Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 159 Explain 1 what is surprise

Chapter 159 Explain What Surprise Is (Second Update, Please Subscribe)
"Our cannon can certainly withstand higher chamber pressure!"

Pierre said with great certainty.

"After all, the quality of the steel produced by the open hearth is better, not inferior to the crucible steel! However, the converter steel used by the British to manufacture the Armstrong cannon is not the same. Its quality is far inferior to our steel, and in order to reduce the cost , Their outer gun holsters and gun hoops are made of wrought iron, and even the outer tube of the inner tube is also made of wrought iron! That's why there is a risk of blasting the chamber!"

In fact, this itself was the biggest shortcoming of Armstrong's rear-loading rifled gun in the early days, because the raw materials it used were not rigid enough, which made it very prone to bombing accidents.In history, there was even an accident in which five Armstrong breech-loading rifled guns fired in salvo on the battlefield. As a result, five guns exploded at the same time. All forty-five gunners around the gun were blown up. The corpses couldn't even come out.Moreover, during the Civil War, a total of [-] breech-loading rifled guns or Armstrong breech-loading rifled guns on both sides had bombing accidents.

"But ours has absolutely no chance of exploding!"

In order to explain clearly, Pierre pointed to the ready-made cannon and said.

"Because when the artillery is fired, it will generate a lot of chamber pressure. In order to ensure the strength of the artillery barrel, it is necessary to bind a layer of gun casings or hoops outside the inner tube. This kind of gun hoops and gun hoops are drilled. When installing, it will be slightly smaller than the outer diameter of the inner tube. When installing, first heat it with high temperature to expand, and then put it on the inner tube. After cooling, it will be tightly tightened naturally. Because of the different materials, our cannons have stronger pressure bearing capacity. ..."

As an engineering student, Zhu Xianhai is no stranger to this kind of layered casing reinforcement and the hot-mounting process used in it. He even considered the improvement of the Armstrong cannon, such as borrowing the layered casing technology of some Krupp cannons. The former, the latter's technology is more advanced, and it is also more durable.

Zhu Xianhai came here this time for another matter, so he interrupted him and asked.

"Well, in your opinion, is there any problem if the chamber pressure is doubled?"


Pierre was stunned immediately, and said in astonishment.

"The problem shouldn't be a problem. After all, the chamber pressure of our test fire is higher? But is this necessary?"

"It's absolutely necessary because..."

Pointing to the completed cannon barrel on the ground, Zhu Xianhai said.

"I'm going to use it to fire a more powerful cannonball! A cannonball with amazing power!"

Now that Buenos Aires has sent their fleet, it is definitely too late to make temporary cannons such as 254mm breech-loading rifled guns, but there is still room for improvement of this Armstrong breech-loading rifled gun. very huge!Especially the products enhanced by Nanhua's arsenal with epoch-making high-quality steel (ordinary carbon steel), not to mention the room for improvement.

That's why Zhu Xianhai decided to "replace the shotgun with a cannon" to surprise the Argentine Navy.

A big surprise!


"It only takes one salvo to make them submit!"

As the captain of the "General Belgrano" cruiser, Redesa said to Davis quite conceitedly when he received the order.

"Mr. Douglas, as long as you give an order, my warship can blast the gate of San Antonio for you at any time!"

The firepower of Ray's 2000-ton "General Belgrano" cruiser is extremely powerful. With as many as 12 nine-inch Dahlgren cannons and two 12-pound guns, this steam-powered three-masted cruiser is the Argentine Navy The most powerful battleship.

However, the Argentine Navy does not have a few warships, but even so, Redesa still seems very conceited.

"Believe me, those merchants can't stop the fleet's attack at all."

Davis laughed.

"Of course, but we should also know that there are battery forts in San Antonio Bay, and they even have the most advanced Armstrong cannon in the world,"

Some things are not secrets, such as forts and cannons, they can obtain information in this regard through various channels.

"Just a few doors, sir, and what you have is the naval fleet of the province of Buenos Aires!"

In fact, Lei Desa didn't pay attention to the merchants in San Antonio Bay at all.
"It's just a group of businessmen!"

I hope, looking at the pompous colonel, Davis prayed in his heart.

Soon, the fleet consisting of three warships left the port of Buenos Aires, and after sailing into the sea, it sailed all the way south. Just a few days later, the fleet appeared in Nanhua on the ocean.

As soon as the shadow of the fleet emerged from the sea level, a hurried bugle sounded from the fort that had been waiting for a long time. During the sound of the horn, Ding Wentao rushed out of the office, shouting as he ran.

"Everyone is in place, send a report to the commander, the big fish is coming!"

Here comes the big fish!

In the past few days, he and his brothers on the fort have been waiting for the arrival of the big fish.When the gunners rushed to the gun positions one after another, Zhu Xianhai immediately went to the pier and went to the fort after receiving the telegram from the fort.He didn't have to worry about Nanhua's safety at all. After all, the range of the naval guns in this era could not hit the city at all.

"The big fish is here!"

Standing on the small steamer, Zhu Xianhai said to himself.

His fists were clenched sometimes, and sometimes loosened. There was a hint of anticipation in his seemingly calm expression.

Six days ago, when Resas Della received the order to prepare to leave, he had already started preparing for the "welcome ceremony".

After waiting for six days, the big fish finally came.

Mighty... No, the fleet composed of three warships swaggered to the open sea less than two kilometers away from Nanhua Bay, and then stopped advancing.

"Signal to Major Bernardino, let him get close to the coast and give the other party a signal, tell them that the Argentine Navy's First Squadron will sail into San Antonio Bay!"

When Zhu Xianhai boarded the fort, the fort just received the flag from the other party.

"Answer them, welcome them to come, this is the territory of the American company, ask them to raise the flag of the merchant ship and enter the port."

This is the rule of the Age of Discovery. If a country is a colony, the flag of the other side will be raised. If it is a territory owned by a company, the warship needs to change the flag of its own merchant ship to enter the port.

Of course, this is also the rule of the public law of all nations. To put it bluntly, the contest starts with the semaphore.

"damn it!"

After seeing the semaphore reply from the fort through the telescope, Resas immediately said angrily.

"Tell the damn guys that Patagonia, including San Antonio Bay, is Argentina's homeland, and we have the right to enter any Patagonian bay, including San Antonio Bay! If they deny us access, it's at our own peril !"

Consequences at your own risk!

Standing on the wall of the fort, staring at the three warships on the sea, feeling the gentle sea breeze, Zhu Xianhai's lips whispered softly. He didn't even use the simulator, but turned his head and asked directly.

"How about it, Director Ding, are you sure you can sink it!"

Big fish!

What is a big fish, of course it is a big fish that is sent to the bottom of the sea. This is the embodiment of hospitality!
Since they are fish, they should be sent to the bottom of the sea!

"Back to the Commander-in-Chief, no matter how big the boat is, it's just a wooden boat! As long as the Commander-in-Chief gives an order, we promise to sink them within half an hour at most!"

Wooden hull boat!
These days, even the UK doesn't have many ironclad ships, and Argentina... doesn't even have ironclad ships with wooden hulls and iron sheets.

Just relying on the surprise I gave them, it would be easy to sink them. Of course, the premise is that they can hit them. Otherwise, no matter how powerful the shell is, it will be useless.

"Then please, brothers!"

Smiling, Zhu Xianhai said.

"Respond to them, Argentina's southern border stops at Viedma! San Antonio Bay and the surrounding areas are the territories of the América Corporation, please abide by public international law!"

(End of this chapter)

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