Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1568 Emperor Zhu's troubles

Chapter 1568 Emperor Zhu's troubles (second update, please subscribe)
Central Capital North City, Forbidden City.

In the imperial garden of the Forbidden City, the verdant green trees cover the majestic Imperial Palace. In the distance, the Huangji Hall built on a 15-meter-high platform is magnificent. It is only a part of the palace complex in the Forbidden City. The largest palace complex in terms of area.

Not only that, the Royal Garden is also a royal garden that covers a large area.Zhongdu is like spring all year round, in the lush green garden, Emperor Zhu walked leisurely.

He seems to be leisurely, but he is actually thinking about something.

"Okay, the first bait has been dropped!"

Emperor Zhu said to himself.

The first bait is Australia, Australia... Now the troops should start landing!
This kind of laborious expedition, victory and defeat... always makes people a little worried, even if they know that it is only an auxiliary battlefield, and the real main battlefield is in the Atlantic Ocean.

At this time, there was a sound of light footsteps from behind.He turned around to look, and an attendant military officer bowed his head and saluted to him.

"Your Majesty, Jiang Baitao, Chief of Staff of the Command Department, is here."

Waving his hand, Emperor Zhu said:

"Let him come over."

When Jiang Baitao came to see His Majesty, Emperor Zhu had already sat in the small pavilion by the river, and the court lady brought tea, and it seemed to be the same as in the past.

In front of him, General Jiang Baitao, chief of staff of the ruling department, sat with his hands on his knees and reported the latest battle situation of the "Operation in the South Pacific".

This is the battle that Emperor Zhu cares most about!
At least for now, as for the battle for San Francisco, although it has lasted for several months, it will be taken down by the imperial army sooner or later. MacArthur has reached the last moment and has been surrounded. There is no suspense, but Australia is different.

In the long-term simulation before the declaration of war, the Australian campaign ended in the failure of the Imperial Army—due to insufficient transport capacity, the Imperial Army could only continue to refuel, and the refueling tactics led to subsequent failures.

Today, Emperor Zhu is very concerned about the outcome of Australia.

"...Our army has successfully landed in the predetermined area of ​​Australia, and did not encounter any resistance during the period! At present, 12 people have landed in our army. According to the plan, after 20 days, the landing force will reach 20. Although in terms of total strength, we Only 20, Australia has 40, but half of them are stationed in the north. In terms of time, we have the ability to take down Murtu before they return for reinforcements. In a month and a half, we will have more than 50 troops in Australia. ..."

Jiang Baitao was still reporting, and Emperor Zhu's gaze was fixed on the sharp-edged, resolute face of the middle-aged man in front of him.He has always admired Jiang Baitao in front of him.

He was the first batch of overseas students in the Nanhua School. He had studied in Prussia to study military command. It was with the efforts of their generation that the Nanhua Army grew step by step into the most powerful army in South America.

Emperor Zhu admired him very much for his youthful ability, ability to control the general trend, and his foresight on many issues.

Since the outbreak of the war, the imperial army has fought steadily step by step in the way of overwhelming Mount Tai, and set foot on the land of North America as a victor.But the expression and tone of Jiang Baitao, the chief of staff, were still the same as before, calm and cautious.

"This is only the first step. Although it is a crucial step, the next step is the most important. We must take down Melbourne in one fell swoop and eliminate the local Australian army before the Australian army in the north returns to the division. Only in this way can we ensure our survival." Advantage, our combat plan is to use this time difference to give full play to our army's air and armor advantages, to continuously attack and kill their effective forces. After all, Australia... In the final analysis, the population is always limited. One man picks up a rifle and there are only a million people."

Nodding slightly, Emperor Zhu took a sip of tea, and then said,
"Indeed, talent is the most important thing. As long as we continue to kill and encircle their troops, the Australians will eventually be defeated. However, we should also give full play to our own air superiority."

Facing His Majesty's suggestion, Jiang Baitao didn't answer right away, but rubbed his hands on his knees, looked at His Majesty, his brain was spinning rapidly, and thought for a while, he said.

"Your Majesty, at present, our local air power is very limited. After all, according to the current plan, we need to use as much power as possible for the "South Atlantic Plan". I believe that the current operations in Australia are the tasks of the air force. It is to ensure air supremacy as much as possible to ensure that our army’s operations will not be disturbed by the Australian Air Force. The ultimate goal of Australia’s operations is to cover another plan. Instead of caring about tactical victories, we should focus on strategic victories, even if it is If we fail tactically, as long as we achieve the main goal strategically, then victory must belong to us.”

Seeing that His Majesty did not react much, Jiang Baitao added:

"I believe that although the outcome of the Australian battlefield is important, it is certain that there will be no major reversal in the next three months, and within three months, the combined Anglo-American fleet will surely go south, and the navy must concentrate its forces. Its attack, once there is no sea power, then whether it is the United Kingdom or the United States, it will be the target of our ravages. Therefore, the main goal of the Army in the Battle of Australia is to gather and annihilate the main force of the Australian army in Melbourne, but this ultimate goal It is to realize the naval combat plan. Therefore, we don’t have to care too much about the outcome of the Australian battlefield. The key is to maintain some kind of superiority and confrontation. After the naval combat plan is successful, we can transport as much air power as possible to Australia..."

In the final analysis, the sea power is still weak!
Emperor Zhu felt a little helpless in his heart, so he interrupted Jiang Baitao's words, and then said,
"It is true that strategic victory is more important, but we must also pay attention to one thing, that is, to ensure the advantage in confrontation in Australia. After all, it is the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers!"

Seeing what His Majesty said, Jiang Baitao said cautiously,

"Your Majesty, I have confidence in the imperial army. We have invested 500 planes, 752 tanks, and 3500 vehicles in the local area. We will have the most rapid mechanized attack to destroy the defense of the Australian Army. If the new tactics are successfully tested there, then we will deploy the mechanized army on the French battlefield to break the stalemate on the French battlefield..."

Jiang Baitao, who has always insisted on mechanized warfare, has turned Australia into his proving ground. This is a military experiment involving tens of thousands of people.

He took a deep breath and said again:

"So, I believe—we will definitely win!"

Emperor Zhu didn't speak any more.It is undeniable that what he said was right. Mechanized troops still have great advantages in this era, but arrogance is exactly what he is worried about. After all, the other side of arrogance is arrogance.

"In short, the important matter of the soldier's country should be handled with caution!"

After finishing speaking, Emperor Zhu waved his hand, and Jiang Baitao retreated quietly.Afterwards, Emperor Zhu was still sitting there quietly, and the relief he had felt a few minutes ago due to the successful landing gradually receded in the blink of an eye, and the anxiety in his heart inevitably came back...

(End of this chapter)

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