Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 158 Armstrong Cannon

Chapter 158 Armstrong Cannon (First update, please subscribe)
Conflicts sometimes come so suddenly.

It is simply a bit unexpected!
A war over a ship?
Zhu Xianhai's mood instantly became a little helpless.

But in desperation, his brows were furrowed, which was precisely the necessity of a certain kind of development.Now the reaction of Buenos Aires just proves one point - they will not sit back and watch the development of Nanhua.

There is not much time left for Nan Hua!
With the cigar between his fingers, Zhu Xianhai frowned.

"It's a bit difficult!"

Puffing on a cigar, he said again.

"After all, if we accept it, it means that we have surrendered the legal principles. After all... I have never admitted that this land belongs to Argentina! This is a land without owner. Since it is ownerless, whoever owns it will own it. This is the legal basis for our owning this land!"

Where the law lies!
The so-called "jurisprudence" is actually the rules of the game formulated by the imperialist powers. Is it important?Very important
"Although it is said that "a hundred volumes of public law is not as good as a few cannons, and a few volumes of peace treaties are not as good as a basket of ammunition", what are the rules of the game in the world now? Who owns it and who owns it? No country will violate this basic legal principle, because this When it comes to their own colonies and their core interests, even if they disagree with our possession, they will solve it in another way instead of denying the legitimacy of our possession.”

What is another way? Of course it is war, which is a military threat, but the "jurisprudence" is related to their immediate interests, and they will be very smart not to touch this principle. Otherwise, today France denies Britain's actions against Canada. Tomorrow Britain will deny France's possession of North Africa, and the international colonial order will be in chaos.

Those imperialist powers are all masters!
Why do the great powers sign treaties, and why do they formulate one rule after another? To put it bluntly, it is for the sake of "unity with the outside world" and to avoid internal friction among the great powers.

"This is why the lord asked me to learn the public law of all nations!"

Fang Zhanbo thought for a while and said.

"The purpose of studying the public law of all nations is not to obey it, but to use him to communicate with the great powers within the rules of the game of the public law of all nations. But what is the core of the public law of all nations? It is the strong who use the public law to bully the weak!"

It is not limited to the public law of all countries, even if a lawsuit is brought to the Yamen in the country, it is also "official words with two mouths", helping the rich but not the poor, helping the strong and not helping the weak.


This is the "fairness" in the world!

"Well, the so-called public law is nothing more than that."

After Qian Deshan sighed, he said again.

"It seems that we can't accept it!"

Nodding his head, Zhu Xianhai said.

"The legal the basis for us to base ourselves on here, but what is the basis? We still need to rely on force!"

The corners of his lips raised slightly, and Zhu Xianhai cast his eyes into the distance.

"We can rely on the public law of all nations to occupy this land, but if we want to hold it, we must have enough power to defend it, otherwise, in the end, it is nothing more than making wedding dresses for other people. The so-called "jurisprudence" It is nothing more than providing a reasonable basis for other people's military occupation - others can make your "jurisprudence" theirs through military threats or invasion!"

"The law of the jungle" is the essence of this era. The so-called "international order" and the so-called "public law morality" written in hundreds of volumes of public law are essentially "the law of the jungle". If you really think that "public law can protect the world" , that is really childish.


Sun Muli said from the side.

"My lord, now the foreigners are sending warships. Foreigners have always had strong ships and powerful guns. We don't have warships. How can we stop them?"

As soon as his words fell, Fang Zhanbo said regretfully.

"Hey, it's a pity that the "Taiping" is gone. If it is there, you don't have to worry about it."

When he said this, everyone felt a pity, it was an "iron-clad ship"!

Can be strong.

But even if it is strong, so what?That ship has long been taken away by the Great Eastern and is on its way to China.

"Don't worry!"

Zhu Xianhai laughed.

"As long as there is a factory, you don't have to worry! Ships, if you don't have them, you can build them!"

"But, my lord, is it urgent to create energy now?"

"It's definitely too late to build a ship, but not necessarily the rest!"

Zhu Xianhai smiled mysteriously.

What to make?
Cannons of course!

As early as when he just came back from Araucania, Zhu Xianhai had already included cannon-making in his plan. Although he had already started casting cannons before that, they were nothing more than bronze smoothbore cannons, and that kind of cannons were sold to Taiping. The army is just earning some money.

What kind of cannon is the future?
Of course, it is a breech-loading rifled gun like the Armstrong cannon, but the Armstrong cannon is too expensive. The 110-pound Armstrong cannon installed in the coastal defense fort actually costs thousands of pounds.Paying £[-] for a cannon like that is paying an IQ tax.

Moreover, the seemingly perfect Armstrong cannon is very prone to explosion accidents due to the lack of rigidity of the material. Zhu Xianhai is not surprised by this, because its barrel is made of Basheim converter steel, and the steel material is not rigid enough. The hoop used to reinforce the gun barrel is made of wrought iron in order to reduce costs.

Since Nanhua has open hearth steel with better performance, and also has a large-tonnage steam hammer for forging barrels, why can't it make guns?

Ever since, the imitation of the Armstrong cannon was naturally included in the agenda.

The imitation work is also extremely smooth. After all, the tools and raw materials are ready-made. After casting a cylindrical steel cannon billet with open hearth furnace steel, it is directly hammered into shape with a large steam hammer. After the cannon blank is made, it is drilled with a drilling machine. Pipe, processing the inner bore, pulling the rifling line, and finally inserting the outer steel hoop through the insert, the seemingly complicated steps are actually no different from processing the steam engine transmission rod.

Even the reason why cannons can be manufactured so quickly is precisely because of the experience accumulated in processing steam engine drive shafts, cylinders and other parts.

In the forging workshop of Zhenhua Iron and Steel Works, with the hammering of a 30-ton steam hammer, the fiery red steel ingots are forged like dough.

After watching for a while in the workshop, Zhu Xianhai asked.

"This is the barrel of the 110-pound cannon we made?"

Zhu Xianhai pointed to the cylindrical steel billet that had just been processed. It looked like a steel column, just an ordinary steel column. Even in terms of quality just now, it was similar to the construction steel of later generations, and maybe even worse in quality. .

However, in this day and age, the materials they use are first-class, because only Nanhua can provide open hearth steel with excellent properties.Even ordinary carbon steel is still an extremely good raw material for artillery in this era.Even the so-called Krupp cannon is made of steel, well, it's just ordinary carbon steel.

"Yes, sir, this is the inner barrel. After rounding, it is inserted into the outer barrel. This is the complete inner barrel. At the breech, there are two outer casings, two gun hoops, and The difference with the British is that we make the inner and outer casings and the breeches all in steel."

Pierre said quite proudly.

"I'm sure we cannon affirmatively better because we're using far more than them just now."

His words brought a smile to Zhu Xianhai's face.

"So the cannon we built must be able to withstand higher chamber pressure?"

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(End of this chapter)

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