Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1576 The Vast Ocean Is a Casino

No overlord would willingly surrender his position as the overlord.

In the era of Roman rule, the Romans defeated one challenge after another. Even when they were finally buried by the barbarians, the Romans were never reconciled to the decline of the empire.

In the era of Spanish rule, Spain never compromised in the face of British challenges again and again. They fought several wars with Britain for decades.

In the era when the Netherlands ruled the sea, it never gave up its sea power. After several Anglo-Dutch wars, it withdrew sadly.

And then to France...

One thing that is certain is that none of the overlords will give up their dominance. When they face challenges, they will defend their dominance at any cost. This is almost an instinct.

Whether facing the challenge of Napoleon or France, Britain has never compromised. The compromise of the overlord means weakness, and a weak overlord will become a piece of fat, a piece of fat in the eyes of other countries.

Therefore, the overlord needs to respond to the challenge with a strong counterattack!

This war that swept the entire world was, in essence, Britain's response to challenges to its supremacy from France, Ming Dynasty, and Rome.

And now, facing the challenge of the empire, Britain has once again chosen a decisive response!

"We will repel the empire's attack in the sea, in the air, and on land. We will let those countries that try to challenge the Ming Empire remember—they should never try to challenge the hegemony of the British Empire!"

When the Prime Minister and the Congress made a speech, on the other side of the earth, in the Bay of Fundy, Canada, a huge fleet consisting of 32 British and American battleships as the main force, six aircraft carriers and dozens of cruisers sailed out. Bay of Fundy.

On this day, the masts were like clouds, and the smoke from heavy oil boilers covered the sky. A few hours later, the fleet sailed into the Atlantic Ocean. Admiral John Abbasno, who was on the flagship Hercules Te Fisher looked dignified. He was ordered to leave the Indian Ocean Fleet and return to London a few months ago, and then he accepted the post of commander of the Anglo-American Combined Fleet.

Why choose him?
Not only because he repeatedly defeated the Roman Empire Navy in the Indian Ocean—sinking three of its dreadnoughts, four former dreadnoughts, and multiple armored cruisers. The important thing is that the Americans also believed in him and believed that the United Fleet would achieve brilliant victories under his leadership.

Because of this, Fisher is well aware of his responsibilities.

"If we fail..."

Standing on the bridge of the battleship Hercules, looking at this huge fleet, Fisher said.

"Then the Royal Navy of the British Empire would cease to exist."

Yes, this fleet is almost the entire sea power of the Royal Navy, although there is also the Indian Ocean Fleet led by Edward Simon in the Indian Ocean, but so what?

Once the main fleet fails, the failure of that fleet is only a matter of minutes.

"General, we will win this war!"

Standing beside Fisher, Alfred Thayer Mahan, the US admiral, said in a calm tone.

"Before departure, we received information that the flagship of the Pacific Fleet, the Dahan, is still in Australian waters. That is to say, if our plan is successful."

The reason why Mahan specifically emphasized the "Big Han" is because it has a 380mm naval gun, which is not only daunting, but more importantly, the main force of the Imperial Pacific Fleet is the "Big Han" in the "Dynasty-class" battleships. The No. [-] and the "Dawei", they are in Australian waters, which means that the main force of the Imperial Pacific Fleet is there, and they have the opportunity to steal chickens.

"Well... now, the only thing we need to pray is that the Imperial Navy's "Dahan" and "Dawei" will stay in Australia. Only in this way can we have a chance to win,"

Once again, Fisher and Mahan discussed their next plans.

"We first attack Yingtian with the Fourth Cruiser Fleet. Yingtian is the southern capital of the Ming Empire."

"The result of the bombardment of Yingtian will definitely make the empire's senior officials very angry. In order to save the shame, they stationed in Huizhou..."

Speaking of some awkward place names, Ma Han said.

"It is the Atlantic Fleet of the Imperial Navy in Rio de Janeiro, and it is bound to dispatch capital ships to intercept the Fourth Cruiser Fleet."

"During the interception process, they will find the first battlecruiser squadron. In this way, they will definitely ask for assistance, and the Imperial Atlantic Fleet will definitely be dispatched."

"In this way, our first campaign goal will be achieved."

"Yes, we will be in this area..."

Mahan pointed to the sea chart unfolded by the staff officers and said.

"Waiting here for the arrival of the first battlecruiser squadron, they will introduce the Imperial Atlantic Fleet to this sea area, and then..."

Ma Han clenched his fists hard and said in a firm tone.

"At this time, we will give them a big blow and completely eliminate the Empire's Atlantic Fleet. The Ming Empire without sea power will be a tiger that has lost its teeth. Their overseas battlefields will not have the supplies of the Empire itself. , can’t support this war at all.”


Fisher nodded.

"Including the French, they are also inseparable from the supplies of the empire. It can be said that the supplies of the empire supported the war in France. Without the food, meat and other industrial consumer goods of the empire, the French would have no way to support them. .”

Nodding slightly, Ma Han, the proponent of the Sea Power Theory, said in an affirmative tone.

"The sea is the foundation that determines the fate of a country. A country that loses the sea is doomed to lose its future."

As a military theorist, Mahan was already famous in the Navy for his lecture "The Influence of Sea Power on History" six years ago.The official publication of the book "The Influence of Sea Power on History (1660-1783)" a few years ago made him even more famous. In the past few years, Ji has published many books related to sea power.

Although he is a military theorist, he has served as the president of the Naval War College for two times. He put his advanced military thinking into the teaching of the college, taught the students in person, and coordinated the various warship tactics that were previously scattered to form a system that includes Fleet tactical system including battleships, cruisers, rams and torpedo ships.

And it was his advanced military thinking that laid the foundation for the rise of the U.S. Navy. After the "Great White Fleet" suffered heavy losses, this admiral, who was highly respected by the naval circles of various countries, was appointed to become the commander of the U.S. Fleet. Thanks to these efforts, the U.S. Navy finally regained some vitality.

Now is the time to restore the honor of the US Navy!


Again, Mahan said.

"Australia is the key point. From the perspective of voyage, the Imperial Navy still has a chance to bring the Pacific Fleet back..."

"It looks like there is a chance, but in reality it should be difficult."

Fisher said.

"After all, the distance is here, and they are in Australia, where their fleet is also needed!"

The new book "People in Daming, I'm a Faint Lord" will be released soon, and I implore everyone to continue to support!Thank you! ! !A book friend group has been established: 739209015, everyone is welcome to join and discuss the plot of the new book together.

In the 29th year of Wanli, I——looked at the few people in front of me.

The one sitting on the dragon chair is Emperor Wanli, that is my father, who holds great power and promises everything he says, but in fact he just listens to it.

Beside him is Zhu Changluo, that is my elder brother, the eldest son of the emperor, the current crown prince, and the future "Emperor Hongwan".When his youngest son was in power, I became the "blessing" in the "Fu Lu Banquet".

Behind them is a group of ministers, they seem to be out of righteousness, they really are full of righteousness, my father can't compete with them, and was forced to live in seclusion in the palace for 30 years.


Killing his brother and forcing his father, that is Li Er, I am Zhu San!

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