of the company brothers to both sides to scatter.

"Pay attention to maintaining a tactical formation... When getting out of the boat to grab the beach, don't let the sand block the barrel of the gun over your head. Brothers, take care! See you in Australia!"

"See you in Australia!"

The marines leaning on both sides shouted excitedly. The reason why they were so excited was because they had been waiting for this day for the past year.

Waiting to take over the continent!

Finally, at the moment when the landing craft rushed to the beach, accompanied by a violent impact, the bodies of the marines leaned forward. Fortunately, they all grabbed the rope on the side of the ship, so they did not fall down.


The harsh and hasty whistle sounded, the helmsman turned the pulley quickly, and the bow diving board of the landing craft flew open. When the door of the boat was about to be opened, the seemingly relaxed faces of the marines in the front row showed A little nervous, after all, in teaching movies, the moment the hatch is opened, they are often shot by machine guns.

"Everyone is divided into left and right columns! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Get up! Get up!..."

After the door of the boat was fully opened, amidst the shouts of the officers and non-commissioned officers, the marines standing inside the boat rushed out of the landing craft immediately. When the sea water was below their knees, their faces were exposed by the warm sea water. With a smile on their faces, everyone raised their weapons high and rushed towards the beach without any hesitation.

The marines who rushed to the front stared at the beach, and they would throw out smoke bombs as soon as there was any danger.

But there was peace on the beach!
There is no resistance!

"This is the landing operation in the era of landing ships—as long as we want, we can land anytime, anywhere, in any area. The landing craft will send the infantry ashore, and the landing ship will send large equipment ashore. We don't even need a port..."

In the command tower of the "Jingwei Aircraft Carrier", Sun An nodded approvingly after listening to the officer's words.

"Indeed, amphibious landing operations are the most complicated of all combat styles. The essence is to project troops from shore to shore, that is, to send troops to the enemy's beach. Before our technicians invented the hatch springboard landing ship Before, the whole world was paddling sampans. At that time, the landing should be as close to the city as possible, occupying the port, in order to transport the successor troops, but now..."

Pointing to the large landing ship approaching the coast in the distance, Sun An laughed.

"With them, we can land anywhere on the coastline. The enemy can't guard all the coasts!"

This is exactly the change that the new amphibious landing ship brings to warfare.This change has also turned the amphibious landing operations that were considered daunting in the past into surprise attacks in a certain sense.

In fact, it is not a surprise attack. After all, their movements have been exposed as early as a few days ago, but the Anglo-American United Pacific Fleet in Australia has no power to prevent their landing.They had already lost their combat effectiveness in the last sea battle.

Now I can only watch helplessly as the imperial army lands in Australia.

"So, there will be no resistance!"

Wu Anping then said.

"Telegram to the Admiralty - our army has successfully landed in the predetermined area of ​​​​Australia, and did not encounter any resistance during the period!"

(End of this chapter)

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