Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 160 The Surprise Comes

Chapter 160 Here comes the surprise (third update, please subscribe)
Public international law is just a piece of paper, or just a few pieces.

Who will obey, not only will not obey, even the answer of the fort completely angered Resas, and he said to Davis with an angry face.

"Mr. Douglas, you have seen that they have rejected us!"


Pursing his lips, Davis stared at the fort above the cliff and said.

"Colonel, what if we hoist the merchant flag and enter?"

"Sir, you are a diplomat, you should know that once we raise the merchant flag, it is tantamount to recognizing the identity of the other party! Then the basis for negotiation will no longer exist!"

For a moment, Resas even wanted to question Mitre face to face, haven't you studied public international law?
You actually sent a fleet, and now the other party rejects you, you are dumbfounded now!

It's hard to get off the tiger now!

"Now they have turned us away, sir, as long as you agree, I will immediately open their door and force them to admit that this is Argentine land!"

Hearing this, Davis frowned.

"Colonel, are you sure?"

"Sir, you must know that the gunboat is the passport to the whole world, and the confidence of a diplomat is given by the fleet!"

Resas, who had studied in the UK, had learned the British way. Although Argentina did not have the strength of the British navy, it did not prevent him from learning the British way.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Davis had to admit that what he said was true.


After a moment of contemplation, Davis shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Just let them face reality!"

face the reality!

Reality is the ultimatum!

"Restrict your company to open the port within 24 hours and raise the Argentine flag, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

Facing the ultimatum from the Argentines, Zhu Xianhai also responded simply and neatly.

"Tell them that America will never make any concessions on matters of principle!"

Negotiations broke down before they even started.

After making this response, the turret and fleet immediately got busy,
"Well, gentlemen, let's teach them what reality is!"

On the "General Belgrano" cruiser, it immediately boiled, and the sailors shouted and stuffed heavy shells into the muzzle.

The sea breeze blowing from the Atlantic Ocean blows the fort on the peninsula. Although the temperature is quite pleasant at this time, the atmosphere on the fort is a bit tense. The gunners stand at the end of the wooden gun mount of the Armstrong cannon , They were either squatting or standing, and occasionally cast their eyes on the commander not far away, while the fort chief Ding Wentao stood there waiting for orders.

Standing behind the parapet of the fort, Zhu Xianhai looked at the blue Atlantic Ocean, staring at the three warships, no, they were three targets.

"Are you ready?"

"Report to the commander-in-chief, the preparations are complete."

"Then let's start!"

"Ready to launch!"

With an order, the gunner behind the gun position immediately rushed to the gun position, and the gunner on the left hit the bolt on the tail of the gun with a wooden hammer.Then the two quickly turned the bolt.That is the bolt called "Armstrong screw", that is, its tail bolt. After turning the bolt, pull out the vertical air-stop bolt, reload, and then turn the bolt. The so-called breech bolt, to put it bluntly, is A large hollow screw, which is why it is called a "screw gun".

Seeing the movements of the gunners twisting the breech of the cannon, Zhu Xianhai just pursed his lower lip slightly. The operation of this cannon is too cumbersome.

His gaze narrowed slightly as the gunners raised their shells to reload.The shells they loaded were quite different in shape from the commonly used shells. The half of the cylindrical shells had a sharp streamline, which was longer and heavier.

Whether it is the original British Armstrong 110-pound cannon or the Nanhua imitation, the caliber is 7 inches. This cannon, which was finalized in 1859, can be installed on a land-based gun mount or a naval gun mount. It is a mixed structure of wood and iron. Its metric caliber is 177.8 mm, and the weight of the fired warhead is 90 to 109 pounds, which is 40 to 50 kilograms.

As for its performance, Zhu Xianhai can be said to be very familiar with it. After all, it used to be the main cannon of Nanhua, and it was used to guard the gate. It was intended to be used as a siege gun, and was later used to strengthen the defense of the coastal fortress.

However, now it uses a new type of shell designed by Zhu Xianhai - a 100 kg shell, which has doubled its weight. The reason why this shell is designed is to tap the potential of the Armstrong cannon - its caliber is about There are 180 mm, 50 kg shells, it is a bit overkill.

The 100kg one is just right. As for the range, because the shape of the new shell is streamlined, the range has not been shortened, and it still maintains a range of 3200 meters!

Zhu Xianhai smiled slightly.

This is his secret weapon - a more powerful shell!

The shouts of the gunners sounded one after another on the fort.

"Battle No. 3 is ready."

"Battle No. 4 is ready"


As the twelve Armstrong cannons on the turret were ready to fire, Wang Sanwei, who was standing beside the wooden gun mount, plugged the fire tube to the tail of the gun, buckled the matchlock, and then stared at the target at sea.Everyone is waiting, waiting for the Argentines to fire.

And the gunners on the cruiser "General Belgrano" had just finished reloading. When they pushed the nine-inch Dahlgren cannon out of the gun port, the gunners on the starboard side shouted "Done!" Ready," Resas nodded vigorously.


Following an order, the gunners on the "General Belgrano" cruiser pulled the matchlock one after another, and in an instant, clouds of smoke and flames erupted from the ship's side.

Ding Wentao shouted almost at the moment when Argentina opened fire.


At the moment when Wang Sanwei pulled the matchlock forcefully, with a loud noise, the Armstrong cannon on the gun mount rushed to the back seat along the wooden shells, and the gun flames and gunpowder smoke from the muzzle were instantly enveloped. took over the entire fort.

At the same time as one shell roared out, the other cannon also fired.For a while, the fort was full of continuous gunfire.

When the deafening gunfire came, Zhu Xianhai, who was in the bunker, looked at the sea with a relaxed expression.

There is no suspense in this conflict at all, after all, the wooden boats of the Argentines are simply vulnerable.

As if to confirm his conjecture, when several huge water jets exploded near the Argentine warship, the topmast of the "General Belgrano" cruiser exploded a huge burst of flames...

(End of this chapter)

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