Chapter 161 One Punch (First Update, Please Subscribe)
Accompanied by a violent explosion, orange flames exploded in the air and instantly engulfed the entire warship.

Amidst the smoke and fire, countless steel fragments and scorching flames swept across the deck like a sharp blade, piercing through the body of the Argentine sailor, the fragments collided with the hard naval gun, and then collapsed and shot around. Suddenly, he crushed the sailor's shoulder, dragging his severed arm and pieces of flesh and flying away.

But it was only an instant, and the originally tidy deck turned into a slaughterhouse. When the gunpowder smoke cleared, the black deck was dyed red, and there were stumps and broken arms everywhere. Among the corpses, broken bodies struggled and howled.

Severed arms, intestines, and internal organs were scattered everywhere in a pool of blood. It looked like a slaughterhouse, and this slaughterhouse frightened everyone.

After all, in people's cognition, they never thought that a cannonball would be so powerful.

After the explosion, the canvas made of sisal on the mast seemed to be soaked in oil, and was instantly ignited. The canvas on the top of the head machine was burning, and the deck was full of red.

Among the blood and fire, the wounded struggled desperately, crying.

The damage caused by the shells exploding in the air was astonishing, and it caused a devastating blow to the poop deck—those officers standing there, like targets, were swept away by steel fragments.The violent shock wave even directly tore some people into pieces like rag dolls. Their arms and thighs were directly torn off from the joints. Their bodies, and Resas, the commander of the squadron, didn't even come to give an urgent order, the chest was hit by the blown rigging pulley, and the sunken chest could no longer breathe, and blood was spitting out from the mouth He looked around desperately, there were almost no living people around him.

Those eyes that were no longer radiant were full of despair, and even more confusion. Even to the point of death, he didn't understand what was going on?

"My God, what, what's going on..."

Davis struggled to stand up from the pool of blood. He looked around in horror, his eyes full of shock.

Is this... a bombardment?
What appeared in front of his eyes was as if he had been ravaged by the god of death. Looking around, there was a lot of death. In the burning smoke, he even had an illusion—the ammunition depot exploded!
Even the power of the explosion of the ammunition depot is not so powerful!
"Sir, sir, what now?"

A bloody cadet officer shouted at him.

The captain was dead, the first mate was dead, and they had lost almost all their senior officers—whose positions were so fitting that the shells that exploded in the middle of the topmast swept across the quarterdeck and sent almost everyone into the hell
"Where's the captain?"

"Dead, all dead, sir, only you are left now..."

Davis was not a soldier. Facing the mournful trainee officer, he shouted hastily the moment he looked in the direction of the coastal fort.

"Back, back, before we're done..."

What is certain is that Davis' order saved everyone. If it weren't for the impressive accuracy of the mechanical sights and the limited hit rate these days, they probably wouldn't have had the chance to escape.


He escaped!

Standing on the edge of the parapet, Kelsey's eyes widened and she couldn't believe her eyes.

As a photographer, or the only photographer in Nanhua, he specially brought his apprentices to take some photos, but he didn't expect to be able to take pictures of war scenes at all.After all, the exposure time of the camera is very long, and the exposure time of the old-fashioned silver plate can be as long as several minutes.Even with the most advanced "wet plates", the exposure time needs to be a few seconds, but using them is often quite cumbersome work. Just a variety of equipment and medicines need to be filled with a carriage.The toxic solutions and mixtures involved in using a camera make it difficult for anyone without a working knowledge of chemistry to take pictures.

With the complicated preparation process and long exposure time, it is definitely impossible to take a picture of the battle scene.At most, it is to take some commemorative photos before and after the outbreak of fighting.

For example, let the soldiers do some posing.Including Zhu Xianhai also posed for a few photos before.Fortunately, he kept it still for a few seconds. If he kept it for a few minutes, it would probably be a typical death.

The cameras of this era are not mature at all, and by the standards of future generations, they can only take pictures of loneliness.

"Can you take a picture?"

Taking a picture facing the sea, Kelsey was not sure. After all, the exposure time is very long, even if it is taken, it may be blurry.

But right now he can't take care of that much anymore, he's just trying.

"Escaped, actually escaped!"

Staring at the three wood-hulled ships fleeing hurriedly on the sea, Zhu Xianhai felt a rush of grass and mud horses... This escape is too fast!
"You...can't hold on for a while longer, let us fire a few more shots and practice our hands?"

Zhu Xianhai was a little depressed. You know, he had prepared 100 rounds of 100-kilogram "heavy artillery shells" for the Argentine Navy, but its power was not only reflected in its weight, but more importantly, its charge. Ordinary shells are filled with black powder or silica nitrate explosives. These shells are filled with picric acid explosives, that is, trinitrophenol. It has been synthesized in 1771 and has been used as dyeing silk since 1849. Yellow dye is the first artificial dye to be used. It has spent decades safely in the dyeing workshop. It was not used in the battlefield until the 1890s. As a high-energy explosive, it even won the Sino-Japanese War. One of the key reasons for the naval battle with Tsushima.

In order to surprise the Argentines, Zhu Xianhai specially took this dye from the dye factory and put it into the shells.Facts have proved that its power is indeed extremely amazing, but now, it is just an appetizer.

Why did you run away before the main course was served?
"Can't you have some backbone?"

Seeing the Argentine warship going away, Zhu Xianhai said helplessly.

"Director Ding!"

"Big guy!"

Ding Wentao said in shame.

"Let the commander-in-chief down, the brothers are really ashamed of the training of the commander-in-chief!"

It's hard to say!
"A distance of almost three kilometers, one hit in twelve shots, and a hit rate of more than 8%. Calculated, it seems to be qualified!"

I am afraid that this round of shells was also a matter of luck.After all, they have only been training for a few months.Some things cannot be forced.

After a pause, Zhu Xianhai patted his shoulder and said.

"Strengthen your training!"

The training of the gunners still needs to be strengthened!

Looking at the gunners who were cheering for the enemy's escape, Zhu Xianhai knew very well in his heart when he congratulated them in due course that this time it was just a fluke.

If the opponent is tenacious enough, it may not be certain who will win in the end.However, relying on the amazing power of 100 kg shells.As long as one shell hits the Argentine warship.It is estimated that the devastating blow caused will make the other party flee as before.

As now, did the shell hit the mast or the sail?Zhu Xianhai is not clear, but one thing is certain is that after this shot, it can be regarded as torn face with Argentina.

What will the future be like?

Total war?
How likely is this?

On the contrary, Zhu Xianhai was a little curious about what choice Mitre would make.

"The chess game has already begun, just waiting for your next move!"

The corners of Zhu Xianhai's lips were raised slightly, and a sneer appeared on his face.

Hit one punch to avoid a hundred punches.

Maybe Mitre didn't learn this sentence, but he didn't know it at all. To a certain extent, we were looking forward to this punch!

After experiencing the long-term war of resistance in the simulator, Zhu Xianhai can be said to have already remembered Argentina, and he has new and old hatreds for Mitrena.

In the Buenos Aires simulation, in order to seize Helen's company, Miter sent his henchmen to pretend to be rout soldiers to seek his fortune and kill him.And in that long-term simulation, it was that guy who sent the minister to give Nanhua the most fatal blow in the immigration process.


Zhu Xianhai has a very good memory. Not only can he remember the books and documentaries he has read in the past, but he also has a deeper memory of hatred.

And he's definitely a grudger.

To Zhu Xianhai, this shot was revenge to a certain extent. Of course, it was not a blind move that came from his heart.

"Hmph, that guy should make a move too!"

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(End of this chapter)

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