Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1575 The Era of the Empire

The reason why the Australians chose to launch a cavalry attack was not just to restore the rout, but also had a certain amount of conceit. After all, their cavalry grew up on farms. After all, they were all good at riding. After all, this kind of assault was still possible success.

After all, tanks have a limited line of sight. If tanks and infantry can be cut from the flanks, then the imperial tanks may be surrounded by infantry. They can use anti-tank rifles, anti-tank grenades, and anti-tank guns to destroy the imperial tank group.

The speed of the cavalry is fast, and even if the attack fails, they can quickly get out of the battle by virtue of their speed advantage.

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel.

When the horses galloped wildly, the Australian cavalry didn't know that what they were speeding towards was a slaughtered hell.

At the beginning, all they faced was the bombardment of the imperial artillery, and then the machine guns roared and rained bullets!

Despite this, these Australian cavalry successfully attacked the flank of the imperial infantry, and the neat cavalry team was like an overwhelming force, impacting the infantry accompanying the tank attack.Even if the saber was not chopped off, the impacting horse was enough to knock away the warriors trying to stop in front.

The moment the two sides came into contact, the Australian cavalry seemed to be at the top. They wanted to rely on the absolute speed of their cavalry to rush to the front of the imperial infantry, directly use their sharp sabers to cut down the infantry, and then on the chaotic battlefield, with The imperial infantry served as a cover to prevent the tanks from attacking.

But what they didn't expect was that even though the tank's vision was poor, their actions were still exposed. When they had just rushed to the outer edge, the commander, half of his body exposed on the turret, was slapping the driver vigorously, making him While turning the direction, the turret was rotated at the same time, and the Australian cavalry was shot with machine guns, so these cavalry rushed over like a tide, and then fell down like harvested crops.

Accompanied by machine gun fire, a mass of cavalry fell down, but they did not stop attacking, but continued to charge, but what was waiting for them was the tank troops turning from their flanks. If you look at it from the air, two hundred The armored group composed of more than one tank suddenly turned into a big pincer. This pincer took advantage of its speed and quickly launched a pincer attack towards its head and tail.

Although there is no radio, the long-term training has allowed the tank soldiers of the Empire to clearly know what they should do.

But only half an hour later, this giant steel tongs surrounded all the Australian cavalry, and the sound of machine guns and explosions of shells became one, mixed with the wailing of the wounded horses, and more horses. His master turned into a corpse together...

It was almost evening, and a red and big sun hung over the undulating horizon.

Twilight has already begun to fall on the mountains, and this highland grassland covered by pastures is now completely extinct, leaving only dead bodies everywhere, and only swarms of flies still lingeringly flying around.

Earlier, there were groups of vultures circling here, and groups of black and dense groups were densely packed on each corpse.They opened their sharp beaks to eat the corpses on the ground, and stayed around the corpses in groups, biting the flesh and blood of people with their sharp beaks.

Of all foods they prefer dead bodies, and today it is a feast for them.They hovered over thousands of corpses, screaming happily, with hooked upper beaks, they could easily peck at the corpse's clothes and bite a piece of flesh.

Tomorrow when the sun climbs over the horizon, these vultures will return to continue their feast, and tomorrow these carcasses will rot, spoil and stink, and that is their favorite.

When twilight fell, the earth was full of red light. Looking far away, you can see corpses everywhere. There are indeed countless corpses. It is shocking to see, but what is even more eye-catching is that on this grassland, there are corpses everywhere. The horses were knocked down or smashed to pieces. The corpses of the horses are everywhere. The black and maroon horse carcasses are everywhere. On this vast grassland, the war horses that were once alive have turned into corpses. .

Here is the most incongruous scene with the surrounding environment: in the vast grassland wilderness, there are piles of war horses everywhere, and war horses... Once upon a time, they were the most powerful war machines in the world, but now they have turned into one With corpses.

The burning and broken Mizi flag near these corpses reminds people where these war horses came from, no matter where they came here from, they were finally buried in the battlefield!

Next to the horses are the corpses of soldiers. Their ancestors were exiled to this continent. They thought they could create a new life for future generations here, but everything was broken with the war.

These cavalrymen who were born on the farm, they used to be so brave and fearless. They rode war horses, drove war horses, held sabers, and faced enemy tanks, trying to defend the so-called British Empire, but now?

After a fierce battle, they and their horses were turned into cold corpses.

When the sun had touched the horizon, an armored vehicle drove up to an earthen temple hill covered with green grass.A general wearing a khaki military uniform and a military cap got out of the car. As soon as he got out of the car, Sun Zhenwu saw several soldiers dragging a cavalry out from under the corpse of a horse, less than 50 meters away from him. corpse.

The head of the Australian cavalryman was blown to nowhere. He was covered in blood, leaving only his body, arms and legs. He smelled like a corpse. He was wearing a pair of black riding boots, which were stained with blood. I knew it belonged to him or the horse.

Occasionally, some warriors would lead some horses from the battlefield, and those unowned horses just stood on the grassland like that, not sure if they were guarding their former owners.

What kind of battle is this?

One-sided battle.

As the commander of the [-]rd Armored Division, Sun Zhenwu, who was born as a general, never imagined that he would encounter such a battle—tank versus cavalry.

This seems to have only existed a few decades ago, but here, they encountered a large group of cavalry. After all, Australia is full of pastures, and almost a quarter of the Australian troops are cavalry. Once upon a time, cavalry was the battlefield. king of

But now, the former king wailed in despair under the setting sun.

"Times have changed..."

Watching everything on the battlefield, Sun Zhenwu said to himself, at this moment, he seemed to understand why his father often said this sentence.

It is not just the appearance of tanks that has changed warfare, but the times have been completely changed,
This era is very different from the past.The past era belonged to the white race, to the Anglo-Saxons, to the English.

But what about now?
Looking at the burning Mizi flag in the distance, the burning flag seems to be telling everyone that the era is over.

"The time of the Anglo-Saxons is over."

Sun Zhenwu said to himself.

"The future is the era of the empire! It is the era of the Ming Empire!"

New book coming soon!

In the 29th year of Wanli, I——looked at the few people in front of me.

The one sitting on the dragon chair is Emperor Wanli, that is my father, who holds great power and promises everything he says, but in fact he just listens to it.

Beside him is Zhu Changluo, that is my elder brother, the eldest son of the emperor, the current crown prince, and the future "Emperor Hongwan".When his youngest son was in power, I became the "blessing" in the "Fu Lu Banquet".

Behind them is a group of ministers, they seem to be out of righteousness, they really are full of righteousness, my father can't compete with them, and was forced to live in seclusion in the palace for 30 years.


Killing his brother and forcing his father, that is Li Er, I am Zhu San!

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